Kobus van Rensburg Immortal?

kobus van rensburg photoPlease read this article regarding Kobus van Rensburg’s doctrine

Kobus van Rensburgs empire built on ministry money

[NEWS UPDATE – Kobus van Rensburg was diagnosed with cancer and claims God healed him – well this is what he is telling his followers.  It has come to my attention that Kobus van Rensburg is in remission, BUT that he did receive medication and Chemotherapy.  Kobus van Rensburg is still preaching Latter Rain Manifest Sons of God teaching and even more so promoting that one can be IMMORTAL while on earth.  He also teaches his followers that they are Christ.

To understand if Satan can heal please read this article.

arrowSee all articles on Kobus van Rensburg here:

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Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

16 Responses

  1. Johann Grobler says:

    What can I say? Kobus van Rensburg won’t die? We are all immortal spiritual beings. Our spirits will live forever, either in Heaven or hell. As far as our bodies are concerned. It is God’s will that we live long lives. Obviously how we conduct our life on earth has an impact on how long we will live in our earthly “container” of our immortal spirit. Seems to me that a lot of people on FB is of the opinion that this “prophet” will live forever in his earthly body. Wake up people!I have a very uneasy feeling in my spirit about this man and the cult like following he has. My advice is to pray for sensitivity in the spirit and wisdom from God to discern if you don’t know what to make of this man.

  2. Johann

    Well your uneasy feeling is there for a reason, because he does run a cult. Just read some of the comments by the lady Golda Meyer here: http://www.discerningtheworld.com/2009/11/06/what-a-tragedy-prophet-kobus-van-rensburg

  3. Elmarie A says:


    On your coment “Wake up people!I have a very uneasy feeling in my spirit about this man and the cult like following he has. My advice is to pray for sensitivity in the spirit and wisdom from God to discern if you don’t know what to make of this man.”

    The good people on this site are very very awake! I figured that one out my 1st visit here, some time ago.

    That is excactly why there are so many good people here giving heed and warnings to each other and praying to also reach out for others being led astray, by the Wolves in sheeps clothing. We are clearly warned in the Bible to turn away from all false teachings.

    Believe me there are so so many Wolves disguising themselves. Mr van Ransburg is not the only WARNING here. You just have to browse DTW and read on. Johann go read posts on T B Joshua and many others.

    Acts 20:29 (New King James Version)
    know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. and also

    Acts 20:28 “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

    Ezekiel 22:27 “Her princes within her are like wolves tearing the prey, by shedding blood and destroying lives in order to get dishonest gain.

    Matthew 7:15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.


  4. Elmarie

    Oh, thank you for those articles on TB Joshua, I am going to put that into a full post this evening. My internet is up! I just have a backlog to get through… I am too scared to open my email though…


    Now I really have a legitimate excuse for my email’phobia’ hehe

  5. Elmarie A says:


    Yeah !! im happy for you that your internet is working again.

    There is also a book written by Jounalist Jaques Pauw Dances with devils: a journalist’s search for truth.

    He talks about Mr Ruben Kruger and other:

    [EDITED: wrong url]

    It is a 220 page book available online to read at above link.

  6. Johann Grobler says:


    “Believe me there are so so many Wolves disguising themselves. Mr van Ransburg is not the only WARNING here. You just have to browse DTW and read on. Johann go read posts on T B Joshua and many others.”

    No kidding. I am in the process of doing exactly that!

    I normally watch most things from a distance but I am compelled to get involved here.

    I am truly shocked, and troubled by what I read here and elsewhere. I want to say to people, I do not judge you and I strive to walk in love, always. Everybody here is in my prayers. I pray for a major breakthrough that will set free.

    Whatever happened to getting a second opinion when you are not sure about something important? Our spiritual wellbeing is the most important thing, ever. You are now aware that what you have been lead to believe might not be the whole truth. You have to concede even if only that. I beg you to do your homework regarding what you are taught. Research the Word of God, discuss it with Christians OUTSIDE of your congregation, visit other churches occasionally. Test what you hear, don’t blindly follow. Guard your hearts.

    2 Timothy 1:7: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

    It takes the Spirit of God to produce a truly sound mind. This verse implies that, as long as the mind is devoid of God’s Spirit, it cannot be considered to be truly healthy. Any mind that lacks the Holy Spirit will, like Esau’s, be limited in its outlook, unstable to some degree, and focused on itself. It may be very sharp regarding material things, but it will be deficient in the ability to cope with life in a godly manner because it cannot see things in a proper, righteous-or-unrighteous context. Instead, it will have a strong tendency to twist situations toward its own self-centered perspective.

    DTW thanks for this site and the work you are doing on it. I feel a nudging in the spirit to promote this site.

  7. Thank you Johann.

    Please be compelled to get involved. Jesus compels us to preach the truth at all costs. We do not fight flesh but the false spirit that has taken over the minds of men. Amanda (the lady with the sheep picture) said to me once that it’s like the world has turned into a bunch of zombies. We can’t keep quiet, just can’t.

    Time is so short and there are those out there that are searching for the truth and will find it because they want to hear it and they love Jesus Christ. There are the gazillion who do not care. I am not concerned with those…for nothing will change their minds. It’s actually scary to watch people come on there under the disguise of ‘love’ and then watch them turn and their thoughts become more and more and more twisted.

    It’s the ones that we don’t see reading this blog that are being reached too… And there are lots of em.

  8. Elmarie

    Please check link to that online book and post it again. You gave me the link to your c harddrive. Fortunately for you I can’t read that haha.

  9. Elmarie A says:


    Amen !! My Point exactly !


  10. Elmarie A says:

    lol oops ha ha ok will fix now

  11. Elmarie A says:


    lol im sitting here and dont have a clue how i got to That one…lol ha ha Imagine if i had to use the link myself from your site ha ha trying to check out my own c harddrive. Sitting her tears streaming down my face ha ha ha

    anyway here is the link correct one this time


  12. Elmarie A says:


    Note- I just went and checked again there are missing pages i note now. So one will have to buy the book.

  13. Have I ever met any of you, or did any of you ever discussed what you claim a cult with me personally, be blessed in your taking the judgement seat of Christ in you hands. Here is my nr. Be bold enough to talk to me before you talk about me and please show some fruit on your ministries. Love to you in Jesus Christ our Lord cell e-mail: prophet @ spiritword .org.za

  14. If this is Kobus van Rensburg

    Then I would like to redirect you to this article: http://www.discerningtheworld.com/2009/05/06/kobus-van-rensburg-self-anointed-prophet/ which was emailed to your church requesting a response – we never received one.

    Thank you

  15. PEARL says:

    This is not actually a reply because I havnt read any of yo comments but to those that believe and to those that dont, all I can say is, this may seem to be about the Prophet but in actual fact it is about the Word of God. Yes we have heard wat he has said but have we bothered to view wat the scriptures say? Well, I have and the bible that I read in the book of John Jesus speaks and says ‘but I say to U, some of will NEVER taste death!’ to me that simply speaks of immortality (TO THEM THAT BELIEVE!)

  16. Pearl

    Well done Pearl, that is in the AFTER LIFE, not here on earth as Kobus believes.