The General Conversation Section – If You Don’t Know Where to Say it, Say it Here!

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If You Don’t Know Where to Say it, Say it Here!

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Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

723 Responses

  1. John Chingford says:


    Also be aware that the enemy (devil) is called the “accuser of the brethren” because he accuses us that we are not really saved. he is a liar and cannot actually remove our eternal security “nothing can separate us from God’s love” once we are saved, all he can do is try to convince us that we are not saved because it weakens us (as believers) in our testimony/witness if we believe the lies. The scriptures say that “greater is HE that is in us that he that is in the world”. That is saying that the enemy (devil) is limited in what he can do to us BECAUSE we have the Holy Spirit within.

    WE ARE SEALED and eternally protected. Do not believe the thoughts that come to your mind IF THEY ARE UNSCRIPTURAL. The BIBLE tells us the truth for example NOTHING can separate us from God’s love, that is IN Christ Jesus. If we have faith in Jesus for our salvation then nothing can separate us.

  2. Dan

    Regarding Deliverance. What I would request you do is make a list of everything you did in your past (including the Kundilini thing) and ask Jesus for forgiveness of each and every single sin in your life (that you can remember) – that is if you have not done so already – to break any chains Satan has over you. Satan loves to hang on to us via things we have done where we have opened a door to let him into our life and we need to shake him off of us through the power of Jesus Christ’s mighty Name and close that door.

  3. John Chingford says:


    regarding Hebrews 10:26-31 especially verses 26-29

    “If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?”

    If you consider the whole book of Hebrews and the history behind why the book was written, you will understand what the writer meant by “If we deliberately keep on sinning”. The sinning he is referring to is the sin of returning back to the OT laws. They were acting like the sacrifice of Jesus was not enough and that they needed to follow the law also (like Catholics today).

    “no sacrifice for sins is left”. Of course, if they do not consider the absolute perfect sacrifice as sufficient then what other sacrifice can replace it? There IS NO OTHER sacrifice good enough.

    “but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God

    The key words here are “enemies of God”. Born again believers (including you) ARE NOT ENEMIES OF GOD. The writer was using a bit of sarcasm or irony to show how ludicrous it was to return to OT law and animal sacrifice. He was showing them that there was nothing to be gained by it because (in sarcasm) he is saying, if you want to live like that (like the unbelievers) then you should understand that these unbelievers will be consumed so why follow their ways, do you also want to be consumed?”

    However, he goes on to say “How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?”

    He again is referring to those unbelievers that they will be severely dealt with for rejecting the ultimate perfect sacrifice. He is also pointing out that if unbelievers will be severely dealt with then what about believers who do the same thing? It is a rhetorical question in showing the logic that believers living like that makes no sense and will cause them to ALSO be punished by God. However, punishment of bellievers is WHOLLY different from the punishment of unbelievers. Believers will NOT be sent to hell but will be chastised by a loving Father. The key word is “deserves” to be punished.

    However, in chapter 12:6 it says “because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son”. Punishment does not mean hell for a believer.

    Then in the context of chapter 10 it says in verse 39 “But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved”. All born again believers are “those who believe and are saved” PERIOD!!!

    The writer to the Hebrews was specifically using a hypothetical argument to make a major point to the Judaizers in their midst who were troubling the true believers, advising the believers to NOT follow them. Why??? Because of all the reasons he gave throughout the book of Hebrews.

  4. Dan

    Noooooooooooooo need to feel embarrassed – REJOICE! 🙂 I am so happy you found this blog!

  5. Dan says:

    Deborah, regarding your comment “Regarding Deliverance” – I do that daily now. Thank you. John, thank you for taking the time to explain. Much appreciated.

  6. Dan

    There you are, we thought you had run away 🙂 Happy you are back!

    Yes asking Jesus for forgiveness of our sins on a daily basis is crucial and mentioning what they are is also important. If you are having problems in certain areas ask Jesus to help you overcome these sins. Sometimes it might take a long time. For instance it took me months of praying and praying and praying for Jesus to deliver me from smoking (after I was saved). But I did not give up. In fact the more I tried to stop smoking by myself I found that I smoked MORE. So it was futile that I try stop smoking by my own flesh. I needed JESUS to rectify the problem.
    One day after praying and begging and pleading Jesus delivered me from smoking – what a miracle that was. My husband and I cried together as we thanked Jesus. My husband was so excited because he did not smoke and I was driving him out of the house lol. I started smoking when I was young out of rebellion and now as a Christian it was something that I had to stop, but only with Jesus’ help was it possible.

    We will ALWAYS be sinners (every day we will sin just by thinking the wrong things), but we will strive to be holy to the best our our ability and pleasing to Jesus. And this is not ‘works’ We are not working for our salvation. When we are saved, ‘conviction’ from the Holy Spirit and ‘repentance of sin’ comes with the package 🙂

  7. salty says:

    Does anyone here ever discuss money/wealth?
    I have read Tithing – Are you really robbing God if you don’t? but this is not what I’m referring too. thx

  8. Kenneth says:

    Reading thought some of the articels here I have a question.

    Which church should I go to as it seams that all churches are bad.

  9. Kenneth says:

    I just mean that according to the articles here i am confused as to which church to go to and if I should go at all?

    Surely it is biblycal to be part of a Church, of the Bride of Jesus Christ?

  10. Petrus says:

    tsalty wrote:

    Does anyone here ever discuss money/wealth?
    I have read Tithing – Are you really robbing God if you don’t? but this is not what I’m referring too. thx

    money is always an sensative toppic.

    Luke 16:9
    IN this scripture Jesus is trying to tell us that we must be willing to give money so that more people can hear the gospel and when you die you will meet those people in heaven who got saved because you were willing to give

    Matt 6:21

    Here Jesus is trying to tell us that if you put your treasures in the kingdom of God then your heart will be there also, but if you are not willing to give your money with an open heart to the kingdom of God then obviously your heart is not really in God’s kingdom

    Acts 2:44-45

    These poeple gave all their possessions

  11. Dan says:

    Deborah, John & Truthful Conversation – I just wanted to thank you again for your love and support. And just to know that I can come here when I need a friend that knows what’s going on;-) Thanks for that. I am witnessing whenever I get a chance now. I’m also losing friends faster than you can say Jacky Chang, but the good thing about losing a friend is, they continue to live in your heart and memories. May God bless you.

  12. Kennith

    We are in the Last Days Kennith. The chances of find a good church to go to is minimal. There are good ones out there but I can’t tell you where they are. You need to look for them. And use your discernment at all times.

  13. Dan

    You have many friends here that you will one day meet in heaven! *hugs*

  14. Kenneth says:

    Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:

    We are in the Last Days Kennith. The chances of find a good church to go to is minimal. There are good ones out there but I can’t tell you where they are. You need to look for them. And use your discernment at all times.

    What Church do you attend?

    I think its important for a church to have a vision.

    Prov 29:18

    and the Gospel of Jesus must be part of the sermon every time.

    Also a church that prayes together stays together.

    and Love, the most important.


    Once the Gospel of Jesus has been heard over the all the world, then the end will come.

    Mat 24:14

    Church can also just be some believers who get together to praise and worship and fellowship and communion.

    1 Cor 11:23-26

  15. Kenneth

    A vision? You sound like Rick Warren’s Purpose Drive Church 🙂

    “A church that prays together stays together?” Really? Where does it say that in the bible?

    How about following the truth and nothing but the truth? A church that follows false teaching is not a church, no matter how much you pray.

    I attended a small home church until recently, when I realized that some of the members were quite heavy into mysticism – amazing what you find out when you question people directly.

  16. Kenneth says:

    Dan wrote:

    I was a member of an evangelical church once. I gave my heart to the Lord as a teenager, got baptised, filled with holy ghost and ‘spoke in tongues.’ I left a few years later questioning the very existence of God because of my experience there and I went and lived a rock ‘n roll lifestyle. Is this why I’m having trouble recomitting my life to God now? Because I’m one of those people Heb 10:26 – 31 talks about? Does that mean there is no salvation for me anymore? Please help to clarify.
    Thank you

    Hi Dan

    You can always turn back to Jesus.

    The sins we did and our own unforgiveness is what makes it difficult to recommit. Find a friend you trust and confess those sins you did in secret to him/her and ask Jesus then for forgivenes which He will do. If eny doors were opened because of your sins you need to ask Jesus to close them for you.

    Now, if you have unforgiveness towards someone, does not matter what wrongs they did against you, you need to forgive then, and let them know you forgive them because then you will release them.

  17. Kenneth says:

    Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:

    Dan is ok now 🙂


  18. Kenneth says:

    Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:

    A vision? You sound like Rick Warren’s Purpose Drive Church 🙂
    “A church that prays together stays together?” Really? Where does it say that in the bible?
    How about following the truth and nothing but the truth? A church that follows false teaching is not a church, no matter how much you pray.
    I attended a small home church until recently, when I realized that some of the members were quite heavy into mysticism – amazing what you find out when you question people directly.

    Well I do not know who Rick Warren is.

    I am still new at church but our vision is basicly to bring the lost souls to Jesus and then to baptise and disciple them. Baptism is their own choice of course

    Its important to pray for one another and to pray together.

    Matt 18:19-20

    So what type of weird mystisicm were they into?

  19. Kenneth says:

    I think its important to be in a Church

    Matt 16:18
    Matt 18:17
    Acts 2:47
    Acts 8:1-3
    Acts 9:31
    Acts 11:26
    Acts 12:5
    Acts 14:23
    Rom 16:1,4,5,16,23
    1Cor 4:17
    1Cor 11:16
    Col 1:18
    James 5:14
    Eph 3:21

    These are just some of the scripture in the NT about the church

  20. Kenneth

    You quote a whole bunch of verses but most of them don’t pertain to what you are trying to say.

  21. Redeemed says:

    Kenneth, the Bible tells us not to “forsake the gathering together of ourselves”. In the current apostasy, many believers are not able to find a local church that teaches the Word and have to find fellowship any way they can.

    I don’t think you realize the extent of the apostasy and how hard pressed it is to find a church that teaches the true Gospel and the truth of the Word and holds to sound doctrine.

    If you are blessed with such a church that is wonderful, but from your comments, I would say that maybe you need to get up to speed on what is going on.

    Many believers are lonely and desire to be in a church but can’t find one that teaches the uncompromised Word of God and hasn’t gone Purpose Driven or emergent or dominionist, etc.

  22. >>Many believers are lonely and desire to be in a church but can’t find one that teaches the uncompromised Word of God

    That is only too true…. many are very very lonely and have searched and searched and come up with nothing.

    Besides, Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Those are Jesus’ Words and I believe Him.

  23. Osito says:

    Hi Deborah,

    can you please tell me what is the difference between, storehouse, church, temple and synagogue?

    Thank you!

  24. Dan says:

    Has anyone here read DISPENSATIONAL TRUTH by Clarence Larkin? Is it recommended? Thanks!

  25. Redeemed says:

    Osito wrote:

    Hi Deborah,

    can you please tell me what is the difference between, storehouse, church, temple and synagogue?

    Thank you!

    Osito, Deborah probably has a much better answer, but I will try to cast some light on this. You are referring to an O.T. verse regarding the storehouse. It doesn’t really matter what they are referring to in the context of the N.T. church.

    Everything we have, all our possessions and blessings in our lives comes from the Lord. They are ALL His. Under grace, we are not commanded to give the Lord any certain amount. Some people still refer to the amount they designate to give back to the Lord as their tithe, but it is not legalism to do so. It may be 10% for one person, 15% for another or even 20%. It can depend upon whether one determines if it is on the gross or net, whatever.

    It is important that believers put the Lord first in their lives and that includes their finances. If someone is in a church, a local body where they fellowship and are fed,then they will want to support that work. Or they may also wish to support another ministry or missionary who is serving the Lord. It is all Spirit-led or should be. The Bible says that we should decrease while He increases in our lives. That means that we WANT to give more of our resources to the work of the Lord. It also could be to help the poor or someone in need.

    As long as the Lord leads, that is the important thing and that it is not a legalistically motivated action. The Word says that God loves a cheerful giver. That means that we get JOY from giving to the Lord and maybe it will require sacrifice from us for some luxury or non-essential in our lives or perhaps some way we may be wasting funds which is sinful.

    I hope this is helpful! I haven’t taken time to read through all comments regarding this, but hope what I said makes sense.

  26. Redeemed says:

    Kenneth wrote:

    I just mean that according to the articles here i am confused as to which church to go to and if I should go at all?

    Surely it is biblycal to be part of a Church, of the Bride of Jesus Christ?

    Kenneth, just because a place is called a church with a little “c”, that does not mean it is in the Church with a big “C”.
    As to your confusion, really you have to sort it out with the Lord’s guidance. You should investigate a church to see if they teach the Bible, and have sound doctrine. If so, it would be worth a visit to check it out. Don’t be surprised if you can’t find such a place. They may sound good on the surface, but then you see red flags as to the teachers they endorse and the books they recommend.

    This calls for great discernment. Oftentimes it is worth a visit with the pastor to pick his brain and see what he believes. It should be a careful and prayerful process.

  27. Hanelie says:

    Redeemed wrote:

    Many believers are lonely and desire to be in a church but can’t find one that teaches the uncompromised Word of God and hasn’t gone Purpose Driven or emergent or dominionist, etc.

    Oh, this really resonates with me. We left the “church” we were in a while ago and have been waiting for the Lord to guide us to a church since, but for now He keeps saying “Come to Me. Learn from Me.” I have realized that I really need Him to rework my entire faith vocabulary, that even words such as “faith” and “love” need to be redefined by Him as He meant it, and not as I had learned it.

    I also came across an interesting in the Afrikaans translation of the Bible. The word “kerk” (church) never appears in the 1953 translation. In each case “ekklesia” has been translated to “gemeente” (assembly).

  28. Dan

    Nope, I have not read it. But if you are going to read it, take your bible and have it ready and instead of reading this book, study it to see if what it says is true ok? A book might be 90% ok but there is 10% dodgy stuff and that’s what you need to pin point for your own safety.

  29. Paul (Continue in His Word) says:

    Dan wrote:
    “Has anyone here read DISPENSATIONAL TRUTH by Clarence Larkin? Is it recommended? Thanks!”

    Dan, run away from this man. He is one of the most dangerous man I have ever read. I read some excerpts of the book and was HORRIFIED!
    This book is right from the pit of hell. Don’t buy it, don’t read it. don’t read anything written by this evil man.
    Let me give only 2 examples, and I will stop. There are tons of others.

    In that evil book, Larking teaches an old, pre-Adamic earth, with a pre-Adamic humanity that was allegedly judged and destroyed by fire by God.
    He teaches that the “Sons of God” of Genesis 6 were fallen angels who incarnated themselves to marry the “Daughters of men” and produce these giants (monsters) who must have been half demons/half men. Larking teaches that the same thing will happen in the end times (that is, in the days we are living). This is pure Satan worship, because what he is saying is that Satan has the power to create (to beget). God ALONE has the power to create. All things, visible and invisible were created by Him (Jesus) and for Him. He created the angels (spirit world) of which some fell and became demons, he created the visible world (see Gen 1:1-Gen 2:7). Satan never created nothing, neither visible nor invisible, and never will. he is a fallen angel. Jesus-Christ is the ONLY begotten son of God. he is the only one from the spirit world (God is Spirit) who incarnated Himself. And forever He will be The Son of God AND The Son of Man, sited at the right hand of God the Father. Amen.
    Dan, read the account of the man possessed by Legion in Mark 5:1-20, and compare with this satanic doctrine of demons incarnating themselves, and you will understand something of what I am talking about.

    Add to that the AUTHORITATIVE statement of none else than our Lord and Saviour Jesus-Christ Himself who said angels do NOT marry (remember, demons are fallen angels)

    Larking was a minister of Satan of the worst kind, masquerading as a minister of Christ.

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