Tagged: Christianity

rev-17_thumb 10

Back to Rome or is it Babylon?

Back to Rome or is it Babylon? In Revelation chapter 17 the apostle John was given an amazing vision of a church that will dominate the entire human race in the end time and is going to force the entire...

Firewalking 0

Firewalking – Walking into a Whole Lotta Trouble

Firewalking is becoming a common practice in South Africa Not among the Hindu’s who have been doing it for hundreds of years, but among white South Africans who are fooled into thinking that walking across burning hot coals will help...

ReligiousDiversity 5

Universalism – It seems the majority of everyone embraces it now

Author: Most Evangelicals Believe Good People are Heaven-Bound By Stephanie Samuel | Christian Post Reporter | Society  |Fri, Dec. 17 2010 07:00 AM EDT The majority of Protestants and evangelicals believe that good people and people of other religions can go to heaven, according...

Yoga 15

Hindu Symbols In, Christian Symbols Out

Cambridge, Mass. Hindu Yoga Accepted While Christian Symbols Are Taken Down MADISON, Wis., Sept. 30 /Christian Newswire/ — The city of Cambridge, Massachusetts has pictures of yoga positions on parking ticket envelopes while Christian symbols are being taken down throughout...

Collage of Self Proclaimed Gods and Messiahs 35

Collage of Self Proclaimed Gods and Messiahs

There are millions of false teachers and false prophets in the world today, below is a list of just some of the self-proclaimed gods and messiahs we care to mention. Matthew 24:5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I...


List of Authors and Books Not Recommended

List of Authors and Books Not Recommended: Contemplative Spirituality, Cultic, Emerging Church, Heretical, Homosexual, Lesbian, New Age, New Apostolic Reformation, Pro-Gay, Purpose Driven, Transgendered, and Word-Faith Authors and Books Advertised and Promoted within Online and Walk-in Christian Bookstores Worldwide Revised...

No Liberation from Resurrecting Liberation Theology 0

No Liberation from Resurrecting Liberation Theology

The feeling of cold chills that come over me when I read this, it’s just not one bit liberating. Resurrecting Liberation Theology – by Mark D. Tooley The 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall’s collapse ought to prompt leftist churchmen to apologize...

signboard narrow path – © Discerningthewolrd.com Please credit and link www.discerningtheworld.com if you use this image 53

You’ve got 4 types of Christians…

The 4 Types of Christians:  Please VOTE below as to which one you are… Confusing isn’t it?   Well I don’t blame anyone for being confused. Because this is what it’s come down too: 1) We have the Word of Faith /...