Tagged: Prof Johan Malan


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Prof Johan Malan – A Gospel of Works – Second Work of Grace (Part 5)

4) Prof Johan Malan believes in the false teaching of a ‘Second Work of Grace’ Prof Malan says: “7. The foolishness of a carnal lifestyle Many Christians act foolishly by neglecting to seek after the second work of grace of being...

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Prof Johan Malan – A Gospel of Works – The Error of Partial Rapture (Part 4)

4) Prof Johan Malan believes in a Partial Rapture Prof Malan states: “7. It separates true and nominal Christians Apart from the division that the rapture will effect between the saved and unsaved people in the world, it will also separate...

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Prof Johan Malan – A Gospel of Works – The Error of Lordship Salvation (Part 3)

Please see Prof Johan Malan – A Gospel of Works – Losing your Salvation (Part 1) here and (Part 2) 3) Prof Malan believes is Lordship Salvation. Prof Johan Malan says, ‘Jesus made Nicodemus understand that theological knowledge and a good life...

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Prof Johan Malan – A Gospel of Works – Losing your Salvation (Part 1)

Recently I (Deborah) reconciled with Prof. Johan Malan and asked forgiveness over publishing an article on his relationship with Calvinists.  See  apology here:    Prof Malan states that his theological views have not been altered, that he is still against...

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Calvinism a Heretical Doctrine – That’s What the Bible Says!

DTW note: Please note that Prof Johan Malan makes distinction between Hyper Calvinism and Moderate Calvinism.  There is no such thing, you can’t be ‘hyper’ Elect and ‘moderately’ Elect.  Calvinists believe they are Elect, full stop.  Calvinism is Calvinism. You...