Category: Churches

Afrikaner: Who-is-Behind-Mayhem-and-in-SA 0

The Gospel of Power: Who is Behind the Violence and Mayhem in SA? (Part 5)

The New Israel and The Gospel of Power (The Send) – On God’s Side? It is a many-splendored thing to urge South Africa, and in particular, the Afrikaner nation to repent, lest God’s judgments come upon them as it had...

Afrikaner: Who-is-Behind-Mayhem-and-in-SA 4

The New Israel: Who is Behind the Violence and Mayhem in SA? (Part 4)

The New Israel: From the Frying Pan into Strange Fire? Several churches have experienced major exoduses in these last few decades. One of the more recent ones to have taken place in South Africa was when thousands upon thousands left...

Israel: violence and mayhem in South Africa 1

Afrikaner: Who is Behind The Violence and Mayhem in South Africa? (Part 3)

Afrikaner Church or Freemason Temple? Riekert Botha repeatedly whacks the Reformed Church as the main villain of virulent religious infestations, and the one and only definer of “holiness” and being “an Afrikaner in South Africa.” Surely, he must know that...

Israel: violence and mayhem in South Africa 2

Israel: Who is Behind The Violence & Mayhem in SA? (Part 2)

Anti-Semitism maligns, disparages, and vilifies God’s character which is to be true to Himself in doing what He says He will do.

Israel: violence and mayhem in South Africa 3

Antisemitism: Who is Behind The Violence & Mayhem in SA? (Part 1)

Introduction on who is behind violence and mayhem in South Africa How do you prove that Israel is no longer or never has been God’s chosen people? The best way, according to Riekert Botha, is to compare the Afrikaner nation...

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Entstof -Stephan Joubert in Gesprek met Dr. Ena Bromley

Stephan Joubert van Ekerk-faam het op 22 Desember 2020 in ”n regstreekse uitsending ‘n onderhoud gehad met Dr. Ena Bromley, ‘n internasionaal bekende genetikus. Die vraag is gevra of Christene die Covid-19 entstof kan neem, veral ten aansien van “sekere...

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Why are you afraid of Christmas?

Why are you afraid of Christmas? Transcription of above audio: In one of the most recent articles on his E-church webpage (dated 17th December 2020), Stephan Joubert recounts a conversation he had with a woman who maintained, and rightly so,...

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Riekert Botha – VitaDei Vrymesselary?

Inleiding VitaDei Vrymesselary – Ter inleiding wil ek ons lesers eers graag daarop wys dat, soos in enige ander mistieke filosofie of sisteem, godsdiens of beweging, die sg. Pelgrimsreis of Pelgrimstog (“journey”) wat elkeen in die mistieke domein onderneem in...

AA Alcoholics Anonymous One-day-at-a-time 4

AA – One Day at a Time – Pure Demonism

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) – One Day at a Time – The requirements for sweet fellowship with God in his holy presence God solemnly warns, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not...

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Andrew Murray – Masonic Charismatic Calvinist

Many people view Andrew Murray as a great preacher, a godly man, while others believe there is something not quite right about him.  I have spent many a month investigating Freemasonry with regards to pastors in churches in South Africa....