Category: Family / Marriage / Abuse / Abortion

Sadhu Sundar Singh – 94

Sadhu Sundar Singh – Hindu Mystic in Sheep’s Clothing

Sadhu Sundar Singh and His So Called Christian Exploits with Emanuel Swedenborg I have come across quite a few ‘Christian’ websites who think that Sadhu Sundar Singh was truly a man of God.  I’ve spent hours and hours reading about...

Spirit Warriors CD 12

Spirit Warriors – Christian Music?

Spirit Warriors CD, is this Christian Music? Is this supposed to be secular rock bands singing Christian music? or Are these Christian bands singing secular rock music? Please read the following article on Christian music:  Music: Compromising God’s Standards to...

Encounter Christ 41

What does an Encounter mean or is that a G12?

What does an Encounter mean or is that a G12? There seems to be a few Word of Faith churches in South Africa who speak of encounters.  Multiple ones might I add.  Now…this encounter terminology is Occult terminology.  Here is...

Dominionism 58

Dominionism and the Rise of Christian Imperialism

The below article is extremely interesting when it comes to examining and explaining Dominionism. The who’s who of the so called ‘Christian anointed’ are all part of it…are you?  If you are, please get out of this horrible deception now...

Angus Buchan God TV 9

Why does Angus Buchan get promoted by God TV

Why does Angus Buchan get promoted by God TV so much? Because Wendy and Rory Alec (founders of God TV) are South African and so is Angus Buchan. (South Africans support one another hole heartedly when it comes to false teaching.)...

angusbuchafaithlikepotatoes 295

The Dominionist Faith of Angus Buchan – Faith Like Potatoes

The Dominionist Faith of Angus Buchan – Faith Like Potatoes (ORIGINAL AND MOST UPDATED VERSION) It has taken me about 4 weeks to research Angus Buchan, author of ‘Faith like Potatoes’.  (This was last year 2008 when I wrote this,...