The General Conversation Section – If You Don’t Know Where to Say it, Say it Here!

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Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

723 Responses

  1. Dan

    Ok, first things first, I ask you to read this thoroughly because it explains everything about salvation and repentance of sin so wonderfully.

    Understand that you need to make a FULL and UTTER commitment to God, no half measures or thoughts of going back. And by quiting your line of work, you to must ask Jesus for sincere repentance and ask Him to break any demonic influence it has over your life (because there most definitely is), this includes getting rid of your worldly music, etc.

    To be honest I would first work on getting your life sorted out with Jesus Christ before you start speaking to your wife. And the good news is Dan, the Holy Spirit works quickly 🙂 The moment you come to Jesus and accept Him into your live with a genuine heart, never wanting to return to the world, the Holy Spirit will enter you, and then He will begin to teach you, and quickly. You will find you have this incredible desire to learn the truth, and the Holy Spirit leads us into ALL TRUTH , all the time. He will show you what to read, and you will discern what is truth and what is error because you will have the ability to discern because of the Holy Spirit abiding in you.

    You will hear his voice as a gentle whisper (like a 2nd conscience is you will) as He guides you. Get yourself a decent bible, one that has a chain reference as you are going to need it. A KJV or a NKJV will be fine – In fact the 2 parallel to one another is even better. Before you were saved you found that the bible meant nothing to you, after your salvation, the Holy Spirit illuminates (the biblical way) your mind and all of a sudden when you read the bible it all makes sense.

    And no Dan you are not too late for the Rapture, God knows when the very last person that needs to be saved must be saved before He returns to fetch His bride, He will not leave anyone behind.

    I have plenty of info on my site, and I can recommend you other websites as well with good learning info.

    In the mean time I will find some information as to why the Buddhist God is not the same as the God of the bible, that you can give her to read. You might want to print this out: (please note I only endorse the article)

    Then there is this DVD: 25 Messianic Signs that is EXCELLENT: 1h:44m long

  2. Dan says:

    Hanelie & Deborah thank you for taking the time to comment. I will definitely check out all the links you provided. Deborah, I gave my life to Jesus when I was still a kid. I do believe the Holy Spirit is in me because I have been protected and guided out of a lot of trouble. The big problem for me was I never had anyone to guide me as to how to study the bible by myself. Always relied on the church and then when that didn’t work out for me, I gave up. Never stopped believing in God but I stopped trying to know Him. Now I’m at a crossroad in my life, I had to make a decision. Give up trying or give everything. ‘Cuz I’m not happy with my life. It isn’t all what it could and should be. I’m pretty sure it’s the Holy Ghost that brought me to your site, and it’s He who told me to quit my job, and it was He who told me two days ago to quit smoking and stop drinking. I struggle to sleep at night, there’s an urgency I feel inside of me to STOP and get ready. The time has come. Today is the last work related party I have to attend. I can’t wait to start over.

  3. Dan

    Oh no, I am not saying you are not saved, I too gave my life to Jesus when I was a child, but then went off the rails as a teenager. Then hit rock bottom at the age of 30 and became genuinely born again around this time. I too had the Holy Spirit calling me my whole life, when I think back…there were times I heard Him, but ignored Him.

    I just want you to read that article because it explains salvation and what it means very very well. It is very possible that the Holy Spirit has been calling you your whole life and now is the time to make a full commitment to Jesus. And there is nothing wrong with re dedicating your life to Jesus quietly in your room. In fact I urge you to, because you have been living a life of sin, and you need to repent of this. Once you have asked Jesus for forgiveness for your life you have been living, you will start a-new, you will be born again, a NEW CREATURE in Christ Jesus. Remember you want to have a relationship with Jesus and you are going to be asking for forgiveness a lot because we are sinners and even after we are saved, we are still sinners, the idea is that through the chastisement of the Holy Spirit we sin less.

    >> The big problem for me was I never had anyone to guide me as to how to study the bible by myself.

    That’s the thing, you wont need anyone to guide you in helping you to study the bible, when you go down on your knees and recommit your life to Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit will enter you and HE will become your TEACHER.

    When you open your bible and start reading, start at the New Testament, everything will become clear. As you start to read articles on biblical matters, all of a sudden in your spirit you will know what what you are reading is the truth (this is because of the Holy Spirit) – but a warning there is so much FALSE doctrine out there its scary, but the Holy Spirit will teach you what is truth and what is error.

  4. Dan says:

    Thanks Deborah.

  5. Dan says:

    There’s no such thing as ‘Christian Rock music’, because the very basics of Rock comes from Blues. And Blues have it’s roots firmly in voodoo worship where the drumming patterns are used to put you in a trans. Which artists can you recommend to listen to?

  6. Dan

    To be honest I don’t recommend any. Even your ‘Christian worship music’ is tainted by people who profess the name of Jesus but are only doing it to make money (selling cd’s)

    I was very much into heavy music before I was saved, so I now do not listen to any music voluntarily. It was something that I gave up to follow Jesus Christ totally. I tried to find a replacement, but worldly music, be is classified as Christian is still worldly. People listen to it to satisfy their feelings, emotions, their flesh – they say they are praising God, but they are not, they themselves are enjoying the tune, not God.

    Sing to Jesus in your own privacy, with your own words, not someone else’s (who had a different meaning to their words).

  7. John Chingford says:

    Hi Dan

    Following on from what Deborah said ….

    I wrote an article for that very reason that you gave, to help those like yourself get into Bible Study. Please look through this following article:

  8. Dan says:

    Thanks John, I’ll check it out. Deborah I hear you on that. I guess I’m gonna have to write my own;-)

  9. Dan

    >> I guess I’m gonna have to write my own;-)

    If you can, go for it. I sing in private for 2 reasons, 1) I suck, 2) I suck ahaha

  10. Hanelie says:

    I was just wondering: any of you familiar with the work of Frank Viola (The Untold Story of the New Testament Church, Pagan Christianity, Reimagining Church, etc.)?

  11. Hanelie

    I am familiar with Frank Viola and he is New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) who merged with the worst of the worst Emergents.


    The Other Side of Emergent:

    “Religious leadership must end its intellectual and imaginative failure to think through what it is doing in the light of the new emerging cosmology, which is hospitable to spirit-matter theories and mindbody experiences.” – Leonard Sweet[1]

    Today is the launching of a new book, co-authored by Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola. This marks the open marriage of the Emergent movement with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).

    Sweet and Viola’s book, Jesus Manifesto, is subtitled “Restoring the Supremacy and Sovereignty of Jesus Christ,” and it pushes the envelope on redefining Jesus, including “You can be a Jesus Manifest.”[2] A quick glance at the lineup of key endorsers for this book includes a list of who’s who in Emergent, the Latter Rain cult, neoevangelicalism and the New Apostolic Reformation.

    In recent posts on this blog we have noticed that emerging church leader Leonard Sweet has links to the NAR.[3] The co-author of his book, Frank Viola, also has roots in the NAR. He has been connected with the House2House group, a movement that is ostensibly about “house” churches, but in reality is concerned with building the networking apostolic cellular model of church for the purpose of building the kingdom of God on earth. This is the same Dominionist goal that is characteristic of the NAR: “This amazing network of churches is rapidly transitioning as a network to embrace the simple church models that the Lord is blessing all around the world,” leading to the “transforming work of God in bringing people to Christ. . . leading to dramatic advances of the Kingdom of God.”[4] John Arnott of the Toronto “Laughing Revival” has been a notable contributor to the House2House magazine.[5] [Emphasis added]

    A key name associated with Frank Viola is Heidi Baker, whose frequently appears with her husband Rolland. They flourish in the New Apostolic Reformation and can often be found on the Elijah List (chief organ for the NAR)[6] and (a radical Dominionist group).[7] The Bakers spoke at the Global Awakening “Voice of the Apostles” conference, October 28-31, 2009 along with other NAR apostles Randy Clark, Che Ann, Bill Johnson and John Arnott.[8] Heidi was featured along with Latter Rain cult leader Rick Joyner at his MorningStar Ministries “Harvest Fest” held September 24-30, 2009.[9] The list of interconnections and associations with the NAR could go on and on… [Emphasis added]

    Neil Cole is another well-known name associated with Frank Viola and the House2House movement. He is also connected with Leadership Network.[10] Furthermore, Frank Viola’s book Organic Church: Growing Faith Where Life Happens is endorsed by such notables as Bob Buford (head of Leadership Network) and John Maxwell.[11] [DTW note: Bob Buford has been working since the mid-1990s to create a youth culture based on “emergent” theologies called the Emergent Church – a mixture of New Age paganism, eastern mysticism and evangelical dominionism. Bill Bulford is friends with Ken Blanchard, a major proponent of mysticism. Well-known church growth guru Peter Drucker consulted to Bob Buford as well as Rick Warren.] [Emphasis added]

    Leonard Sweet endorsed one of Frank Viola’s earlier books, Reimagining Church: Pursuing the Dream of Organic Christianity, by connecting it to the idea of “God’s Dream,” an increasingly common metaphor.[12] Viola has also authored From Eternity to Here: Rediscovering the Ageless Purpose of God, described as “a whole new way of looking at the Scriptures, at Jesus, at the church, and at me,”[13] and endorsed by such Emergent leaders as Leonard Sweet, Brian McLaren, Dan Kimball, Shane Claiborne and many others. [Emphasis added]

    Characteristic of all of these recent emerging convergences, a MANIFESTO accompanies the agenda being promoted jointly by Sweet and Viola. It is called “A Magna Carta for Restoring the Supremacy of Jesus Christ a.k.a. A Jesus Manifesto for the 21st Century Church.” This Manifesto does not hearken back to the written Word of God in order to follow Jesus or His teachings. Instead it speaks of “implantation and impartation” and “incarnation.” This is based on imaging, imagining, visualization, meditation, and following a “Presence,” even using the term “cosmic Christ.”[14] The document also makes this amazing statement – an example of psycho-spiritual biblical revisionism: [Emphasis added]

    “The Bible does not offer a plan or a blueprint for living. The “good news” was not a new set of laws, or a new set of ethical injunctions, or a new and better PLAN. The “good news” was the story of a person’s life, as reflected in The Apostle’s Creed. The Mystery of Faith proclaims this narrative: “Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again.” The meaning of Christianity does not come from allegiance to complex theological doctrines, but a passionate love for a way of living in the world that revolves around following Jesus, who taught that love is what makes life a success . . . not wealth or health or anything else: but love. And God is love.” [Emphasis added]

    It also seems to claim we are Christ:

    Jesus Christ cannot be separated from his church. While Jesus is distinct from his Bride, he is not separate from her. She is in fact his very own Body in the earth. God has chosen to vest all of power, authority, and life in the living Christ. And God in Christ is only known fully in and through his church….

    We, collectively, as the ekklesia of God, are Christ in and to this world.[15] [Emphasis added]

    All of this is a very quick overview, and there is much more that could be said. There are many more connections and associations. The key point is the context of this new book by Sweet and Viola. It isn’t just Emergent! This represents that much-anticipated, much touted New Apostolic Reformation great convergence, the many streams coming together into one big river!

    It was inevitable that the NAR would eventually openly connect with the Emergent Church. First, they are related historically in many diverse ways, some of which we have previously documented on this blog.[16] Second, and more obviously, the aberrant beliefs of the New Apostolic Reformation are nearly identical to those of the emerging church movement in some of the following ways:

    **The same Gnosticism, mysticism and altered states of consciousness. The belief that we are evolving to a higher order body of believers here on earth, and that if we would just jump through various mystical or restructuring hoops, paradise or “culture” would be renewed.

    **The belief that we can transform the Earth and restore it to pre-Fall conditions — either via a green environmentalism return to paradise (George Otis, James Rutz, Ralph Winter), or by building the kingdom of God on earth where Christians will reign and rule and finally “get it right” by imposing their kingdom authority on the whole planet (Dominionism).

    **The belief that God has assigned certain men with special abilities or supernatural powers to be rulers and kings, Apostles and Prophets (aka “leaders”) now on earth, in this present age.

    **The belief that the church should realign into a networking downline marketing “apostolic”/cells/small groups for a more “authentic”or “original” New Testament structure.

    **The deconstruction (de-emphasis, denigration or mangling) of solid biblical theology and practice, and the concoction of new theologies augmented with old/new extra-biblical practices.

    **The belief that God is giving his church new revelations, new understandings, or “fresh words” for these times, especially by including old manuscripts, mystical writings, supernatural incidents, extra-biblical traditions and sources, etc.

    **The idea that we are somehow responsible for bringing back Jesus either literally and physically, or that we are evolving or “incarnating” into little christs and/or one big cosmic Christ.

    **The idea that onerous and manipulative psycho-socio and scientific technologies are benevolent tools to bring in the kingdom on earth, including even altering the basic nature of man.

    This is not a complete list, but it does present an important overview.[17]

    In conclusion, it is important to remind readers that Len Sweet has always played a pivotal role in charting a 21st century course for reinventing Christianity. As Chief Scout of Leadership Network’s “Exploring Off The Map expedition” in 2000, he worked alongside New Age gurus like Margaret Wheatley, Ken Blanchard and Peter Senge to chart “NEW MAPS FOR AN ANCIENT FUTURE.”[18] This is not a new role for him, and he is still right on course. In this regard, Leadership Network has also played a pivotal role, not only launching the Emergent movement, but also giving a platform for the New Apostolic Reformation consistently throughout the past few decades. But that’s a topic for another time. . . . [Emphasis added]

    The Truth:

    “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” (Galatians 6:14)


    Note: Articles posted by DTW are not an endorsement of the author, their website, ministry or any links therein. Readers are cautioned to use discernment at all times and test everything by the Word of God.

  12. Hanelie says:

    Oh, Deborah, thank you for the detailed answer. I’m starting to be able to see the Emergent message this around me. Ouch. Ouch.

    But this explains a few things. I read Pagan Christianity – found some of it useful, but was mostly disappointed with it. I was signed up on Frank Viola’s blog, but it didn’t “sit” quite right with me – just couldn’t put my finger on it, so I never read any of the posts. This is sickening, really. 🙁

  13. Hanelie

    Don’t worry, you will learn quickly as the Holy Spirit shows you. And soon you will spot them like flies. Be happy that you can see the truth 🙂

  14. Hanelie

    Now also pay attention to the difference between the New Age love and genuine Christian love – this is the spirit I spoke about a while ago, that has take over the world, to love, but it’s not Christian love, it’s satanic love.

  15. Hanelie says:

    Oh yes. I see now what you meant and why you responded to my earlier posts as you did. I don’t know what to say even: things are just becoming crystal clear and (as you have said) very quickly. Sickening. Really.

    I spoke to someone this weekend who knows a minister who does not believe that Christ is God. When asking him what he preaches then (since he leads a congregation, she says he said: “Ah, you know, love and things like that.”

  16. Myfanwy Brown says:


    Have you heard of a man called Bob George? If you have, can you tell me what you know about him?

  17. Hanelie says:

    John Chingford wrote:

    I wrote an article for that very reason that you gave, to help those like yourself get into Bible Study. Please look through this following article:

    Thank you for this, John. I read through it (will certainly use it) and scanned some of the other links you have. About a year ago, the Lord lead my husband and myself to drop all the “Bible study” devotional books we were using and focus on the Bible instead. As we embarked on this, we realized how poorly we knew the Bible! Your Bible study questions will be a great help.

  18. Estelle says:

    Hello 🙂

    The New age ‘love’ reminds me of Rob bells book, Love Wins.
    (didn’t read it, but heard him in an interview talking about the book)
    It basically came down to 2 things for me. 1. He doesn’t want to believe there is a hell and 2. He believes in a universal god.
    (In that way he probably thinks no-one is going to hell (saved or unsaved), as “love conquers all”)

    The new age love for me = making a universalised god who wouldn’t be so cruel as to not send you to heaven.

    Got this quote from a link:

    “A staggering number of people have been taught that a select few Christians will spend forever in a peaceful, joyous place called heaven, while the rest of humanity spends forever in torment and punishment in hell with no chance for anything better,” Bell writes.

    “It’s been clearly communicated to many that this belief is a central truth of the Christian faith and to reject it is, in essence, to reject Jesus.

    “This is misguided and toxic and ultimately subverts the contagious spread of Jesus’s message of love, peace, forgiveness, and joy that our world desperately needs to hear.”

    Just adding my thoughts…

  19. Hanelie says:

    ^^I also saw the interview – made me very uncomfortable. It seems everywhere I turn these days, Rob Bell’s name pops up. I even found him on the website of a “new” church in Stellenbosch today.

    It suddenly occurred to me that I could possibly ask a question that has been bugging me for a while here. Eastern Orthodox art often depicts Jesus holding up two fingers. A minster in the church we used to go to told the congregation that Jesus was making the “V” peace sign as a symbol of what He has done for us. This was after my eyes were opened for all the lies and deception, but right at the beginning of this new walk. I immediately recoiled. I don’t like any hand or other signs and this one (together with the other common peace sign) is right at the top of my list. When this minister later said the same about another Eastern Orthodox painting, I did some research and asked some questions. One of the answers I got was that the 2-finger depiction in Eastern orthodox art often refers to the two pillars of the church: the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Tradition. According to the sources I found this “V” sign is definitely from the occult.

    Do any of you have more information on any of this? I assumed, at the time, that the minster was confusing the issues and adding his own layman’s interpretation to be cool and fashionable – to impress the kids, though my kids were hardly impressed and made their dismay so clear that we had to silence them. That said, in general, this minister was rather well informed about art interpretation (often used it in services). So, the more I thought about it, the less things were adding up. Now, I am starting to wonder: was he just deceived or was he deliberately deceiving? There seems to be a bigger picture, a bit of an Emergent agenda, here (he also once told my husband that he couldn’t preach about sin because then people would not come to church).

    And, as I am writing here, and I think back to that time, it is with shame that I put my kids through that and that I silenced them when they were speaking the truth and that I didn’t leave the congregation right then.

    I can surely just ignore all of this – but my mind tend to keep going back to things that seem just a little out of place … and many of my friends are still in that congregation. Knowing what I now know, what I have learned here, I can not keep quiet then, can I?

  20. Louise says:

    Hi there

    It would be nice if you guys had a section giving us a little bit of information on yourselves and your statement of faith. It’s important to know exactly what people believe upfront before reading their views.

  21. Dan says:

    Hi Deborah, I have a quick question. I have read through almost the whole new testament since my last comment here and soon I’ll be starting with the old testament. But something confuses me bit. Which of the promises in the bible are for the jews only? The way I understand it is that the new testament is for everyone, but parts of the old testament was for the jews only. How can I tell which ones I can take as my own and which ones would be taken out of context if I do? Thank you.

  22. Rulof Jordaan says:


  23. Vincent says:

    Some opinion regarding the topic around about the 27th June, the hebrew name of Jesus, read Isaiah 59:17 and take a look at the word salvation H3444 Stong has it as yeshû‛âh, but if you spoke greek it would be Iesous. But regardless by which you prefer, if you don’t know Him or He says He doesn’t know you (Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.)
    If you do not know Jesus, you do not have access to the Father (Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.)

    If you call yourself by any other name that is not of (Christ/Christos/Messiah), by my opinion you may have a problem, I’m not going to list the names, those groups know what I mean.

    We serve a jealous God who does not accept you if you do not accept His salvation, His Son.
    He is and shall always we the Beginning and the end and Centre of our faith in Him.

  24. Dan says:

    Hi Deborah, I just want to say how great God is. In the past 14 months, I have experienced a true and living God. No longer is it just an idea, a religion – He’s real. If you remember just a few postings ago where I mentioned God came knocking at my heart, telling me it’s time to turn my life around. Quit drinking, quit what I was doing and quit my line of work. Well it sounds easy enough, but for me it involved moving to a new country as well with a pregnant wife;-) No house, no work and just over a $1000 in my pocket. My wife moved a month before me, duo to airline restrictions for pregnant woman. I prayed and I asked God to get me there in time before she gives birth. I didn’t want to miss the birth of my first born. My wife’s water broke a few hours after I arrived. Two days later I get a call from somebody inviting me for an interview, I sign the contract 15 min into the interview. I haven’t touched a drink, or smoked (cigarettes or dope) for about 6 weeks now. We have a nice place to live, we both have transport. God provided ALL of it. When He moves, there’s no stopping Him. He is amazing.

  25. Flip vd Merwe says:

    Hi I would like to have your opinion as fellow christians regarding the following preacher and his lectures:

  26. Dan

    That is great news, God looks after his own, especially when you have given your ALL to him. Carry on the same Godly path your have chosen Dan and it will only get better, spiritually.

  27. Marion says:

    Mark Woodman is a 7th day Adventist…that tells us everything we need to know.

  28. Myfanwy Brown says:

    Hi Dan,

    What an amazing testimony of God’s goodness! When I just have faith and believe, and do the Lord’s will, even when I don’t have a clue how things will work out, everything falls into place.

    God bless and may you continue to walk in His light and love with faith.

  29. edddycs says:

    Just a question I check in time to time to see if anything new “articles’ is posted -i almost thought this site had died. Whats up?

  30. John Chingford says:

    Hanelie wrote:

    John Chingford wrote:

    I wrote an article for that very reason that you gave, to help those like yourself get into Bible Study. Please look through this following article:

    Thank you for this, John. I read through it (will certainly use it) and scanned some of the other links you have. About a year ago, the Lord lead my husband and myself to drop all the “Bible study” devotional books we were using and focus on the Bible instead. As we embarked on this, we realized how poorly we knew the Bible! Your Bible study questions will be a great help.

    Your very welcome. Thanks for letting me know. Please let me know how you get on. Sorry I have not replied earlier but I have only just noticed NOW that you wrote this.

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