Category: John Calvin


Israel: violence and mayhem in South Africa 1

Afrikaner: Who is Behind The Violence and Mayhem in South Africa? (Part 3)

Afrikaner Church or Freemason Temple? Riekert Botha repeatedly whacks the Reformed Church as the main villain of virulent religious infestations, and the one and only definer of “holiness” and being “an Afrikaner in South Africa.” Surely, he must know that...

Andrew Murray 29

Andrew Murray – Masonic Charismatic Calvinist

Many people view Andrew Murray as a great preacher, a godly man, while others believe there is something not quite right about him.  I have spent many a month investigating Freemasonry with regards to pastors in churches in South Africa....

Mystery Babylon - A Strong Delusion 10

Mystery Babylon is Surely a Strong Delusion

Mystery Babylon: Paganized Christianity – the equalizing of Jesus Christ and Satan making them one and the same, and the turning man into a god – for this is surely a strong delusion. Thanks to the movie industry, the music...

Charles Spurgeon – Freemason 47

Charles Spurgeon 100% Freemason

Charles Spurgeon inconspicuously included Luciferian terms in many of his sermons. These occult words and phrases have been ignored by Calvinists who to this day hail Spurgeon as the Prince of Preachers. Listed below are 7 pages of quotes from...

The-God-Gene 11

The GOD-gene, Heredity and Election

Introduction The God-gene – “Science has finally caught up with the Bible” is a phrase often heard in evangelical circles and, believe it or not, the brainchild who has shown an immense interest in brain research, especially in the field...

John Maxwell 10

John Maxwell – What Does He Believe and Teach?

Comment sent in by Robbie who just watched a video produced by John Maxwell. His laws, qualities and principles are used in churches and in the corporate world. John Maxwell (born 1947) is an American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books,...

Its Time – Angus Buchan 25

IT’S TIME – Transformation South Africa

IT’S TIME FOR “MY PEOPLE” – “MY PEOPLE?” Please note how Angus Buchan changed 2 Chronicles 7:14. Instead of quoting it correctly as “and will heal THEIR (THE JEWS) land (ISRAEL), he very subtly changed it to read as “and...

The Calvinist Shredder Ps 139_16 6

The Calvinist Shredder – Psalm 139:16

The Calvinist Shredder –  Psalm 139:16 The Calvinist Shredder – Whenever some of my “friends” contact me via my private message box on Facebook, doing their utmost to convert me to Calvinism, I see it as a golden opportunity to present...