Category: Eugene Peterson

What’s your story – Narrative Therapy 0

“Narrative Therapy” The Beautiful Deception of Storytelling

Introduction: Tell Me Your Story. “Narrative Therapy” – Besides the various mystical practices churches, in general, have latched onto in the past few decades, several psychological techniques and procedures have taken the church by storm, claiming that it can help...

Towery 9

Stephan Joubert se Deurlees van die Boek Openbaring in Koronatyd Herbesoek – Deel 1

Inleiding Dit is opvallend hoe die boek Openbaring ’n oplewing ervaar in die gesprekke, onderhoude en preke van ons land se mees vooraanstaande geestelike leiers. Twee name wat onmiddellik die aandag trek, is Stephan Joubert en Riekert Botha. Korona Virus...

Novus Ordo Seclorum - Global Peace and Unity 1

Paving the Way for Antichrist’s Global Peace and Unity – Part 1

Please follow these links to the rest of this series. Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5 Introduction Global Peace and Unity – Important notice: It is imperative that our readers read the end notes because much of the...

Jacques Bornman 7

The Battle for the Mind

The most ferocious wars throughout the centuries were not the ones fought on the bloody battlefields of the world. The most potent wars take place in the mind of every single human being, every single day. The battle cry of...

Angel of Light 8

Hearing God’s Voice: The Angel of Light At His Very Best

Trevor Hudson and His Angel of Light at his Very Best Angel of Light at his Very Best – Have you ever attended a church service where the worshipers were so much in awe of the pastor’s sermon that they applauded...

Guilt by Association 5

Guilt by Association

Many well-known and greatly esteemed preachers and teachers have absolutely no qualms whatsoever about their association with some of the weirdest, worst, and most dangerous false prophets in these last days’ of exponential apostasy. Here are a few well-documented examples....

Attie Nel 19

Mary Queen of Heaven and The Dutch Reformed Church Apostasy

Rev. Attie Nel Mary Queen of Heaven and The Dutch Reformed Church’s [Accelerated] Downward Spiral into Apostasy Someone recently asked me “How is it possible that anyone who once proclaimed a steadfast faith in Jesus Christ can apostatize from the...

Stephan Joubert & Leonard Sweet 1

Leonard Sweet: Changing The Emergent Leopard’s Spots

Leonard Sweet and Stephan Joubert’s Emerging spots The Bible is the most amazing, most awesome and most wonderful book ever written. No other book foretells and describes future events so accurately than the Bible. It even foretells how Stephan Joubert...

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The Unholiness of Renovaré’s “Holiness without Steroids”

The Unholiness of Renovaré’s “Holiness” Adherents to the Emergent Church have an uncanny ability to tell their congregates what to do without explaining to them what they really have in mind. They have the knack to use biblical terminology very...