Tagged: Tribulation


The falling away 7

The Falling Away from Christianity

Answering a comment on “the falling away“: Lou said; “Tom, one great deserves another great; the great falling away deserves the great tribulation. Some wrongfully claim that the “falling away” in II Thess. 2 is the pretrib rapture! Yes, the...

Zac Poonen 44

Benson and Poonen Dishonesties

In our so-called enlightened age of reason, one of the most dangerous mortal sins you dare not do is to tell someone to their face they are liars or are lying. I realized this again when Paul Benson, the author...

Scott Pruitt – Nopretrib 33

Nopretrib – Scott Pruitt’s Brotherly Hatred

I recently commented on Scott Pruitt’s site, “Nopretrib” in response to a person with the pseudonym LT 77. This was Scottie’s response. Scott Pruitt commented on Faithful Are The Wounds Of A Friend. in response to Tom Lessing: In response...

Corrie tern Boom 30

The Rapture: The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card (#1)

The Corrie ten Boom Trump Card #1 The anti-Pretribulation cohorts, including Jacob Prasch, John Haller, Joe Schimmel and Scott Pruitt, to mention but a few, are fond of using Corrie ten Boom as an example to corroborate their views on...

The Restrainer 28

Holy Spirit (Restrainer) Taken Out of The Way…

What Happens After the Holy Spirit (Restrainer) is Taken Out of the Way I had someone comment on DTW and ask what happens when the Holy Spirit (Restrainer) is removed from earth, what happens during the Tribulation.  He said;  “If your...

Left Behind or Led Astray 45

Pre-Trib Rapture vs Post-Trib Rapture

LEFT BEHIND OR LED ASTRAY:  PRE-TRIB RAPTURE vs POST-TRIB RAPTURE FACTIONS AND DIVISIONS Pre-Trib Rapture vs Post-Trib Rapture:  Factions and divisions have always been commonplace among Christians. How do we know this? Paul himself wrote: “For first of all, when...

The Beast The Dragon and the Woman – The Sabbath 14

The Sabbath and the Tribulation

I was sent a link to an article called the “The Beast, The Dragon and The Woman” by Joe Crews from Amazingfacts.org.  I started to read this article and was very intrigued at the first few pages on his historical background information...

Rapture 41

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture (Part 1)

Introduction Many Christians argue that the doctrine of the Rapture is not important because it has very little or nothing to do with one’s salvation. This is not entirely true. Although belief or non-belief in the doctrine of the Rapture...