Category: Gnosticism

MorielAndMidrash 36

Moriel Ministries and MIDRASH

Moriel and Midrash by Martin Horan – 21/12/2012 Having held a fascination for Jewish theology and philosophy, and read and studied much on these things for about forty-five or so years, I occasionally check out Jewish sites on-line. I especially enjoy...

JacobPrasch-RevilerWords 70

Jacob Prasch the Railer

DTW exposed Jacob Prasch from Moriel Ministries here:   Jacob Prasch – Twisting Scripture the Midrash Way.   Not long after the article was published, Jacob Prasch unfortunately graced us with his presence and commented on the blog.  Jacob Prasch had nothing nice...

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Jacob Prasch – Twisting Scripture the Midrash Way

Shadows of the Beast:  Jacob Prasch – Twisting Scripture the Midrash Way So I bought the book, “Shadows of the Beast” by Jacob Prasch and didn’t really make it past the Prologue.  I was kinda horrified at a number of...

Theo Geyser 5

Theo Geyser – ‘What Does God Think of Us?’

So What does God think of us according to Theo Geyser About sixteen years ago Coetzee Zietsman, one of the cameramen of the series, “What does God think of us?”on SABC2 (8:30 AM), produced a similar program for SABC TV. It was probably...

God 44

The Bible says, “I said, You are gods” – But is this entirely true?

I said, You are gods Many a preacher today teaches that we are gods, or little gods, based on the incorrect interpretation of scripture.  Some are very subtle in the way they teach this message, others come out right and just say...

MarkDriscollsT-Shirt 95

New Calvinism – Catching a Gullible Generation

A new term has been coined for the youth, it’s called New Calvinism or Neo-Reformed.  It’s actually Old Calvinism repackaged for a more vibrant gullible generation. Why is Calvinism spreading like wild fire in the times we living in?  Because they preach what appears...

AugustineLightnerMuseum 154

Unconditional Election and Total Depravity are Gnostic Teachings

Unconditional Election and Total Depravity are Gnostic Teachings Unconditional Election (Predestination), is the letter U in the acronym T.U.L.I.P that forms the basis of Calvinism. The doctrine of Predestination asserts that some people are born already selected for salvation or...

TheStarOfDavid 67

Is the Star of David a Godly Symbol?

Is the Star of David a Godly Symbol? As Christians we believe by faith in Jesus Christ. We do not need symbols, signs or trinkets to remind us who Jesus Christ is because we have the Holy Spirit abiding IN US....

Menorah-7Candles 75

Why would a Christian use a Menorah?

As Christians we believe by faith in Jesus Christ.  We do not need candle sticks to remind us who Jesus Christ is because we have the Holy Spirit abiding in us.  The Menorah is part of the Jewish faith –...

Benny_Hinn_Neanderthal_man 16

Benny Hinn and the Neanderthal Man

The FACTs in plain sight Benny Hinn, the word evolution is defined as, “1. gradual development. 2. development of species from earlier forms, as an explanation of origins” (The Oxford Desk Dictionary and Thesaurus, Oxford University Press, 1997, p. 262)....