Category: Andrew Murray

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Andrew Murray – Masonic Charismatic Calvinist

Many people view Andrew Murray as a great preacher, a godly man, while others believe there is something not quite right about him.  I have spent many a month investigating Freemasonry with regards to pastors in churches in South Africa....

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Angus Buchan, Benny Hinn and God TV

Angus Buchan, Benny Hinn, and God TV I recently read an article written by Prof. Johan Malan in which he expresses his concerns about Angus Buchan. He says, amongst other things, the following in his article “Spiritual Deception, Revival and Angus...

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Calvinism a Heretical Doctrine – That’s What the Bible Says!

DTW note: Please note that Prof Johan Malan makes distinction between Hyper Calvinism and Moderate Calvinism.  There is no such thing, you can’t be ‘hyper’ Elect and ‘moderately’ Elect.  Calvinists believe they are Elect, full stop.  Calvinism is Calvinism. You...