The Rapture – An Article to Knock Your Socks Off

RaptureThe Time Has Come to debunk those errors regarding the Rapture not taking place.

I was raised in a family that followed Word of Faith teaching (yet I rebelled and went on my own left hand path at about the age of 13).  When I realised I needed Jesus Christ in my life (much later in my life unfortunately) and was born again the ‘rapture’ was just part of something that I had heard about in passing – I was actually oblivious to Christian doctrine, including the doctrine of imminency.

After I was saved and battled to find churches to go too, I hit the internet in search of the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  This was where I read up about PreTribulation and also PostTribulation (where Jesus Christ returns at the end of the Great Tribulation with no rapture of the church before that)  And then just to put another spanner in the works, I heard about Amillennialism.  Boy, oh boy.

So I started researching the Word of God and I started my research with Amillennialism, after 10 minutes of goggling I realised that Amillennialism was completely and utterly wrong. 

I then went and looked at the Post Tribulation scenario.  What I found interesting was that the Post Tribulation supporters use their verses to back up this idea but exclude the verses that point to the Rapture (or being caught up where the born again Christians will meet Jesus Christ in the air before the wrath of God is meted out on earth).  I read so many PostTribulation websites and studied their little diagrams and it just didn’t make sense.  I emailed 2 ministries in which I included many PreTribulation (Rapture) verses in my email and asked them to include them into their articles and they refused. The reason:  They had enough Biblical scripture to prove Post Tribulation without having to include vital scripture that refuted what they say.  How convenient I thought.

So there I was back at Pre Tribulation, still researching and knowing deep down all along that this was correct and that Jesus Christ the Son of God is coming back SOON to take His children away. At the end of the Great Tribulation He will return a 2nd time , this time setting foot on earth and crushing the enemy.

This is the reason for my blog, to warn people because I can’t handle the fact that many people I know like family, friends will be left behind and have to face delusion, confusion, terror and utter hopelessness in their minds as to what happened and try cope with the after effects.

That very moment will be unlike anything  the world has ever experienced, and it gets worse.  Much worse.  Mass HORROR, mass MURDER, mass TORTURE, mass INCOMPREHENSIBLE  evil will take place.      Matthew 24:21  “21  For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.”

At the same time I rejoice for I know that I am going to see Jesus Christ the Son of God, my King, my Lord, my Saviour, the ONE I love so much, the ONE who gave HIS life for me, the ONE who SAVED my life.  I am going to see HIM SOON face to face.  How awesome is that.  I can’t wait.

We are in a time in history unlike anything ever seen before.  Never in the last 10 years would I have ever thought that I would be alive to witness this.   The (bride of Christ, i.e., born again Christians) being caught up to meet Jesus in the air.

Jesus said He would come when we least expect it.  Generally the least expected thing happens when everything is going relatively well.

Matthew 24:37-41    37“For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah  38For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark39and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.  40“Then there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one will be left. 41“Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one will be left.

Matthew 24:44    44 “For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.

During the rapture, Jesus Christ does NOT come down to earth.  (So it is not considered His Second Coming).  The dead in Christ rise first and then the body of Christ are caught up to meet Jesus Christ in the CLOUDS /AIR.       1 Thess, 4:16-18    “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”

Jesus tells us that we are to COMFORT one another with this WONDERFUL passage of scripture.

Everything will happen very fast, so fast that it will be  1 Cor 15:52  “52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye…”

The bible tells us that even though we do not know exactly when Jesus is coming back to take the his church home    Matthew 25:13 13Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.”

He tells us to BE ON ALERT as we will see the day approaching (Biblical prophecy fulfilled) and as the day approaches we are to ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER.    Hebrews 10:25:  “25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”

So it is clear that born again Christians will know that the day that Jesus Christ returns draws nearer and nearer.  If not, Jesus would not tell us to BE ON ALERT at all times and for us to watch and pray that we do not fall into temptation.   Matthew 26:41    41Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Jesus promised us He will look after us, because He paid the price for us – we are not destined for God’s wrath during the Tribulation.    1 Thessalonians 5:9,   “9For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ”

We are NOT destined to be TESTED     Revelation 3:10  10 ‘Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.

Our focus should be on Jesus Christ our Blessed Hope and we are not be disturbed by the things going on around as.   Titus 2:13  “13 looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus”

Do you fear that there is something terrible going on in the world but you do not know what it is?  Do you remember someone speaking to you about Jesus and you brushed them off as talking a load of nonsense?  Do you know the name of Jesus Christ in your mind, but your heart’s not interested because you prefer the ways of the world and sin?  Do you want to know why you fear that there is something horrible coming this way?  Do you want to change your ways and ask Jesus to forgive you for your sinful life so that you my enter God’s presence spotless.

Do you want to drop everything you are doing right now and speak to Jesus Christ the Son of God? Tell Him you are a sinner, tell Him you want to change your ways.  Tell him you have disobeyed Him, but you ask for forgiveness for everything you have done and you are so sorry. Tell Jesus that you know and believe that He died on the cross for you as a sacrifice for your sin, and that He rose again 3 days later and ascended with a physical body into heaven. Tell Jesus that you want Him to come into your life, and make you a new person.  Tell Jesus that you love him, honestly and truthfully with all your heart, mind and soul.  Humble yourself before your KING as a sinner who does not deserve to be saved.  But because of the love that God has for HIS creation, that is you, He created you.  When you truly and utterly come to Jesus Christ and repent, God truly and utterly forgives you and you are saved.


See all articles on the rapture here


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Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

184 Responses

  1. Michael Anthony says:


    Another Chuck Missler fan. And I thought I was the only one left.

  2. Michael

    LOL I wish. But then we would have met surely? So what happened? lol

  3. J says:

    Does it matter whether Jesus will come once or twice? I know someone here said that it’s not enough to believe in Jesus, you have to have believe the Bible – and if he’s right and the Bible talks about the rapture – then I have to believe this interpretation even if a lot of people seem to disagree about it and even I don’t find the word rapture in the Bible. I know that is a bad argument because you don’t find the word Trinity in the Bible either, but then again that’s the argument that was used about the use of the word “rhythm” somewhere else on this website. You people confuse me!

  4. Elmarie A says:


    On Chuck Missler – K House Africa have most of his dvd’s series available. I Recently bought “God Of Wonders” from them. It is not Chucks dvd though. If you need link I could post it here if it is ok with Deborah.


  5. Michael Anthony says:


    [secret] I am writing this in invisible ink. Wanna see the traffic on this site go ballistic? [end of secret message]

    Based on the more reliable and scholastic interpretation of Matthew 28:1-7’s predictions and the fact that a day in the bible is a thousand years + plus the fact the the 69th week of Daniel ended in 12 AD add two thousand years and the return of the Lord has to be in 2012 (1000 + 1000 + 12). Because that day in 12 AD was on the feast of Treblenacles it falls on May. So around May 2012, my predictions – give and take a month for lunar shifts.

  6. J

    >> I don’t find the word rapture in the Bible

    In the bible it mentions being ‘caught up’ – caught up in Latin is raptusa = rapture

    >> don’t find the word Trinity in the Bible either

    The ‘term’ Trinity is used to state that God is ONE being who exists, simultaneously and eternally, as a mutual indwelling of three persons: the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Count them, 1, 2 and yes 3 persons. They are all ONE but 3 separate persons.

    Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Trinitarian formula).

    It’s not the word itself that can’t be found in the bible that’s important, it’s what it TEACHES.

    You don’t find the world bible in the bible either, so close that book you are reading because making trivial arguments to not want to believe in the Gospel truth is all you will carry on doing.

    >> that’s the argument that was used about the use of the word “rhythm”

    You have the wrong blog. No one would ever argue about the word rhythm here. No really…what for? lol

  7. Elmarie

    >> If you need link I could post it here if it is ok with Deborah.

    If not why not..

  8. Michael

    [secret] I knew it! Those darn Mayans. Who gave them that calendar? But forget them, lets look at what the Bible says and I think May sounds like a good month too lol [message self destructs in 5 seconds]

  9. Elmarie A says:

    link for K House Africa for those interested.

    [EDITED 29 Jan 2010: Khouseafrica = Chuck Missler’s website – please see my comment on Chuck Missler]

  10. J says:

    >> In the bible it mentions being ‘caught up’ – caught up in Latin is raptusa = rapture

    Well in that case, Paul was once “raptured” (in 2 Cor 12) and then returned to earth. As far as I’m noncerned, Jesus told us “But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” If there is nothing to endure, it will be a pleasant surprise, but if I expect to be spared the worst and things get as bad Jesus said in Matt 24:22, I might think I missed it or something. So I’d rather be prepared to suffer as much Jesus did and be ready for it (1 Peter 4:1).

    >>>It’s not the word itself that can’t be found in the bible that’s important, it’s what it TEACHES.

    Some think it teaches Jesus will come twice, or people believe it teaches Jesus will come once, at the last trumpet, when the dead will rise and the living will be caught up, when everyone will be judged.

    >>>You have the wrong blog. No one would ever argue about the word rhythm here. No really…what for? lol

    So sorry, you’re right, although there was no need to make fun of me. It was in the Watch and Pray blog, where Thomas wrote “Apart from the fact that the words “rhythm” and “rhythms” never once appear in the Word of God, Stephan Joubert uses it to express the Emergent Church’s emphasis on service rather than salvation.” () But I’m glad you don’t fall for that argument.

  11. J

    >> Well in that case, Paul was once “raptured” (in 2 Cor 12) and then returned to earth. As far as I’m noncerned, Jesus told us “But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” If there is nothing to endure, it will be a pleasant surprise, but if I expect to be spared the worst and things get as bad Jesus said in Matt 24:22,

    I’ve already spoken about this in one of my long comments above – please go read it.

    Being caught up has NOTHING TO DO WITH JESUS’ 2nd COMING. It’s a separate event. The rapture is where the Bride (the body of Christ) WE GO UP and meet Jesus in the AIR – It will happen so fast. Jesus’ 2nd coming is after the tribulation when HE PHYSICALLY COMES DOWN TO EARTH – everyone will see Him. The tribulation is for Israel and those gentiles left behind (who were not caught up) who will have another chance to be saved – but this time they will have to die for it, give their life for salvation. Is this the group you want to be part of?

    Either way, pre-trib teaching is the best teaching of all for it exhorts people to be ready at all times in their lives for Jesus Christ. Because you can die tomorrow. Anyone who is genuinely saved will NEVER denounce Jesus Christ – so this whole story of ‘ohhhh you can’t preach pre-trib cos people will not be prepared” is a load of nonsense. Like when they don’t see a rapture will like lose faith and then lose all inhibitions and join the dark side. I mean really. You are either BORN AGAIN, or you are not. Simple. You know who the enemy is, surely? Are ‘christians’ so easily persuaded? Apparenly they are as fragile as cheap porcelin plates is what everyone makes us out to be. No wait, they confuse born again Christians with false Christians.

    >> So I’d rather be prepared to suffer as much Jesus did and be ready for it (1 Peter 4:1).

    On my that is not what 1 Peter 4 means.

    1 Peter 4:1 “Therefore, since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin…”

    “…because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin” NO, this is not physical suffering, this is dying to oneself, repenting of your sin, living a holy life as the Word of God commands, loving the truth which the the full gospel of Jesus Christ.

    The passage carries on to confirm this… 1 Peter 4:2 “so as to live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of men, but for the will of God.” and confirm again further down the passage…

    1 Peter 4:6-8 “For the gospel has for this purpose been preached even to those who are dead, that though they are judged in the flesh as men, they may live in the spirit according to the will of God. 7 The end of all things is near; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer. 8 Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.

    So the price Jesus Christ paid for you on the cross means nothing? You now need to work and suffer as He did in order to be saved in the end? This sounds Roman Catholic…suffer as Christ did. Why don’t you just start flailing yourself now… Or run off into Muslim territory and ask to beheaded for the sake of being a martyr. People die all the time, Christians die all the time, right now Christians are being murdered but believe me, the last thought on their mind was that they wanted to suffer as much as Jesus Christ did and that’s the pennance they need to pay for accepting Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

    >> I said: “You have the wrong blog. No one would ever argue about the word rhythm here. No really…what for? lol”
    >> You said: “So sorry, you’re right, although there was no need to make fun of me.”

    I was not making fun of you. How do you even come to that conclusion. Anyhow…. next….

    >> ….It was in the Watch and Pray blog, where Thomas wrote “Apart from the fact that the words “rhythm” and “rhythms” never once appear in the Word of God, Stephan Joubert uses it to express the Emergent Church’s emphasis on service rather than salvation.” But I’m glad you don’t fall for that argument.

    Huh? Ok. I know you brought in the ‘rhythm’ word as a mistake, thinking it was on my blog, when it was on Thomas’… but now you are saying that Thomas is wrong on what he had to say about Stephen Joubert when Stephan Joubert is a New Age teacher under the disguise of a conservative dutch reformed minister. Well I agree with Thomas and trying to use the argument on Thomas blog to try prove your point is just ludicrous.

    It’s ludicrous only because, when one is speaking the Word of God the Holy Spirit in you will lead you into all truth on every matter concerning scripture. You are using a false teacher (Stephan Joubert) to try prove me wrong. Not gonna work.

  12. Michael Anthony says:

    Most people get confused with Matthew 24 aka The Olivet Discourse. A good hermeneutic is to look at who the audience is [ look it up, it’s simple] then see how Jesus addresses this audience in both church terms and Jewish/for Israel terms [ he switches]. Endure till the end is also read as addressed to Israel, not the church. This is a long explanation and requires a lot of cross references – Chuck Missler does a masterful, job at this.

  13. Michael

    Indeed. I so wish people could just get out of this mindset that the end time is for Israel and we (the current church) are not Israel. Trying to get this point across is giving me grey hairs. It’s enough to make grown men cry, I tell ya…

  14. J says:

    Deborah, trying to make you happy with my beliefs will be just as frustrating. But you have an attitude as if you have all the answers and everyone else is just being slow. Why if women are not allowed to preach to congregations, when there are no walls around they are the most vocal? Is it because of the church or because of women that Paul made that a rule?

    A person is either ready or not ready when Jesus returns (or pulls us up) and no excuse will do. I know that much. To be born again means to live a life preserved by faith in God, regardless of physical or spiritual suffering. Like the faith of the church of Philadelphia kept them safe (Rev. 3:10) even if they were martyred physically. They didn’t need to suffer to be saved, but they were going to suffer because they were saved. I understand the difference and I hope you weren’t just trying to make me sound stupid (or Catholic *gasp*, they’re just the worst sinners aren’t they?)

    I’m wary of people who want to have spiritualise something to change the meaning, as if the words don’t mean what they say or weren’t intended for the people they were meant for. So thank you for your point Michael. I see Jesus was speaking to his disciples, but Matthew asks the reader (the church?) to pay attention. There is still a period during which God’s chosen ones will be tempted (Matt. 24:24) and immediately after that (Matt. 24:29-30) Jesus will come visibly. The fact that the angels will gather “his chosen ones” (v31) from all over the world surely indicates that there will still be chosen people (people whom He chose in advance; Rom. 8:29) on the earth when he comes.

    As for my point about Thomas – I meant his argument seemed to rest on the use of the word in scripture, which you told me is the wrong way to look at it. It just sounds like you’re using double standards, as if you and Thomas are justified to use words outside the Bible, but if someone else uses a “non-Biblical” word like rhythm, it’s enough to support the accusation that he’s New Age?

    I’m just saying, slander makes you look bad.

  15. J says:

    God’s new covenant is also only for the people of Israel and Judah (Jer. 31:31)

    The only way to have part in those promises is to be grafted into the branch of Abraham (Rom. 11:17). The end times are for everyone, but only those who believe in Jesus will be saved.

  16. J

    >> God’s new covenant is also only for the people of Israel and Judah (Jer. 31:31)

    So what are you saying? You are a Jew? You again have quoted this scripture completely out of context.

    Jeremiah 31:31-34

    A New Covenant

    31 “Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah— 32 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them,[a] says the LORD. 33 But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

    The new covenant is JESUS CHRIST. God is saying He is sending the Israelites His Son Jesus Christ as a new covenant that they no longer need to follow the law, for the law will then be written in their minds and minds.

    When you are born again J you become a spiritual child of Abraham. You are NOT A JEW. Jews are physical descendants of Abraham and God’s chosen people, but because they have not received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour they are not spiritually born into God’s kingdom because they rejected Him. Their time will come again during the tribulation where God will show them that Jesus Christ IS THEIR MESSIAH. God says that the time of the gentiles will be over as the world attacks Jerusalem.

    Does this mean Jews are not being saved right now and since Jesus resurrected? Of course not. Does this mean gentiles will not get saved during the tribulation? Of course not.

    Please J go and study this more…I have already explained this to a certain extent here.

    >> The only way to have part in those promises is to be grafted into the branch of Abraham (Rom. 11:17). The end times are for everyone, but only those who believe in Jesus will be saved.

    Now you contradict yourself. First to be part of the new covenant you have to be a Jew but then the end times is for everyone. Actually that is just very confusing because…. actually now you have really confused me… Anyhow. You do realise you are actually in an about way being anti-Semitic because if the ‘church’ has replaced Israel you have inadvertently taken the place of Jewish people and will claim Jerusalem for yourself.

    You are using the same type of verses that the Apostolic Reformation (Latter Rain Manifest Sons of God movement) just love to use… Where they take the promises God gave to Abraham and to the Jews to the Gentiles. This my dear J is called stealing!

  17. J

    Oh for crying out loud. Look if you don’t want to follow the truth, please do not make your problems mine. You came here ASKING and when I give you the answer you get upset and now I am the one with a problem. You see J, it’s very obvious as to what people believe when they post their very first comment. And always the deeper underlying false doctrine exposes itself more and more the more they comment.

    You had no intention of agreeing with anything that I have to say. So now you throw it back at me and give me a hard time because I will not agree with your LATTER RAIN beliefs.

    If you don’t like what I have to say with regards to YOUR questions, then go ask someone else who you will agree with.

  18. Elmarie and Michael

    Ok, I have to say this because you know well we are not here to lead people astray.

    I have done a lot of research on Chuck Missler and he is not one bit ok. Just because someone teaches the rapture does not make then ‘Christian’. Just as someone can teach about Christ but does not make them Christian. Satan is not stupid. Michael you know that you look at the whole council of God before you make a conclusion that someone is really preaching the FULL gospel of Jesus Christ or not. You can’t just look at someone’s dispensationally views and think they must be ok because they believe in a rapture.

    I will post an article about this very very soon.

    In fact this Chuck Missler topic is perfect timing because all of a sudden I have just realised the must much much deeper reason to FIFA’s interest in Africa and why we got the 2010 soccer world cup and the sudden cash flow dumping (by who knows who) into South Africa to expand IT throughout Africa like quickly. Did you know the government is giving IT companies millions of Rands to train IT professionals for free? Especially in the telecoms/internet area. And I am not talking small change here. Training into the hundreds of thousands for some. They are training guys who already have extensive experience to become serious professionals in their field to roll out the PLAN for Africa.

    Yeah I know…you must be thinking “what on earth is she talking about, what’s Chuck Missler got to do with soccer?”

  19. Michael Anthony says:


    I would not go down that route – I have listened to Chuck’s commentary on at least 12 books of the bible (that is the whole books) and have found not a single thing that I could say is suspect. If you are talking about the Y2K thing and the cosmic code thingymajik, the latter is highly misunderstood. The former; he has admitted to making mistakes and apologized.
    I have read some of the common critiques of his teachings on the Internet, most of them are highly unbalanced and others just make up accusations. Either that or they don’t understand Chuck’s [very] indepth approach to bible teaching. Chuck teaching style is not everybody’s cup of tea.

    On this one we highly disagree, unless you can come up with something explosive. For far I have not see any radioactive signs on his teachings.

  20. Michael

    I will go down this route. Because I am not going to critique the Y2K thing or his fascination with occult teaching and UFOS. No. It’s far worse than that. And yes we all make mistakes and we repent and then we change our ways.

    You don’t have to agree with me, just let me write the article and then you can take it from there. It’s going to take me while to get too, probably have it up by Sunday evening or Monday. I am going on holiday so will be ‘missing in action’ again for periods of time.

    In the mean time just relax like you are at the beach too ahha.

  21. J says:

    I don’t even know who these latter rain people you talk about are or what they believe, but if you only have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail, doesn’t it?

    Is this how you usually share your faith with people, by calling them names? Oh, so you know me from a single comment? How very discerning of you, you seem so proud of it too. But do you also notice the spirit of hatred in your words?

    But no, you are just confusing yourself. What do YOU think it means to be “grafted in”? Read Romans 11:17 and then tell me how we share in the nourishment from the root of God’s “olive tree” – surely you know who the olve tree is. Do you really intend to say God made gentiles commit THEFT by?

  22. J

    >> I don’t even know who these latter rain people you talk about are or what they believe

    Ok, well now you know what to go and research.

    I’ve read Romans 11:7 and based on how you have not quoted all your other scripture correctly I just don’t have the time right now to fix this mis-interpretation too.

    Oh wait I did. You again think being grafted is physical – it’s spiritual. And goes right back to what I said before.

    Right, over and out. I got other more important things to do. I have explained quite clearly that what you believe is not correct. Now it’s up to you to go and do your own research. If you are having any form of conviction in your heart about what you are saying and knowing fully well that you are not understanding scripture correctly then I pray you listen the Holy Spirit and go and SEEK THE TRUTH. Otherwise not more I can do.

    You think you are jewish, jews are gentiles, you are going to take over Israel along with the rest of this false church. You have it all the wrong way around. Paul kept speaking about gentiles in the bible who thought they needed to be circumcised and become Jews, he warned over and over again to stop it!! he called them the synagog of Satan in the book of Rev. because these are the ones who will be attacking Israel as they want it for themselves.

  23. J

    And YES, THEFT. I can’t right now even think of a better word! Non-Christians trying to STEAL Israels promise that God made to THEM that he would restore them to their land. And NO YOU ARE NOT A JEW.

    I am a saved born again gentile a child of God – a new creation in Jesus Christ
    When a Jew is saved they are born again children of God – a new creation in Jesus Christ

    A gentile that is not saved is NOT SAVED
    A Jew that is not saved is NOT SAVED

    Oh my word….. you have actually given me a headache.

  24. Elmarie A says:


    >>And YES, THEFT. I can’t right now even think of a better word! Non-Christians trying to STEAL Israels promise that God made to THEM that he would restore them to their land. And NO YOU ARE NOT A JEW.>>

    Proffesor Johan Malan has long articles about the “Israel Vision” believe, It just comes to mind. Maybe I can find some for you, if you don’t already have them. Article on it could be good, what do you think?

    Alot of the Afrikaners and Isreal vision people, believe they are God’s chosen nation,it is very very deeply embedded in my generation and also the older generation. The same STEALING taking place.

  25. Elmarie

    Yes please. In fact I was speaking to my husband about Johan Malan last night and I was thinking of posting a lot of his stuff.

    I know all about the Afrikaner thing. I am one, I just speak English (tragic, I know…). If I were to go by my family tree my husband and I are both from the tribe of Reuben. That whole Huguenot French thing. Dutch, French…Scotish – In fact I am quite a “pavement special” haha. My hubby’s family though, did well to keep it real LOL.

    This is the whole appeal as to why Angus Buchan’s teaching got to South African’s so easily and quickly. As per commenter ‘J’ I am completely so not gonna make it because I am not from the tribe of Judah – of course he had no idea when he wrote his comment. *puts hand to forehead and faints*. So where does that leave the rest of the world? Oh my… let’s so not go onto that topic.

    It’s ok J.

    I don’t take these things personally. I understand what’s happening. Now you need to start doing your own studying on all of this. Make up your mind quickly though, cos it’s taken me 4+ years to study all of this. I am handing it to you and giving you a head start. I got my headstart from Mike Oppenheimer and his ministry. I did not know whether I was coming or going at one stage. The Holy Spirit led me, I read and read and read, I searched and searched, bible open, books, prayer, I cried, I begged, I pleaded. I WANTED TO KNOW THE TRUTH. And now the Gospel of Jesus Christ is so easy to understand that it breaks my heart when people just can’t or don’t want to take the effort to find the truth.

    Everyone here seems to think I am this mean nasty person, full of hatred, unloving, whatever… you have no idea that love is warning, trying to protect people from harm. That I love people so much that I will sit here and take the insults and threats and just not budge because I know if I do God will hold me accountable.

    There are times when I am so tired that I don’t even have the words to express how much I am not worthy of His love for me and I just sit and cry. I sin daily. And there are times when I think I can’t even come to Him in prayer because I watched a tv program and the Holy Spirit warned me to change the channel – the swearing, the blaspheming. But I didn’t.. and I feel horrible and it hurts HIM. I am ashamed. I repent, I ask Him to forgive me for hurting Him. And I do my utter best to listen to the Holy Spirit the next time I get the urge to watch the movie simple because the story line is good, thinking I can just ignore the bad parts and everything will be ok. IT’S NO OK.

    Love…….. unbelievers love too. Wordly love and Biblical love.

    Ok, I am now going to make dinner.

    On the bright side. I will be at the sea tomorrow. Please don’t all miss me at once haha 🙂

  26. Did I say I was going to the sea? Oh yeah I did. Ok I am just rubbing it in *grins*

  27. Elmarie A says:


    Good I wil email them to you.

    Enjoy the sea. Will surely miss you.

  28. Elmarie A says:


    I have sent you 8 articles one of them, that open letter to angus . Hope you can download. please let me know when you get them.

  29. Elmarie A says:

    >>know all about the Afrikaner thing. I am one, I just speak English (tragic, I know…). If I were to go by my family tree my husband and I are both from the tribe of Reuben. That whole Huguenot French thing. Dutch, French…Scotish – In fact I am quite a “pavement special” haha. My hubby’s family though, did well to keep it real LOL.>>

    So am I, a pavement special too lol. The tribe of Reuben, well me sort of also think so . French, Flemish, German and Hubby Dutch, English and Welsh ??

    >>This is the whole appeal as to why Angus Buchan’s teaching got to South African’s so easily and quickly. >>

    I have the same idea. I want to try and find the connecion. It does make sense though.

  30. cecilia says:

    me grinn…..s too!

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