New Calvinism – Catching a Gullible Generation

new calvinismA new term has been coined for the youth, it’s called New Calvinism or Neo-Reformed.  It’s actually Old Calvinism repackaged for a more vibrant gullible generation.

Why is Calvinism spreading like wild fire in the times we living in?  Because they preach what appears to be a truthful gospel!  People are sick and tired of having to listen to the Benny Hinn’s of the world, with all it’s false teachings and lavish excesses.  So up popped the Calvinist preachers to save the day.

But the preachers of New Calvinism fail to tell their followers the whole truth and nothing but the truth regarding T.U.L.I.P.  They don’t tell you that Total Depravity and Unconditional Election are actually Gnostic teachings and they don’t tell you that the Calvinistic version of Salvation is completely unbiblical because according to them Jesus died for the Chosen only and not the entire world as the Bible states in 1 John 2:2.   When you read anything written by a Calvinist, try read it from the Calvinist’s ‘Elect perspective’, only then will realise just how terrible their doctrine is.  Old Calvinism and New Calvinism are both vile doctrines.

According to Marc Driscoll, New Calvinism is the following:

  1. Old Calvinism was fundamental or liberal and separated from or syncretized with culture. New Calvinism is missional and seeks to create and redeem culture.
  2. Old Calvinism fled from the cities. New Calvinism is flooding into cities.
  3. Old Calvinism was cessationistic and fearful of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. New Calvinism is continuationist and joyful in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Old Calvinism was fearful and suspicious of other Christians and burned bridges. New Calvinism loves all Christians and builds bridges between them.

So what we have here is Emergent Calvinism – Calvinism going home to Rome.


Albert Mohler, John Piper, Mark Driscoll and Louie Giglio have been instrumental in helping to coin the term New Calvinist to reel in the youth.  Albert Mohler you say? Albert Mohler served as chairman for the Billy Graham Crusades.  Albert Mohler signed the ecumenical Manhattan Declaration. Albert Mohler holds leading positions in two UN, NGO’s.   Albert Mohler is invited to speak at John MacArthur’s Grace to You church once a year.


Please note the leaders of this, one of them being Al Mohler a leader in the Southern Baptist denomination, others are John Piper and Mark Driscoll. It is disturbing that there is an escalation in this heresy, but just another sign we are in the last days. New Calvinism?  What a joke!

Reformed Preachers Ponder the New Calvinism

Three Reformed preachers recently sat down together to talk about theNew Calvinism that has been sweeping the younger generation of Christians.

It’s a movement that has young believers going back to the roots namely, to Scripture and the sovereignty of God.

“You’ve got a generation of Christians who’ve grown up in an overwhelmingly secular culture and they’re not part of a churched culture,” said Dr. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, in an informal discussion hosted by The Gospel Coalition.

“They’re realizing that something has to explain how they came to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. They have an absolute determination, you might say, to make clear that their first principle is the sovereignty of God, not the sovereignty of the self.”

The Rev. Kevin DeYoung, senior pastor of University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Mich., believes part of the appeal of the New Calvinism is that it’s “got some muscle to it” and is “robust doctrinally.”

There’s a renewed sense that “God’s sovereignty is biblical and massively important, that God loves us before we loved Him, that He’s the one who does the deciding work in our salvation,” the young pastor said.

In recent years, pastors have pondered the upsurge of interest in Reformed theology – which includes holding to the authority of Scripture, the sovereignty of God, and the sovereignty of grace – with some proposing that it is coming out of a restlessness and dissatisfaction with contemporary evangelicalism.

“Weary of churches that seek to entertain rather than teach, longing after the true meat of the Word, these young people are pursuing doctrine and are fast becoming new Calvinists,” states a post on the popular Christian blog Internet Monk.

Mohler has been identified as one of the evangelical theologians contributing to the resurgence. Others include Baptist theologian John Piper, C.J. Mahaney of Sovereign Grace churches, and Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church.

“What’s new is you have new people in a new time who are rediscovering the same kind of theological instincts and impulses that led to the Reformation and finding them in the same sources – Scripture,” Mohler explained.

And the desire for meaty answers to such questions as “how has God’s grace come to me” emerges “from young people trying to swim against the tide of secularism,” said the well-known evangelical.

Reformed theologian Ligon Duncan explained the phenomenon this way: “I think as the older confessional traditions jettison their fidelity to some of the great truths that all Protestants have valued because we found them in the Scriptures and see them at the very core of what Christian life and ministry is about, you’ve got a new generation of folks who are rummaging through our trashcans and saying ‘this is great, why didn’t somebody ever tell me about this?'”

As young people rediscover biblical truths, DeYoung believes it could “really reinvigorate evangelicalism.”

Meanwhile, for Mohler, the label – whether it’s the New Calvinism – doesn’t matter.

It all comes down to the Scriptures and being “committed to the Gospel, wanting to see the nations rejoice in the name of Christ, and wanting to see Gospel-built and committed churches,” Mohler indicated.

“If you’re going to dive deeply into the Scriptures, if you’re going to have to explain why the Scriptures have this authority … [and] how this gets worked out in life, frankly, I don’t care what you label it, you’re going to end up in a good place.”

Overall, the three theologians are excited.

“I think it is a wonderful and undiluted good thing that this younger generation is deeply biblical, deeply passionate, deeply convictional, increasingly confessional and ready to do something great for the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,” Mohler said.

Audrey Barrick | Christian Post Reporter


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95 Responses

  1. Adam Tousley says:

    It seems like an obvious response to the Benny Hinn theology of yester-month. The Calvinists are prim and proper and wear suits and ties. The “neos” wear t-shirts and have tatoos…go figure.

    It seems to me that “salvation” is an ambiguous term. If we’re talking about making it to heaven, then aren’t we talking about “justification”? Can I pay the price for that? Hardly, Jesus did that for me! And isn’t “perserverence of the saints” really about “sanctification”? For by one offering He has perfected forever them that are (being made) holy…

    One question I have about Reformed Theology is…reformed from what? Why the doctrines of the Catholic Church, of course! The problem is that we’re not even on a level playing field. Reformers have thrown the bath water out and kept the baby….Throw the baby out, too! The “early Church fathers” (as often quoted) had some issues to be sure. I think the seven letters written by Christ make that pretty clear. It seems dangerous to build on what is obviously a corrupt foundation.

    The interesting thing about Calvinism and Arminianism is that it appears that they are right in what they assert, but wrong in what they deny. Are these the only two options we have?

    One of the things that concerns me about Reformed Theology and it’s Calvinist roots is that it throws Israel out on her ear. How can one read the prophets and see the Church? Not that we can’t make application or whatever, but to accept the blessings and deny the curses is absurd and points to an unfaithful God. Does Israel have a manifest destiny? Not every single Jew, but nationally?

    In regard to MacArthur, he apparently does hold a Calvinist view, but certainly doesn’t hold a Replacement Theology view: .

    Again, are there only two views to choose from? “I can lose my salvation or as one elect, I have to wait to see how well I do?”

    Thanks DDW for another provocative post!

  2. jmiklovic says:

    How many times did you appeal to scripture in this article?

    Resurgence in Calvinism has sprung up as a response to Benny Hinn, prove it.

    Young people, are flocking to Calvinism because they are gullible? not sure but that seems like classic ad hominem.

    The charge that Unconditional Election and Predestination are gnostic doctrines is absurd, and the loose connections made in the linked argument are entirely based on Augustine once being influenced by Gnostics, at one point in his life. Not a very robust argument.

    I don’t desire to make people into Calvinists, and I am thrilled to share the Gospel with the world either hand in hand with a Calvinist or an Arminian. I don’t believe the differences to be essential, but they are certainly not trivial either.

    New Calvinism may be a joke… but has this article done anything to expose how laughable it is? Or is it a mere rallying cry for people who you know already agree with you?

    Best Regards,

  3. Adam

    Thanks for your comment.

    Re John MacArthur, he is a TULIPoid through and through. ( So, even through he might not hold to a replacement theology view (so he says, which I find impossible if you are a Calvinist), his view on Salvation is a mess and this is what he teaches to others.

    In fact if you read the comments here between me and by a guy called James (who I think is someone I know LOL) you will see the replacement thing come through loud and clear.

    You see, you can’t believe a false doctrine and then think that you can remove bits and pieces here and there to try and keep your audience happy. No can do. It’s either all, or nothing.

  4. jmuklovic

    >>> Resurgence in Calvinism has sprung up as a response to Benny Hinn, prove it.

    Where did I say this??

    I tell you what? Put on your reading glasses and read the article again.

    Calvinism is NOT the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The BIBLE is the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST.

  5. Koos says:

    I have recently discovered this web site and it is certainly an overload of information. I am therefore trying to work through the topics that is of special interest to me. What I have gathered so far is that a lot of criticism is leveled against different denominations and doctrines, which I incidently agree with as I see myself also as a fundamentalist.
    I do, however, have the need to, from time to time, interact with fellow believers.
    The question is now, which Church in South Africa, if any, teaches the TRUE Gospel?
    I grew up in the Dutch Reformed Church, then moved to a Charismatic group and am now attending services at a Apostolic Faith Mission Congregation. In every church I have so far attended, I find that preachers tend to (sometimes) interpret the Word according to their own beliefs, rather than to stick to the Biblical truth.
    I know the principles that the church I am looking for must adhere to, but I am afraid that I will search until I die and not find the perfect church. On the other hand, one must realise that a church consists of people who are, due to their nature, not perfect and as such contaminates the churh.
    Your views will be appreciated.


    PS. English is my second language so please excuse the imperfections in that regard.

  6. Koos

    You are not alone, but you are not going to find one. Not in this day and age. There is no such thing as a perfect church on earth as we live in a sinful world. I can tell you know, you might find a great little church, but give it time (5 mintues lol) and it will have succumb to false teaching. Jesus says where 2 or more gather in his name there He will be. I have ‘church’ with my husband. I am content with this. You can keep looking, but be prepared to hit a wall each time.

    Many born again Christians are going to the internet to find fellowship or better yet just to study the Word – cut out the middleman so so say, cos the middleman (pastors, preaches, people in general) are trouble makers. Satan wont give you 1 seconds peace nor allow you to have your ‘perfect’ church.

    Just recently, I had (past tense) 3 friends who decided they were going to start their own church. I was then told that in order to belong to their church I was not so say anything bad about Calvinism. *laughs* I left their church very quickly. They were just short of burning me at the stake and everything I did was a sin, just short of breathing.

    You see the true Church of Jesus can’t be seen, it’s made up of born again believers from all over. You might be sitting in a room with 4 other people who you think are saved, but their hearts are following something else. They might appear ok, until the time comes to follow correct biblical doctrines… then all hell breaks loose.

    Welcome to the site Koos!

  7. Ken says:

    Adam wrote: “Again, are there only two views to choose from? ‘I can lose my salvation or as one elect, I have to wait to see how well I do?’ ”

    You most certainly don’t have to choose between those two views. I rejected both of them, years ago.

    Since Jesus said, believe in Him for salvation, and be saved, John 6:47. So I am saved, and that is that. 🙂 Jesus died on the cross for all of my sins, and then Jesus rose from the dead, and I believe it, and I am going to heaven.

    I don’t have to “prove” it by works (calvinism), and I don’t have to do works to “keep” it (arminianism).

    (To stave off the “works teachers”, I have works in my life, usually more than the “works teachers” have, but I’ll never point to any of those works as being part or “proof” of my salvation, since JESUS fully accomplished my salvation for me!)

  8. Ken Silva says:

    “It’s actually Old Calvinism repackaged for a more vibrant gullible generation.”

    No, it’s not; it’s worse than anything Calvinism teaches. This is a postmodern form of Calvinism where they believe they can hold to Reformation theology, but with the practice of Counter Reformation spirituality i.e. contemplative spirituality, which negates sola Scriptura.

    As with postmoderns they embrace paradox and irrational beliefs. These guys are crippling an entire generation, but Calvinism isn’t the problem.

  9. Moemsie says:

    Hallou Koos! Ja! Ek het ook NG groot geword (my ma het later gese : dis En Gee En Gee nog meer!) Want stiptelik is die offerhande kom haal maar nie veel meer as dit! Ek glo daar is nog hier en daar opregte NG predikante-maar o wee soveel het die `paradigma skuif` geneem en bevraagteken die waarhede in die Bybel.(ons is dan nou in die Vrederyk! volgens die NG lering? Openbaring mag nie gelees word of bespreek word behalwe as dit gesien word as allegories. En dat die kategisme stel dan duidelik dat die kerk Israel vervang het!?Dis sommer verwaand! Ek stem saam met Deborah ons het hier in ons dorpie ook van gemeente na gemeente gegaan-en die Woord word so waterig of kan ek se melkerig opgedis. Ek kuier ook maar op die internet en soek gelowiges met dieselfde fondasie.

  10. Vern says:

    Hi Deborah

    I have been a visitor to this site for a long time and find it to be a good discernment resource. One thing that has consistently bothered me though is your position on not attending church.

    Let me hasten to add that I completely understand why you adopt the position of not going to church, as I too have been shocked by how many churches have succumbed to the new spirituality.

    I do feel however that the fellowship of believers is Biblical and that we should strive for it accordingly. James 10 25 says:

    “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:

    Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”

    By all means warn visitors to this web-site about the evil day in which we live, and that most churches have been compromised. Warn people to be discerning about joining a church, and to be continuously discerning whilst in membership.

    It bothers me however to hear a blanket statement saying that there are absolutely no good churches left. Surely only God would know that? 😉

    Anyway I do sympathise as I understand that you have been burnt in the past. I have too. My request is that we tread carefully and discerningly in this area as the Bible exhorts us to fellowship, and my sense from the scriptures is that it is fellowship with more than just ourselves and one or two others, so that we may encourage and bear each other up, especially in these times of apostasy.

  11. Thanks Ken.

    You are right. It’s worse. As I said below, it’s Emergent Calvinism.

  12. Vern

    Has it occurred to you that maybe [DTW EDITED OUT LATER] Has it occurred to you that the many I have attended have turned out as false as can be so I have stopped trying. I have the filling of the Holy Spirit in my life on a daily basis, just through prayer and bible study. I don’t need to attend a church just as a show of hands to sit there all smiley and hug people who I know are actually false and there to cause division.

    Anyhow, if bothers you so much, please by all means attend on my behalf. When you find a fellowship of genuine born again Christians, in my area, please let us know.

  13. Vern says:


    My intention was not to hurt or offend you, but merely to raise a point of Biblical concern.

    I hope you will realise that that was the spirit in which my comment was made.

    I had no way of knowing [DTW: EDITED OUT] which prevents you from attending church, and if this is the case then that seems reasonable and fair to me.

    The point I was responding to was that you seemed to be discouraging others from seeking to attend church on the grounds that they are all rotten or are soon to become rotten. I agree with you that most are, but I believe that there are still a few where one can fellowship, and it seems to me that this is a biblical exhortation in the Bible.

    I visited about 20 churches before joining the one I am currently at. It is ramshackle and poor, but the teaching thus far appears to be sound. You can be sure that I am watching what is preached like a hawk.

    I would like to think that those of us trying to discern the times can be honest with each other on these sorts of issues. Otherwise a website like this can run the risk of merely becoming a place where we gather to congratulate each other on how we agree on everything, and how our perspective is always entirely correct.

    The Bible warns us that the heart is deceptive above all things. As such I believe God uses, His Spirit, His Word, and fellow Christians to exhort us and warn us on our life path. (the New Testament epistles being good examples of the latter.)

  14. Vern

    I understand your concern. But understand mine and that is that I am NOT against going to church, I just state the obvious. And yes it’s for good reason mostly that I don’t attend a church. No harm done. I do understand where you are coming.

  15. Valerie says:

    Concerning church membership, we have been attending a church for two years now, but have no intentions of “joining” because I am already a member of THE CHURCH. Church membership is just a way to manipulate the sheeple. I understand why churches do this, but that does not make it right. Churches are to be a place of fellowship and a place to submit to a pastor’s spiritual authority in relationship. This is not what happens in most churches because they are just too big for that. Imagine being in a family so big that you never can spend time with your mother or father or even talk to them in private at all. The organized church is nothing more than a business these days. I am looking for a church family, not a corporation and I can’t seem to find it. I will keep looking though.

  16. Zelda says:


    The mother whore gave birth in the Reformation to the reformed and evangelical churches out of which rose the faith movements and greed movements and emergents ……….unfortunately where churches are institutionalized there is apotatacy. And I believe all churches are apostate. I struggled with this question for a long time and shed many tears…..and this is my answer with which I feel comfortable….

    Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.

    If you feel uncomfortable in physical church it is because you have responded spiritually to the call to leave Babylon. Every church is apostate, but I believe in every denomination are a few true believers who have a true relationship with God and are filled with Holy Spirit. (We cannot see the heart but normally it’s quite clear to identify these people) Where must we go- physically – I dunno. ” Not forsaking the assembly of ouselves together”…..I understand is for exhortation. How big is an assembly? I think you can be exhorted by 2 or 3 true believers. I had an extra dilemma that I decided to revert to keeping the Sabbath……why? I had a remarkable paradigm shift from evolutionism 4 years ago which led me on a search for the truth, and I believe the sabbath was instituted at the creation as a monument to the creation……..and secondly….because the Harlot and her daughters worship on a Sunday.

    Do I still have a Sunday church? Yes….good ol’ Reformed church…… they practice infant baptism and use alcoholic wine for communion and believe in Calvinism. I whince or simply have a “familiy sunday- at home” on these days. I decided to stay as my kids need stability in christian peers ( which are few and far inbetween in Holland!!!) and the doctrinal problems of my church are well documented and I don’t get jumped with surprises. But yes, spiritually I have left my worldy church. And often I feel very alone in what I believe, thus even sites like this are an ” exhortation” to me as I know there are other people who think/feel a I do. I really think we must not feel dismayed if we don’t feel at home in a church. John said that we should be from the world and not of the world. The Sabbath I devote to God. usually studying the whole day. Sunday I do the smiley and huggy thing…plainly because I have grown to love the people in my church. And my exhortation I get from a few selected people. And I pray that the Lord Jesus will come quickly to fetch us!

  17. Zelda

    It’s funny, you state Rev 18:4 yet you attend a Reformed church which may as well be a Catholic church. *confused*

  18. Zelda says:

    Goodness gracious no! I should have stressed that I attend a very small, splintergroup which is “a” reformed church. No transubstantiation, no works, no indulgences, no crucifixes with Christ….in fact no crucifixes of whatever sort. Jesus Christ is the, and only mediator, no Marian worship, no idolatry. They do however practice infant baptism, but I try to avoid those services. Calvinism is the official doctrine but according to me the average churchgoer is so Bible-illiterate that they don’t even understand why they are labelled as calvinist! They do resist eucumenical movements very adamantly too (-which quite frankly surprises me seeing how easy people compromise these days)

    I’ve tried the local Baptist church, but I find their worship so loud and secular and irreverent, it feels like an entertainment show of sorts, although their doctrine is more sound.

    I stated Rev 18:4 as applicable to the
    Mother harlot and her daughters (from REv17:5) I think all churches are apostate……only individual churches ..depending on their leader, may be closer to a “true” church. As I’ve said, I shed many tears and prayed alot. ,I have peace now but when the answer comes I am sure I will know

  19. Burning Lamp says:

    Oh my Zelda, I fear you are making a HUGE mistake exposing your children to false doctrine. Surely you can find another body of believers that preaches believer’s baptism and does not blaspheme the Lord’s table by using fermented wine which is by the way a stumbling block to many who have come out of alcoholism.

    I have a peculiar belief about alcohol – many use Jesus making wine at Cana as an excuse to imbibe. Wine in the Bible can mean both fermented and unfermented grape juice. It was the custom in Bible times to boil down the grape juice to keep it from fermenting and then reconstitute it with water. That I believe was Paul’s recommendation to Timothy, not to tip the bottle for medicinal purposes.

    Fermented wine is a product of decay which is a product of the Fall. Our Lord would never have created wine that was spoiled or decayed. And it is certainly not appropriate to use fermented wine to remember His precious shed blood.

    Zelda, I hope you will consider this admonition spoken in love from one believer to another. You are being deceived if you think God wants you to remain in a place that does not preach the Gospel. If they preached the true Gospel they would not practice infant baptism. Also, if the church is reformed, they are not teaching the true Gospel. You should run, not walk away and ask God to redirect you.

    And Debs, no one can judge you for running out of churches to attend. Your desire is for fellowship and if there was a place where the Word was faithfully taught, I am sure you would be there with bells on. Those who criticize you don’t realize how lonely it is and certainly not isolation that is desired.

    Many who discern the times find themselves with no place to go and are unwelcome when they try to shine the light of truth.

  20. Zelda

    I see what your are saying, but hear me out now. Surely what they preach is not Christ centered because of the fact they are Calvinist?

  21. Zelda says:

    Your belief about wine is not peculiar – I’ ve read a few good books on subject. It is blasphemy to compare the precious blood of Jesus Christ with a fermented substance . In the Bible fermentation signifies sin, as leven is also used to signify sin. But people will do anything to rationalize the use of wine. I beleieve that anything that impairs your ” contact” with the Holy Spirit, even if it means being only slightly tipsy from a glass of wine, is wrong and dangerous. Besides the fact that a journey starts with a step at a time and that is true for alcholism too.

    (Maybe) I was also rationalizing the church I attend. I can give a few more ” reasons”, but that will only be delaying the decision. But I hear what you are saying. Actually the calvinism is so watered down – they never actually ” preach” it – but they still believe it. Actually I gave up my search for a new church a year ago as my husband was not yet quite where I was on the journey and it was creating tension in my marriage -so I was gently nuturing and waiting, but he has radically changed and has even given up his ” beertje” (diminutive for beer) and now supports total abstention from alcohol.

    Thankyou for guidance. I will take it to heart, and carry on with my journey. Actually I never comment on blogs as a rule….but maybe I will report back when I am settled again!

  22. Free Grace Believer says:

    calvinists get so much stick from so called christians who think they know Calvinist doctrine is wrong for a fact but without much biblical basis to back themselves up ! calvin and the protestant reformers are responsible and this is a fact that we have any reformed bible based churches, if it werent for the calvinistic protestant reformers and their so called heretical doctrine we would still all be roman catholics under the pope and in complete and total darkness. calvinist quite rightly put God in charge on the throne and man in the dusk but free will believers put Man in charge of salvation and God in the dust relying on man to by an act of his will and choice choose God and by an act of his work basicaly save himself ! the biggest problem folk have or dont understand is what actually happened at calvary? did Jesus die for the church whom God elected and chose from before the foundation of the world? and and at a time chosen by God those elect were born and brought to salvation by the gospel through the working of the holy spirit, therefor Jesus knew in advance who would accept him and who wouldnt so only died for his sheep whom the Father gave to him and he lost none. his sheep knew his voice and they followed, either that or Jesus died on the cross for nobody, he only died to make salvation possible in the hope that thru time man if he choose to accept the gospel would be saved? he died for nobody in perticular and gererally for the whole world with no special purpose for the church? calvinists put all the saving grace on the Lord and none on man as he was dead in trespasses and sin and would and could never by an act of his free will accept the gospel without the work of the spirit, you hath he quickened who were dead ! God is sovereign man is responsible, i believe Jesus died for his elect church and them only. if he died and took away the sins of the whole world without exception then all without exception would be in heaven and even the free will armminians dont believe that so even they limit the atonement ! i dont call my self a calvinist as i follow Jesus christ not john calvin but i do belive his TULIP formula is indead the true doctrine of salvation. i am saved though the sovereign election and calling of God and christs atoning work on the cross and i done nothing to earn salvation and owe all to christ, the arminnian says it was half God and half his choice when he decided to accept christ by an act of his free will and that he will be in heaven because he was sensible enuf to accept christ so in turn the sinner in hell must be there because he didnt use his free will to accept christ??? all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. the free will doctrine is the heretical doctrine and free will easy believeism leads to preachers like benny hinn who preach all u haver to do is sign a card to be saved, no wonder they are leaving the false teachers having itching ears, read your bible and leave calvin alone !!!!!

  23. DG says:

    John MacArthur is not part of New Calvinism whatsoever. The Father of this Neo-reformed movement is John Piper and the Acts 29 Network men which are also headed up by Mark Driscoll. If the roots of this group are traced one will find Leadership Network.

    John MacArthur is a 5 pt “calvinist” or he probably would prefer to say he stands on the doctrines of grace. Lordship Salvation has been misconstrued by people. It is NOT a “works salvation” whatsoever.

    Jesus become your Savior and is He not your Lord once one comes to repentant faith? Yes! Do we “grow in Christlikeness” and strive for this as believers? Do we want to be more like Jesus through the reading of His Word and fellowship along with prayer? YES.. This is Lordship salvation.. a term that has been used to promote something other than what it is.
    Repent and believe the gospel.. something that occurs as a result of the HOly Spirit’s Conviction upon THOSE who are His own and yes, predestined before time.. God’s omniscience of His own..

    The upon repentance and believe the desire to Grow in Him.. and yes, the believe stumbles and sins and it is an ONGOING confession to the Lord (Lordship) as one grows In Him.. No works.. this has to do with sanctification.. until that day we stand before the Savior in our glorified Bodies!

    Please do not confuse MacArthur with these other men. There are many who stand on the doctrines of grace who are very concerned and even upset over this new group or “postmodern” (neo/new) reformed group. They:
    1. Promote the false teaching of spiritual disciplines (MacArthur is against as this is rooted in eastern mysticism with promotion of Foster/Willard/Merton etc)
    2. Contextualize scripture (something MacArthur’s assso. pastor; Phil Johnson has written against on Pyromaniac website)
    3. Non-Cessationists (MacArthur is a cessationist)
    4. Post-trib/Amillenialists (note: MacArthur is pretrib)

    Quite a big difference and very disturbing and sad in this new group.

    Prayers for people to come to repentant faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. Mark 1:15

    Thank you.

  24. DG says:

    please excuse my typos in the prior post. Thank you.

  25. Hilgard Muller says:

    Is there any artcle on John MacAthur, is he also a FP

  26. African Man.... says:

    First of all, I have to confess that the email address I used in this post is absolutely false, but please let that not discredit what I am about to say. I am just a tad paranoid about the information I dispel over the web.
    That being said, I always check up on this blog because I am a firm believer in the fact that Christians should be watchdogs for other Christians, and weigh what is being commonly said against what scripture says, so that 1 John 1 v 1-4 will be fulfilled.
    I have read your article and I would like to draw everyone’s attention to the following post:

    If you have the time to read the posts here, I would suggest you read the entire transcript (all 4 parts). I would like to know your thoughts on it, and please read through it, don’t just scan through it looking for error.

    I have been studying John Macarthur’s ministry and while it has not been free from speedbumps (no good ministry is, check out what happened with the corinthians) He is one of the few that is actually improving his theology in the right direction, so even if you feel you have found a flaw, don’t make it sound like he is the next coming of Rick Warren.
    When you do this, you sound no different from the mainstream media around the world with their “hot button journalism” that serves to stir up nothing but chaos and confusion, to the benefit of the rich that own and control the information.

    And about Mohler and the Manhattan declaration, while that is sad, do not associate it with Macarthur’s theology because Macarthur refused to sign it. He does not care about Neo-Calvinism, that is Driscoll’s cup of tea. The Shepherd’s Conference is about an entirely different thing, go and read up on it (though I am pretty sure you must have, seeing as you are always so thorough).

    Lastly, I am not trying to be combative (unless it is against heresey), I am just a young man who almost Lost his faith because of blogs like these taking some things out of context. I thank God for the Bible, because at the end of the day that is the only word that matters. Peace to you all, and God bless you all in all that you do, and may you all never lose your fire in your continuous pursuit of the truth according to God’s word in Jesus’ name….

  27. Sarah M says:

    Okay, I just found this site and have been perusing relevant topics when I came across this one. I am a Driscoll, Mohler, MacArthur fan (did I miss anyone?) and am definitely in the *young* crowd they attract and yes, discovered them in my university ministry. So, a little concerned, but I have a couple of thoughts…

    1) I do not claim Calvinism, and I think it is far from perfect. I don’t believe Calvinism/Reformed Theology is the Gospel, but ‘the Bible is the Gospel of Jesus’ It does, however, aid me in understanding. I don’t believe that Theology will save us, but I believe that theology is a good tool to use to better understand things. (1 The. 4:13 – Paul teaches them about ‘those who are asleep’ so that they wouldn’t be alarmed. This is an example of a teaching that is doctrinal, that helps to comfort after someone’s passing) The thing is, if seeking Truth is seeking God, who is True, then wouldn’t it make sense to find a reasoning/rationality about Him? I think it would be unwise to think we can box God’s ways neatly. But can’t we understand from what has been revealed in the Word to put together some sound guidelines?

    2) I also do ’embrace paradox and irrational beliefs’ (to some), but not in a “the Truth can never be known” kind of way. 1 Co 13 says that we “know in part” so we can’t ever get all the pieces right (especially since this is referring to knowing Christ, and that is what doctrine seeks to do this side of eternity) So, one day we WILL know, but until then His ways are higher than ours. An example of paradoxes I believe – God is both meek and mighty. That is straight from Jonathan Edwards. Another is, I believe I am saved now, but also have the hope of salvation. Regarding Calvinism, I believe in the elect of God’s chose, but also believe that we don’t know who they are (ro. 8:19) and so we must tell everyone everywhere about Jesus’ sacrifice. These things are paradoxes, but don’t lessen at all the objectiveness of the Truth of God.

    3) Calvinism again, I DEFINITELY believe in the preseverance of the saints!

    4) I agree that these are dark times. I am disheartend by what I see in the world, by what people I know approve of and am daily seeking to practice my discernment between good and evil. Thanks for what you all are doing. Let me know if i’m gonna burn for podcasting piper..

  28. Free Grace Believer

    Oh boo hoo. What a load of nonsense.

  29. Hilgard

    I used to read John MacArthur and recommended him until I came to understand the ins and outs of Calvinism. When I realised how vile it was I could not believe how a man like John MacArthur (smile and all) could willingly follow such teachings.

    Calvinism is terribly deceptive in that it sounds 90% biblical, but when it comes to Salvation, there is no genuine conversion, you are just ‘chosen’. And because one needs to be GENUINELY SAVED in order to be a GENUINE Christian, if there is no genuine salvation then everything is FALSE.

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