Who is Got Questions?

Got Questions
Got Questions.org

It has bothered me for sometime that Got Questions has taken over the internet with their so called answer to every question imaginable.  Yes, the bible has the answer to every question imaginable, my worry is that Got Questions seems to have the ‘right’ answer for every question.

If you type in the question: “Calvinism”, into Got Questions search you get the following list:

92 results found. Search results for:  calvinism

10 pages of results.1.Who are the New Calvinists, and what are the beliefs of New Calvinism? Who are the New Calvinists, and what are the beliefs of New Calvinism? How is New Calvinism different from traditional Calvinism? URL: http://www.gotquestions.org/new-calvinism.html

2.Calvinism vs. Arminianism – which view is correct? Calvinism vs. Arminianism – which view is correct? What are the five points of Calvinism vs. the five points of Arminianism? URL: http://www.gotquestions.org/Calvinism-vs-Arminianism.html

3.What is Calvinism and is it biblical? What are the five points of Calvinism? What is Calvinism and is it biblical? What are the five points of Calvinism? How is Calvinism different from Arminianism? URL: http://www.gotquestions.org/calvinism.html

4.What is Amyraldism / Four-Point Calvinism? What is Amyraldism? What is four point Calvinism? Why do Amyraldians deny limited atonement? URL: http://www.gotquestions.org/Amyraldism.html

5.What is hyper-Calvinism and is it biblical? What is hyper-Calvinism and is it biblical? How is Hyper-Calvinism different from Calvinism? URL: http://www.gotquestions.org/hyper-calvinism.html

6.Could Calvinism be a stumbling block to the spread of the gospel of Christ? Could Calvinism be a stumbling block to the spread of the gospel of Christ? If God is absolutely sovereign in salvation, what is the point of evan… URL: http://www.gotquestions.org/calvinism-evangelism.html

7.The Top Five Misconceptions of Calvinism Robin Schumacher sorts out incorrect stereotypes and misconceptions about Calvinism. URL: http://www.blogos.org/compellingtruth/calvinism-misconceptions.php

Note that I just took a front page snapshot; there are 92 results alone for the search term Calvinism.  But now you say “so what, maybe they speak against it?”  I wish that was the truth, unfortunately Got Questions is a Calvinist organisation and they promote Calvinism with vigor.

Got Questions claim to be “Amyraldism”, therefore they are what’s considered 4 point Calvinists.  They don’t believe in Limited Atonement, it’s Unlimited according to their beliefs.  Limited Atonement states that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the only the Elect and no atonement was provided for the reprobate.   Unlimited Atonement states that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world, which is biblically correct, however Got Questions believe in Unconditional Election so only those chosen by God before the foundations of the world to be saved will get saved and the rest that were not chosen by God will still go go to hell.  So how how do you explain that?  Like I said “Confusing!!”.  Limited Atonement and Unconditional Election go hand in hand – the two can’t be separated from one another.

There is no such thing as a 3 or 4 pointer Calvinist.  They fool themselves and others. If you remove just one letter of the T.U.L.I.P acronym the entire “house of Tulip” collapses that was built on John Calvin’s Institutes and his alter ego St Augustine who Got Questions states “is sometimes called “the Father of Roman Catholicism.”” https://www.gotquestions.org/Saint-Augustine.html

Each Letter of the T.U.L.I.P acronym rests on the other one being true.

Let’s have a look at some of the results shall we on Got Questions:

Question: “What is Calvinism and is it biblical? What are the five points of Calvinism?”

Answer: While all these doctrines have a biblical basis, many people reject all or some of them. So-called “four-point Calvinists” accept Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints as biblical doctrines. Man is definitely sinful and incapable of believing in God on his own. God elects people based on His will alone – election is not based on any merit in the person chosen. All those whom God has chosen will come to faith. All those who are truly born-again will persevere in their faith. As for Limited Atonement, however, four-point Calvinists believe that atonement in unlimited, arguing that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, not just for the sins of the elect. “And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world” (1 John 2:2). Other verses in opposition to limited atonement are John 1:29;3:16;1 Timothy 2:6; and2 Peter 2:1. [Emphasis added]

The five-point Calvinists, however, see problems with four-point Calvinism. First, they argue, if Total Depravity is true, then Unlimited Atonement cannot possibly be true because, if Jesus died for the sins of every person, then whether or not His death is applicable to an individual depends on whether or not that person “accepts” Christ. But as we have seen from the above description of Total Depravity, man in his natural state has no capacity whatsoever to choose God, nor does he want to. In addition, if Unlimited Atonement is true, then hell is full of people for whom Christ died. He shed His blood in vain for them. To the five-point Calvinist, this is unthinkable. Please note: this article is only a brief summary of the five points of Calvinism. For a more in in-depth look, please visit the following pages:Total DepravityUnconditional Election,Limited Atonement,Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints. [Emphasis added]

Read more:http://www.gotquestions.org/calvinism.html#ixzz3KHqvUrkk

So as we can see from just one of their questions, they are bonifide Calvinists, no matter how they may like to distinguish themselves by adding a number in front of the name Calvinist, eg, 4 point Calvinist.

Let’s see what else they have to say:

Question: “Could Calvinism be a stumbling block to the spread of the gospel of Christ?”

Answer: Calvinism is the term applied to a belief in a high view of the sovereignty of God, especially as it relates to salvation. Calvinists are convinced the Bible teaches that man is sinfully corrupt throughout his entire being and cannot make himself acceptable to God through any amount of effort of his own. Calvinists hold that in eternity past God chose out some among mankind for His own. In the course of time, God grants repentance and faith to His elect so that they might be awakened to their sinful state and need for grace….. [Emphasis added]

So, whether one is a Calvinist or not, evangelism is the responsibility of all believers. Historically, Calvinism not only didn’t diminish the Calvinists’ burden for souls, it purified it! The Calvinists were among the greatest evangelists in the history of the church, motivated by love for their Lord and Savior who chose them and saved them “before the foundation of the world”….. [Emphasis added]

Read more:http://www.gotquestions.org/calvinism-evangelism.html#ixzz3KHwfevlz

Question: “What is hyper-Calvinism and is it biblical?”

Answer: A simple definition is this: hyper-Calvinism is the belief that God saves the elect through His sovereign will with little or no use of the methods of bringing about salvation (such as evangelism, preaching, and prayer for the lost). To an unbiblical fault, the hyper-Calvinist over-emphasizes God’s sovereignty and under-emphasizes man’s responsibility in the work of salvation.

An obvious ramification of hyper-Calvinism is that it suppresses any desire to evangelize the lost. Most churches or denominations that hold to hyper-Calvinistic theology are marked by fatalism, coldness, and a lack of assurance of faith. There is little emphasis upon God’s love for the lost and His own people but rather an unbiblical preoccupation with God’s sovereignty, His election of the saved, and His wrath for the lost. The gospel of the hyper-Calvinist is a declaration of God’s salvation of the elect and His damnation of the lost.

The Bible clearly teaches that God is sovereign over the entire universe (Daniel 4:34-35), including the salvation of men (Ephesians 1:3-12). But with God’s sovereignty, the Bible also teaches that His motivation for saving the lost is love (Ephesians 1:4-5;John 3:16;1 John 4:9-10) and that God’s means of saving the lost is the proclamation of His Word (Romans 10:14-15). The Bible also declares that the Christian is to be passionate and determined in his/her sharing with unbelievers; as ambassadors for Christ, we are to “beg” people to be reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:20-21).

Hyper-Calvinism takes a biblical doctrine, God’s sovereignty, and pushes it to an unbiblical extreme. In doing so, the hyper-Calvinist downplays the love of God and the necessity of evangelism.

Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/hyper-calvinism.html#ixzz3KHxuGCnC

This last Q&A that I posted is very funny.  They state that “An obvious ramification of hyper-Calvinism is that it suppresses any desire to evangelize the lost.”  Why would you want to evangelize the lost when they are predestined to go to hell?  Or do they mean the Elect are actually the lost reprobate?

They say, “There is little emphasis upon God’s love for the lost and His own people.  So here they make a distinction between the lost and the Elect.  So why preach to the lost if they are doomed for hell and God will sovereignly not change His mind about that.  As Dave Hunt said, “What kind of love is this?”  That God loves the reprobate so much that He sends him to an eternity to burn in hell, just because God feels like it.

They say, “But with God’s sovereignty, the Bible also teaches that His motivation for saving the lost is love”  Hold on a second, there they go again, God’s motivation for saving the lost is love, but according to Calvinism only the Elect will be saved – are they again saying the Elect are the lost (reprobate)?  See this article called Elect are Lost but Reprobates not?.

Calvinism is a very confusing and sometimes a laughable doctrine, but that should come as no surprise because the founder of the doctrine, John Calvin was actually a Freemason.  See this article: Huguenots, John Calvin and Freemasonry.

Got Questions says that Calvinists were some of the greatest preachers in the history of the church.  That’s is a tall tale if ever there was one!  They called Charles Spurgeon the price of preachers – was he really?  Read this article to see that he was far from a prince more like a price of darkness.  Charles Spurgeon: The Prince of Preachers.

John MacArthur teaches that you can take the Mark of the Beast during the Tribulation and then repent afterward. See here:  Grace to You and John MacArthur – Take Mark of the Beast – No Recant .  John Mac Arthur also teaches that Jesus blood was never applied in heaven.  John MacArthur also teaches Lordship Salvation – and just recently John MacArthur was exposed as a Freemason as well.  Also see this article:  Orbital Hermeneutics by John MacArthur

Calvinists have taken over the internet by storm (no matter how many points you consider yourself to be, be it a 3, 4, or 5 point Calvinist for example).  Calvinists are more dangerous that Seventh-Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons put together.  Calvinism is a dangerous deceptive doctrine because they preach the truth to a certain point and then STOP DEAD SHORT when it comes to preaching the message of salvation.  Here it’s twisted into something horrible and downright evil – that God would send people to hell for no good reason.  Calvinism teaches that you are Elect by pride, not saved by Grace.

Got Questions is a dangerous place to go get answers.  The Satanic trick is this, let people think they are correct on most questions, that when they stumble across the Calvinism questions they will believe them – after all it only takes 1 drop of poison in a nice big glass of refreshing water to kill someone.

Got Questions Kidz

Got Questions Kidz
Got Questions Kidz

Now they are targeting the kids with Got Questions Kidz.  So many think this is a fantastic idea, but at the end of the day Got Questions ultimate goal is to turn Kidz into Calvinists.

There is a reason Calvinism is called Calvinism, Jehovah’s Witnesses called Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons called Mormons  and Seventh-day Adventists called Seventh-day Adventists because its not called Christian.  None of these doctrines are found in the bible – no where do I see Jesus telling us to follow the doctrine of Calvinism in the bible.

If you have to give your doctrine a name, like Calvinism, then people need to worry.  The man who came up with the doctrine of Calvinism is John Calvin – he was a serial murderer, he murdered people who did not believe in his doctrine.  Calvinists to this day can’t find anything wrong with this, they think murderers are godly men.   See the following articles on John Calvin:

  1. The Legacy of John Calvin – Part 1
  2. The Legacy of John Calvin – Part 2
  3. The Legacy of John Calvin – Part 3
  4. Calvinists Justify the Known Murderer, John Calvin.

See ALL articles exposing Calvinism here:  CALVINISM

Please share:

Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

67 Responses

  1. Craig says:

    Yes, the folks at GotQuestions are Calvinists. The Bible they use is the ESV which is also the preferred bible of many in the Reformed faith.

  2. Craig says:

    Deborah (Discerning the World) wrote:

    Dear Chris Head

    The biggest lie Calvinism every told was that if you remove a letter from TULIP you become a moderate Calvinist instead of a hyper Calvinist. LIES!

    There is no ‘moderately’ Elect and ‘hyper’ Elect. You are either Elect before birth (CALVINIST) or not.

    As Tom said you can’t remove a letter from the TULIP because each one is built on the other.

    I had a believer in Calvinism tell me in a post on another site forum that a hyper Calvinist is one who believes that witnessing to the lost is a waste of time because God has already chosen who will go to hell and nothing can change that.

    So-called “moderate” Calvinists will share the Gospel.

    I had a friend who went from Mormonism to the Reformed Church. She joined me one time to witness to 2 Mormon elders who had come to my door. After that, she refused to talk to them again. She said their destiny is already sealed and more sharing of the Bible would be futile.

  3. Silvana McGill says:

    Miles wrote:

    I stumbled upon this website when I was looking for information on Rex Humbard. I like this site. It seems you have a lot of information on different things.

    I have been using got questions for a while now and today it something told me to see who they are and that’s how I found this page.
    I was curious about what my church is starting and that is the spiritual gifts series. In our small study group, there is a man that will just start speaking in tongues. I researched in the Bible and found that the tongues were not this gibberish I have been hearing from this man. In the group I said doesn’t there need to be an interpreter and what is this language? It doesn’t sound real to me.

    What are your thoughts on this as I’m getting more confused about what is the right church? This is my third church in ten years.
    Thank you.

    Thank you.

  4. Dear Silvana

    Please read our article on Gift of Speaking in Tongues, Prophecy and Healing 🙂

    The right church is the Bride of Christ, She is not part of any concrete building. Christians are spread all over the world, experiencing the same things you are right now. In these last days, children of God are finding the narrow path A Very Lonely Path

  5. Brady says:

    [DELETED BY DTW – You said; “I’ve dealt with Deborah and her husband before. They don’t speak in grace, and they throw out verses and then block you so you can’t interact with them.” note: “Deborah and her husband”? :laugh: That’s really funny. You lie, your comment was posted here and I, Deborah replied to you very nicely over here and Tom (not my husband) replied to you very nicely over here. If you were blocked you would not have been able to post this comment of yours, but seeing that you can’t tell the truth, you are now officially blocked. Bye/ ]

  6. Jim micheal says:

    [Deleted by DTW]

  7. Maddie Eve says:

    Revelation is clear about those who destroy the earth, but these people are calling lovers of Christ who see the destruction as conspiracy theorists, a word coined by the government to make those who question the narrative as crazy people.


  8. Robin says:

    Thank you. I’ve went to got questions for many years for answers, but if they dont understand plain and simple salvation, God help them. Unfortunately they’re spreading confusion and lies.

  9. Thanks Maddie :hi5:

    Chemical Trails are real, not a conspiracy. I see them in the sky here in South Africa, over the Town I live in, sometimes there are so many trails cris crossing each other you could play the game Tic-Tac-Toe or Nougats and Crosses” as we call it.

  10. Black Diamond Sheep says:

    Hi Debora. Thank you for sharing this. I too see how Got Questions is extremely questionable and humanistic. I see a lot a demonic and humanistic views and traits within their teachings. Being Calvinists, their content is portrayed in a very legalistic way. Legalism abounds in their doctrine.

    I am currently writing a book to expose doctrines similarly to Calvinism and Word of Faith. Any chance we could chat via email about the Word of Faith movement?

    Blessing in Christ

    – The Black Diamond Sheep

  11. Fai says:

    This is an attack to on matters totally unimportant .

  12. Dear Fai

    How about you tell us what these unimportant matters are?

  13. Fai says:

    How important it is then on Jesus Christ salvation?

  14. Dear Fai

    Calvinism trashes the gospel of salvation, as they teach that God elects some to be saved and the rest to burn in hell for eternity because it pleases Him to do so. Calvinism is a cult like Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormonism.

  15. Fai says:

    I don’t think so. Unless they are believing the wrong Jesus, you can’t undone who Jesus has saved. Unless you are saying “Calvinism” ( I don’t like labeling people, anyways) is believing the wrong Jesus, like Jehovah Witness or prosperity gospel etc…..so give me prove that so called “Calvinist” is believing the wrong Jesus.

  16. Dear Fai

    Here is a link to all our articles on Calvinsm that prove that Calvisnist follow ANOTHER Jesus with ANOTHER gospel. There is a lot of reading to do, if you are sincere in knowing the truth, you will study what’s been written.

  17. Fai.

    Are you one of the elect who was chosen to be saved before the foundation of the world? If so, how do you know you are an elect and not a reprobate?

  18. Fai says:

    To be honest, I am not a Calvinist. But the saying that saved one knowledge must be correct and unchallenged to be saved is also problematic. Also just because some difference in our knowledge or someone’s mistake and briefly deduce someone is saved or not is erroneous, if I should not say self prideful.

  19. Fai says:

    Sorry I have been presenting this badly. What I mean is we all make mistakes. What I see is I appreciate the biblical facts presented by gotquestions, although I question its stance on Calvinism. Unless it is deceptive in natural leading to Satan, it is still a tool used by God. God bless.

  20. Dear Fai

    Galatians 1:8 “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”

    2 Corinthians 11:4 “For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.”

    When people who are babes in Christ, or people who are easily tossed to and fro from one doctrine to another (Ephesians 4:14) and these people land on Got Questions seeking answers, they are bound to come across the doctrine of TULIP that is so prolifically spread across the Got Questions website site on purpose to DECEIVE those who come to the website believing they are receiving sound doctrine. (Ephesians 4:14) There is a very good chance of sucking people into the doctrine of Calvinism. Calvinism is the most deceptive doctrine of all, as it sounds very close to the truth, but when it comes to the gospel of SALVATION, they trash it along with Jesus Christ and the penalty HE paid for the whole world on the cross. So yes Fai, it’s VERY Important that this website is exposed for what it is.

    Ephesians 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

  21. Fai. God sometimes even uses Satan despite his horrendous “little” mistakes. However, that shouldn’t give us the leeway to willy-nilly encourage others to use “Got-questions” just because their vast knowledge outweighs their little mistakes. There are many other godly sources far better than “Got-questions” that can assist you. By the way, the misrepresentation of God and his salvation is not just a mistake – now, is it? No! it is a hell-deserving travesty. Be aware of the little leaven that leavens the whole lump. It can lead you into apostasy.

    Imagine what many people are going to say on the Day of Judgment. “Please God, take it easy. I know I am guilty but we all made mistakes, don’t we?”

  22. Hi Deborah,

    We may add the following passage:

    For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears. (Act 20:29-31)

    Paul never called their heresies little mistakes. If he had, he would never have wept over the disastrous ill-effects it had on his brethren. I have heard this argument “we all make mistakes” ad infinitum and it makes me angry, very angry.

  23. Fai, just to inform you. They don’t have a stance on Calvinism. They ARE Calvinists to their very fibre.

  24. Fai says:

    Hi Deborah, “Calvinism trashes the gospel of salvation, as they teach that God elects some to be saved and the rest to burn in hell for eternity because it pleases Him to do so.” => you are partly true and partly untrue regarding the views of Calvinism. And Calvin is partly true and partly untrue as well. In God’s eyes, He knows who are saved and who are unsaved because he knows the future (Calvin wrongly defined this as “elect”), which more correctly should be called “predestination”). In humans eyes, though, we still need to take our responsibility and accept Jesus as saviour. God knowing the future of our destiny does not take away our responsibility to work our way to accept and believe Jesus. Some people say Calvin is a bad guy, that is another story though.

  25. Fai says:

    In fact, gotquestions got it quite right, that is “conditional election”, those who believe in Jesus Christ are the ones who are elected (and this is what Calvin got it wrong). Although God already knows the future (predestination), that does not take out our responsibility to believe and accept him and become the elected ones.

  26. Fai. There are no such things as “conditional” and “unconditional election.” Yes, the condition or prerogative for salvation (not election) is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and his Gospel (Romans 10:17). Nonetheless, the condition to believe is not based on election in the sense that some will believe because they were chosen unto salvation before the foundation of the world and others were deprived of faith because they were not elected, and because God knew beforehand who would believe and who would not. What is your view on God’s foreknowledge? Do you believe that God knew everything before anything was created because He Himself ordained (decreed) everything to happen as it happens/happened, including Adam and Eve’s fall into sin and Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus? If this is your view, then it is based on the Westminster Confession of faith: “God from all eternity did by the most and holy counsel of his own will, freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass; yet so as thereby neither is God the author of sin; nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures, nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established.”

    You said:

    those who believe in Jesus Christ are the ones who are elected

    It is an unfortunate and rather blank statement to make. It is said that in 2015, 2.38 billion people avowed that they believe in Jesus. Are they all the elect? Even the devil and his angels believe in Jesus (James 2:19). Are they also part of the elect? If those who believe are the ones God elects, as you said, unto what are they elected (chosen) – to salvation or something else than salvation? The entire nation of Israel was God’s chosen elect and yet most of the “children of the Kingdom” are going to end up in hell (Matthew 8:12).

    If salvation = election because God knew beforehand who would believe, and damnation = non-election, then we are back to square one which is, God elects some to salvation and some to damnation. Election is either to salvation or to something else. You cannot have someone to be saved and bound for heaven because of his faith in Jesus Christ and his Gospel, and then, subsequent to this have him to be elected unto salvation. It makes no sense.

  27. Fai wrote

    He knows who are saved and who are unsaved because he knows the future (Calvin wrongly defined this as “elect”), which more correctly should be called “predestination”).

    Would you say that God’s divine foreknowledge is the determining factor of who would be saved and who not? You reject the word “elect” but sanction the word “predestination?” How does that work for you? Predestination is just another word for election. How do I know? Well, both can be used in sentences without contradicting one another. Here goes: “The elect were elected unto salvation before the foundation of the world” and “The elect were predestined unto salvation before the foundation of the world.”

    Fai wrote:

    Some people say Calvin is a bad guy, that is another story though.

    Even some of today’s staunchest Calvinists admit that John Calvin was a bad (evil) guy.

  28. Fai says:

    Only humans are part of the salvation plan, angelic creatures does not entitle salvation. And there is no mentioning that angelic creatures can repent. This is really predestination that God chooses only humans to be saved. Also this is your view of God, that God doesn’t know everything beforehand. We cannot say God is evil because he knows evil beforehand. Actually based on your statements view of God you’ve got the incorrect conclusion …. gotquestions are correct, without the Holy Spirit to repent some people don’t accept and will never accept the full authority and full knowledge of God…are they really believers of God is a big question mark???

  29. Fai

    I can see that you do not understand election and predestination as the Bible defines it. There is no point in continuing our discussion.

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