Category: George Bush Jr & Snr


Novus Ordo Seclorum - Global Peace and Unity 0

Paving the Way for Antichrist’s Global Peace and Unity – Part 3

Here are the links to Part 1; Part 2; Part 4; Part 5 Enter King Cyrus, the Deliverer Antichrist – Studious Bible readers will know who King Cyrus was (Isaiah 45:1-4). Was King Cyrus a saved believer in the God...

Novus Ordo Seclorum - Global Peace and Unity 4

Paving the Way for Antichrist’s Global Peace and Unity – Part 2

Here are the links tot Part 1; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5 A Common European Army? What has this got to do with Trump’s push for global democratization in the face of accusations that he is destroying his own...

Novus Ordo Seclorum - Global Peace and Unity 1

Paving the Way for Antichrist’s Global Peace and Unity – Part 1

Please follow these links to the rest of this series. Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5 Introduction Global Peace and Unity – Important notice: It is imperative that our readers read the end notes because much of the...

Owl Jewellery 10

Owls – From Bohemian Grove to Jewellery Stores

Owls – From Bohemian Grove to Jewellery Stores near you… When shopping for costume jewelry there are a couple of stores that I go too to buy stunning jewelry.  For almost 2 years I’ve noticed that the jewelry from one...

Global Antisemitism 2

How Close Is The World To Welcoming the Antichrist?

How Close Is The World To Welcoming the Antichrist? Christians should be acutely aware of the political chess game the European Union is playing to introduce to the world its false Messiah and Antichrist. To accomplish this they need to...

TonyBlair 3

Rick Warren to host ex-British Prime Minister Tony Blair

PharseeCard 20

Playing the Pharisee Card

Todd Wilken:  Playing the Pharisee Card Issues, Etc.â„¢ I have been called a Pharisee more times than I can remember. It goes with the territory. I host a conservative Christian radio talk show. I publicly defend the teachings and practices...

Brian McLaren 0

Brian McLaren Letter to Obama: Give Al Queda $65 billion – Yes We Can

Brian McLaren recently observed Ramadan with his Muslim friends. He has obviously learned much, as he now understands his duty as a dhimmi.  In a recent post he advices Pres. Obama, the Nobel Peace prize winner, on how to achieve...

Obama Nobel Peace Prize 33

SURPRISE! Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize!

SURPRISE! Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize! “Oh really?  What a surprise!”  *said with complete lack of emotion* I mean honestly.  I think it’s totally amazing that someone can win a prize for winning the tournament before it’s ended.  Oh wait –...

NatanyahuAndObama 2

Obama Promises Peace in Middle East – He Promises?

Obama Promises Peace in Middle East – He Promises? King Abdullah of Jordan’s ultimatum: peace now or it’s war next year America is putting the final touches to a hugely ambitious peace plan for the Middle East, aimed at ending...