Worlds Most Metaphorically Dangerous Job

when sheep fight back - dangerous job

Worlds Most Metaphorically Dangerous Job:  The Metaphorical Suicide Bomber:

Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ which includes repentance of Sin.

Having 1 person listen to God’s Word, repent of their sin through His Son Jesus Christ and be saved:

cost:  Free and paid for by the Blood of Jesus Christ

Picture inspired by someone who ‘metaphorically’ compared me to a suicide bomber just waiting to pull the hell trigger if they refuse to listen to the Word of God and the message of repentance of sin.z

Comment made on regarding DTW blog:

“Dogma prevents an open dialogue with the fanatical fringe of the Christian faith. It is the same as talking to a person with a suicide bomb strapped her waist and if you don’t agree she will pull the trigger sending you to hell and her to heaven.” –  Mon, 2009-06-29 13:15 by Andrew

Image and Thanks goes to Chris and his Sheep Art 

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Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

2 Responses

  1. cecilia says:

    on a lighter note: the most difficult job in the Stone-Age was to be the Postman!

  2. Jean says:

    Hey Deborah

    Was depressed last night, rang lifeline.
    Got to a call centre in Afghanistan , told them I was suicidal.

    They got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck. . . .

    It all depends on who you speak to! 😉

    This “Andrew-comment” is actually a very good indication or barometer on the impact and “success” of the New-Age and Psychological preaching that we as believers, have been subjected to. Humanism rules and “Me, Myself and I” have become the new “trinity” in my life…
    That’s why “good” (preaching the Gospel of Truth) will become “bad” in these days which we are living in.

    Hey Andrew…
    You got it “slightly” wrong buddy… You will be given a sword and the right to chop off her head…! Oh, she will still go to heaven BUT you will still be alive and will have a choice to REPENT and join her OR you can CHOOSE to go to hell.
    Which will it be ???

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