Category: James White


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The GOD-gene, Heredity and Election

Introduction The God-gene – “Science has finally caught up with the Bible” is a phrase often heard in evangelical circles and, believe it or not, the brainchild who has shown an immense interest in brain research, especially in the field...

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Calvinism: The Greatest God-Sent Delusion of all Time

Calvinism: The Greatest God-sent Delusion of all Time There is a way that seems right to man but the end thereof are the ways of death (Proverbs 14:12) – TULIP I am deeply and sincerely convinced that Calvinism, also known...

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James White and Child Rape – What Next, Antwoord?

Antwoord Bedieninge, a Christian apologetics institution who has hosted many sound, biblical and genuine Christian apologists and philosophers in the past, seems to have made a dive for the worst when they invited the Reformed Theologian, James White, to debate...

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Free Will Under Attack (Again?) – Part 2

Free will is permissible when Calvinists judge others’ beliefs but forbidden when others evaluate Calvinism in the light of Scripture. Calvinists are skilfull at discerning the Word of Faith Movement as being an idolatrous, blasphemous and God dishonouring teaching, and I...

Augustine & Calvin’s Roman Catholic Connection 40

Augustine & Calvin’s Roman Catholic Connection

Calvinism, it’s Roman Catholic Connection by Hunt, Dave THERE IS NO QUESTION that Calvin imposed upon the Bible certain erroneous interpretations from his Roman Catholic background. Many leading Calvinists agree that the writings of Augustine were the actual source of most of...

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Jacob Prasch – Moderate Calvinists are Good, Hyper Calvinists are Bad.

One of Satan’s greatest lies is to try and convince you that there are different types of Calvinists, that being the moderate Calvinist and then the hyper Calvinist.  It is a load of nonsense.  All Calvinists are Calvinists who follow...

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Calvinism – What would these Pastors have done if they were there?

What would these pastors have done if they were there 2 Youtube videos by Tom Lessing.  The shocking truth about Calvinism; that God does NOT love everyone savingly…  Hear John MacArthur, Paul Washer, John Piper and Robert Morey speak. and...