Tagged: Africa


Cyril Ramaphosa signs gospel song 9

What is Wrong with this Song?

Singing is one of man’s most natural proclivities. Words plus melody have a much greater emotional impact on the mind and the heart than just words written or printed on a piece of paper. God commanded Moses to pen down...

Reinhard Bonnke – SapeleCrusade 77

Reinhard Bonnke – 3yr old Boy Raised from the Dead

Reinhard Bonnke Twitter comment:   Our Sapele Crusade has just ended. On the last night a 3 year old boy was raised from the dead. We serve a mighty God. 12:21 AM, Dec 16th 2009. — http://twitter.com/ReinhardBonnke/status/6709750192   Ah don’t you just love it...

Amahoro Africa 18

Amahoro – Take Over Africa and Then the World

Amahoro – Transfiguration to Take Over Africa and then the World Opening Address at The Gathering: South Africa Gathering from (8-15 June, 2009) – Posted by Claude Nikondeha on June 08, 2009 at 2:59 PM [Bold Emphasis and notes in...