Monster Energy Drink – Unleash the Beast 666

Monster Energy Drink

Monster Energy Drink – Unleash the Beast 666

Monster Energy has taken off like hot cakes, you see people wearing their branded clothing in the malls. Monster Energy  width=endorses racing teams;  if it’s fast and it’s fun, they will endorse it.  I always looked on in amazement as to what on earth their logo meant because it did not look good.

You will be shocked, just as I was to realised that the Monster logo is a ‘type‘ of a Mark of a Beast.  I compared the 3 lines that appear to make up the letter M (note the lines in the Monster logo are not joined together) to the Hebrew alphabet and this is what I discovered; the Hebrew letter Vav (which has a numerical value of 6) was a match.


How sneaky is that? They are tricking you into having the numbers 666 in your possession disguised as 3 lines that supposedly look like monster claws cutting through the can.


Now when you look at the rest of their slogans, everything takes on a different meaning, doesn’t it:


Unleash the Beast!


The Energy Drink contains ‘demonic’ energy and if you drink this drink you are drinking a satanic brew that will give you a boost. width=

On Youtube, one of the Monster Energy Drink commercials – It would appear possession takes place, the MONSTER IS NOW INSIDE as they show the man’s eyes with 666 Vav, Vav, Vav


Now this Monster logo is but a type of a Mark of the Beast.  The world out there is CONDITIONING mankind into accepting the real thing one day.  The bible says:

Revelation 13: 16-18  “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Look at the pics below and realize they are intentionally and covertly getting people to wear the mark of the beast.”

 width=The world is being bombarded with symbols on a daily basis, however the symbols are becoming more and more ominous as we approach the New Age which according to occultists begins on the 22nd December 2012.   Symbols for occultists play a major part in their belief structure, it’s important for them because it supposedly projects energy.    width=

“In the world of the occult, many symbols are imbued with power by the magician working in conjunction with the demonic spirit world. To cast a spell is to project energy through a symbol.”  –Wiccan, Starhawk “Covenant of the Goddess” – Manual: The Spiral Dance

People who are not saved, who are not covered by the Previous Blood of Jesus Christ are susceptible to their attacks. Witchcraft is being used against the world on a scale so broad that it encompasses everything you see on a daily basis – right down to children’s clothing at your local clothing store.

If you are not saved and would like to know Jesus Christ please read this:

Here is a video by a woman who explains even more about the Monster Energy Drink

We get tons of comments from people telling us that the 2nd Vav is part of the 1st Vav.  So we studied it and this is the outcome:

Monster Energy Drink 666








Energy Drink Deaths and Hospitalizations Potential Lawsuit

 Monster Beverage has been sued for allegedly marketing its highly caffeinatedMonster Energy Drink to kids, teenagers and young adults. A lawsuit filed by San …

Kansas City woman launches lawsuit against Monster…/kansas-city-woman-launches-lawsuit-against-monster-…

 Jul 9, 2014 – A Kansas City woman launches the latest lawsuit against Monster

Energy Drink linked to another teen’s death, lawsuit…/monsterenergydrink-linked-to-another-teens-dea…

Jun 26, 2013 – The lawsuit filed in Alameda County Superior Court alleges Morris would not have died if he did not drink two cans of Monster’s energy drink ……/death-reports-monsterenergydrink
Oct 23, 2012 – Monster Energy Sued in Death of 14-Year-Old Girl … In addition to caffeine, energy drinks contain other stimulants, including taurine and  …
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Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

320 Responses

  1. C. W. Sherman says:

    One final comment, we as humans are separated greatly from our original Christian purpose, we were designed in the image of God, with his likeness in mind. I highly doubt if God would lecture anyone as much as you people do over petty slips and minor deviations in belief.

    “Thou hypocrite, first cast the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast the chip out of thy brother’s eye.” (The King James Version seems to overuse the word “out” so I kind of edited the quote ever so slightly.)

  2. C.W. Serman.

    “Minor deviations and belief?” Are you joking. There is no such thing as a minor or major belief. You etiher believe or you don’t.

    Jesus said:

    He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (Joh 7:38)

    The verse you quoted (Matthew 7:5) has nothing to do with faith or belief. It concerns Christian conduct and the way we live. So how can you tell us to cast the beam out of our eye when you don’t even know us and never observed our conduct and the way we live?

  3. A random Canadian says:

    It’s ironic, I’m drinking a Monster as I read these comments, and while the artwork on the can may or may not resemble occult symbols, it really all boils down to one thing; marketing. They want to make their product look cool so people will buy it. Of course, when people buy their stuff, they make money, and money, according to scripture, is the root of all evil. Going by this logic, Monster is evil, as are all other companies that do any sort of marketing in an attempt to make more money. I’m not a fan of marketers or advertising, and I like to say that they are “evil” sometimes, though whether they are really evil or not, or what “evil” truly is, is debatable…

    I’m fairly neutral on all this. I don’t subscribe to any particular religious beliefs, though I know full well that I could be wrong.

    For now, I will keep sipping my bittersweet can of who knows what that may or may not be “evil”. For those who are really curious, Canadian regulations stipulate that energy drinks mention how much caffeine they contain, and a Canadian formulation, 473ml Monster Energy drink contains 166mg of caffeine, about one and a half strong cups of coffee worth. It packs a punch alright, though it has less caffeine than a 5 Hour Energy shot.

  4. SteveWasdelicious says:

    A random Canadian wrote:

    It’s ironic, I’m drinking a Monster as I read these comments, and while the artwork on the can may or may not resemble occult symbols, it really all boils down to one thing; marketing. They want to make their product look cool so people will buy it. Of course, when people buy their stuff, they make money, and money, according to scripture, is the root of all evil. Going by this logic, Monster is evil, as are all other companies that do any sort of marketing in an attempt to make more money. I’m not a fan of marketers or advertising, and I like to say that they are “evil” sometimes, though whether they are really evil or not, or what “evil” truly is, is debatable…
    I’m fairly neutral on all this. I don’t subscribe to any particular religious beliefs, though I know full well that I could be wrong.
    For now, I will keep sipping my bittersweet can of who knows what that may or may not be “evil”. For those who are really curious, Canadian regulations stipulate that energy drinks mention how much caffeine they contain, and a Canadian formulation, 473ml Monster Energy drink contains 166mg of caffeine, about one and a half strong cups of coffee worth. It packs a punch alright, though it has less caffeine than a 5 Hour Energy shot.

    Just one quick note, scripture does NOT say money is the root of all evil. It does, however say the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. I agree for the most part, and reading this it seems logical, but I don’t want someone believing half your thoughts simply because of a minor mistake in your wording. I do encourage you to investigate the truth about life and its meaning though. Reading most of these comments sickens me, and people need to understand not to attack the people who don’t know the truth. Hate the sin and not the sinner. If a person is ignorant open their eyes… not your mouth x)

  5. SteveWasdeliciou,

    How do you propose to open peoples’ eyes without you having to open your mouth?

    I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (2 Ti 4:1-4)

    You can’t preach the Word and warn people without opening your mouth, can you?


    Thank you sweet jesus for alowing these ppl to enter my life, we are spreading the word of this evil. many atheist of reddit have turned to jesus just from this post. Today we had over 9000 reddit atheist turn from the devil and accept Jesus as our lord and savior. Thank you guys for all your hard work! GOD BLESS U ALL!

  7. Shaithias says:

    Alright guys, let me give you all a little primer on what your scared about- First of all, monster energy is owned by shareholders its stock ticker is MNST. If the ceo realized that his marketing team had done gone made a snafu like your all saying, he would fire em and hire new ones. Now that being said, its a LOGO. Not a sigil, a ritual mark or a binding or anything else. Its bad for business in america to have 666 on your product, because yahoos like you guys start whisper campaigns trying to spread fear that somehow, the ceo of an energy drink corporation is secretly worshiping the devil. I got news for you all. The ceo is hired and fired by shareholders, and you should introduce them to this thread lol.

    Now, even if the designer WAS a satanist, the sigils are in a language that has no meaning. If you wanted to you could write spells in Sumerian on the sides of a can and it would not have an iota of difference in the real world. As an EX magic user I can say that it is also worthless.(and I left because I did a statistical analyses on whether or not my spells were working or not and they plain weren’t, for you die hards out there who still want to believe etc go read what a book of shadows really is, I just kept a very serious one and a log and an excel sheet and I found out it was a load of garbage).

    Anyways, what you guys are claiming is that somehow, monster energy has gotten people to accept the mark of the beast through magic, and by the way, spells, and cantrips and charms are crutches for the real thing. The positive belief people have a much closer tie to the source of power. Belief is a powerful thing, just look at the placebo effect, and much of the power that so called witches and wizards have is in the belief of others in their spells. If I go out and cut a chicken up and draw intelligent looking symbols on your door in the dead of night, of course you will feel “cursed”. If then something bad happens to you, anything for that matter, you as a human will not chalk it up to dumb luck, you will chalk it up to “the curse” and then the ball starts rolling and the curse becomes self fulfilling as fear begins to kill your habits and superstition of things and ways to counter “the curse” take hold.

    In short guys, you have found an honest to goodness artist mistake. You have then used it to somehow take meaning out of where there is no meaning and now congratulations you have decided that monster energy is evil, and that if you drink it, you are going to hell. You all throw the demonic adjective like it was something you had seen before. I have never seen a demon and I tried to summon one at one point. How can you know something is “demonic” without even having experienced a demon? The whole idea of magic having any kind of power belongs in fantasy land, the laws of physics and chemistry reign supreme in this universe. On that note, did you know that carbon has 6 electrons, six protons and six neutrons? It also happens to be what your cells are made of 🙂 is your Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia kicking in yet?

    PS. If any of you have bonified evidence of a miracle, (video footage of amputated arm being regrown/healed would do quite nicely, its something that cannot be faked) Before and after pictures with some sort of date proof, or something else that cannot be explained away as a trick of the eye, a complicated switch, or stage magic, I want to know. I Have been searching for something more than the laws of physics, but I have yet to find it, despite trying out multiple religions and having spent an inordinate amount of time becoming a “master” in martial arts. And yet, no power. Show me the power, and I will believe.

  8. Chet Ripley says:

    A newly discovered fragment of the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament indicates that, as far as the Antichrist goes, theologians, scholars, heavy metal groups, and television evangelists have got the wrong number. Instead of 666, it’s actually the far less ominous 616.
    The new fragment from the Book of Revelation, written in ancient Greek and dating from the late third century, is part of a hoard of previously unintelligible manuscripts discovered in historic dumps outside Oxyrhynchus in Egypt. Now a team of expert classicists, using new photographic techniques, are finally deciphering the original writing.

    Professor David Parker, Professor of New Testament Textual Criticism and Paleography at the University of Birmingham, thinks that 616, although less memorable than 666, is the original. He said: “This is an example of gematria, where numbers are based on the numerical values of letters in people’s names. Early Christians would use numbers to hide the identity of people who they were attacking: 616 refers to the Emperor Caligula.”

    The Book of Revelation is traditionally considered to be written by John, a disciple of Jesus; it identifies 666 as the mark of the Antichrist. In America, the fundamentalist Christian right often use the number in sermons about the coming Apocalypse.

    They and satanists responded coolly to the new “Revelation”. Peter Gilmore, High Priest of the Church of Satan, based in New York, said: “By using 666 we’re using something that the Christians fear. Mind you, if they do switch to 616 being the number of the beast then we’ll start using that.”

  9. Just Wondering... says:

    if you do a little research, you will notice that six hundred and sixty six (the devil’s number is not, in fact, three isolated 6’s) is equivalent to “Tav Resh Samech Vav” which looks like ת״רסו (right to left, keep in mind). As mentioned, Hebrew numbers work a lot like Roman Numerals. 666 is not VIVIVI.

  10. Free Thinker says:

    I need to ask. If you guys are 100% serious and believe that this is somehow a dangerous signal of an invisibible, undetectable, entirely unperceivable divine evil being… Why are you so obsessed with it? Do you think that cleansing yourself from these supposed “occult” and “satanist” symbols is really doing any good in the world? You all sound completely crazy, and here’s why. You’re missing the point. Jesus came to love people and forgive them for their sins. Provided you believe that Jesus performed miracles, rose from the dead, and was the son of God, I should imagine that the most important goal in your life would be to help those that are in need and care for the people that need love and comfort as Jesus did.

    Not sit around deciding weather a cleverly designed claw mark on a can is a satanic symbol.

    Think about your priorities people. If you’re so concerned about everyone going to hell, then go out and love people like there’s no tomorrow.

    And if you think that somehow your answers to life are more correct than others’, you must either be radically selfish or the luckiest person on the planet.

  11. Not Magic says:

    Or…. Maybe….. Just stay with me here, maybe… its just an energy drink. Americans are funny. Ironically Obsessed with a book without every picking up another. What does it say about being fat in the bible? It must say it’s compulsory, I’m sure of it.

  12. JDF says:

    So let me get this right.

    you’re not upset that a woman walked past you on the street and judged you (Judge not lest ye be judged!)

    you’re upset that a fizzy drink has the claw marks that look like a hebrew letter, which when turned to a number equal 666?! That is tenuous to the extreme (And also ignoring the fact that in Judaism their is no Hell or Satan, that’s a christian concept)

  13. Snowmobile says:

    …so, instead of recognizing the claws are actually shaped like the letter M for Monster – make an insane accusation on an energy beverage and draw attention to assumed devil worship?

    I suppose I could say the same thing about page 111 in the bible, since 111 looks an awfully lot like 666 in Hebrew…

  14. andy says:

    Wow, if people lack the critical thinking skills to realize that stuff like this just doesn’t matter (or is purposefully made by others to cause YOU stress), then you have far more problems than possession.

  15. Z says:

    This is a joke right? You guys can’t possibly be serious.

  16. Sam says:

    This is really dumb. If it is “evil” then you are making it so by reading in to it. I do not believe anymore for reasons like this. That “true” christians act like this. If you want to see an abomination, listen to yourselves. You know what I was told the other day? Faith in god cannot be explained it must just be accepted. By this thinking, every single one of you are hypocrites. Because science has proven many things all of which can be accepted on truth, but you all deem that false to believe your (in your own words) unprovable stories. It’s sickening to think that you believe monster energy drinks are a cult when clearly you are the only true cult. For the record, I don’t like energy drinks, but I did pay for lunch yesterday that was $6.66…I guess that makes me Satan right?

  17. Troy says:

    Okay. I normally don’t post on things like this, but right now I feel like I have to. I have no doubt this comment will be deleted. I read through the comments section and found that every post that seemed to have a contradictory statement had been removed. But, here goes.

    I was raised by Christian parents. Identified as Christian for a long time yet have lost my faith in religion but not my faith in a higher power. But I’m also a rational human being. Looking at a logo and assuming that the creators are intentionally marketing it as a “satanic” beverage is ludicrous. By the “logic” you have presented the word beast can only refer to satan. Is not a wild animal a beast? The monster energy drink is exactly what it is. An energy drink. The logo is three claws having ripped through metal. Thicker at the top and thinner at the bottom because, hear me out here, the claws fully puncture the metal at the first strike and remove them selves as they rake down. It’s not some hidden message of 666. It’s a logo. If you as a person feel uneasy about it that’s fine. Don’t drink it. But don’t go preaching to other people how bad it is because of unfounded speculation. Which is what this “article” is. There is no basis in fact here. You saw something you didn’t like, made an assumption, and posted about it. Do us all a favour next time and do research outside of the bible. It may have answers, but it doesn’t have all of them. That’s what Google is for.

  18. John says:

    Burning Lamp wrote:

    If I got this I missed it. It is truly SCARY that all the little kids who play their Pokemon and video games are being GROOMED to enter this gateway to hell.
    Satan wants to devour our young and he will do it any way he can.

    Stop. The delusion in this thread is deplorable. The creators of Monster did not have “666” in mind when they made this drink. It IS supposed to be an “M”. It’s like every religious person want’s to find something in exactly nothing. And either way, even if it somehow is supposed to be a term for “666”, I doubt ANYONE is going to hell because of a stupid soft drink. Lighten up you plebian. A soft drink isn’t evil. And they’re not “tricking” you into owning the words. IT’S JUST THREE NUMBERS EITHER WAY YOU FANATICS.

  19. Jim Clements says:

    Jake Wells wrote:

    If you also notice the logo looks like three nails which were used obviously to crucify our Lord Jesus . One of Satan’s titles is “the nail”.

    But, I thought it was a good thing that Christ was crucified? If he hadn’t have died on the cross, we wouldn’t be forgiven of our sins and the everlasting love of God wouldn’t be known to humans.

  20. Surely Skeptical says:

    You guys can’t be serious. This is the awful type of rhetoric that people start to believe in for no good reason. Take the time and look, it BARELY holds resemblance to that character in question. By your logic, the number 111 is evil. Heck, why not three exclamation points at the end of a sentence!!! If you take a look at how animal claws puncture then tear, it typically starts with a deep point and pulls down to a thinner slice. You’re connecting dots that don’t exist. You cannot follow people like this and leave logic to the side because they’re dangerous. I weep for you all.

  21. dumbass says:

    Burning Lamp wrote:

    If I got this I missed it. It is truly SCARY that all the little kids who play their Pokemon and video games are being GROOMED to enter this gateway to hell.

    Satan wants to devour our young and he will do it any way he can.

    Yes, Pokemon and video games are the gateway to hell, not the genocide , rape, and torture that is happening around the world. Nope, the video games of course you nailed it down. I believe there is a quote in the bible about video ga… oh wait they were not invented until a few years ago. shucks.

  22. CommonSense says:

    Unfortunately, no one on here who reads this will listen to me but have you thought of the possibility that the drink is called Monster Energy to drive home the fact it will give you energy? Or that the slogan “Unleash the Beast” pertains to the fact that it is Monster? Or that the logo is supposed to be as if a monster was clawing through the can and NOT AT ALL demonic symbolism? You people read way too far into pop culture trying to find the “cause” of the worlds problems and why your children aren’t “accepting Jesus” and what have you. Maybe if you paid attention to what was really going on (for example, the fact that religious differences have caused more death and crimes against humanity than anything else in HISTORY) and spent your time really putting to use the lessons your gospel teaches (like, oh I don’t know, TOLERANCE) the world may start to take a turn for the better.

  23. Troy,

    And I suppose you just love Harry Potter as well.

  24. Kevin Estrada says:

    I don’t care much about Monster or any Monster from a book, unless its a cool cover to one of my favorite bands. I strongly recommend not to drink Monster & other energy drinks for Health Purposes, it is the fastest drink increasing chances of developing kidney stones. If your scared of “HELL” Kidney stones hurt like “HELL” Drink water, Ginseng Root, kiwi’s are natural energy boosters that Mother Earth (GOD) provides 🙂

    I hope this does not offend anyone. I have Christian, Catholic, & Jewish in my family. I respect all of there beliefs and they respect and love me. Please love the world & everyone in it. Life is a beautiful thing.

  25. CommonSense says:

    A random Canadian wrote:

    It’s ironic, I’m drinking a Monster as I read these comments, and while the artwork on the can may or may not resemble occult symbols, it really all boils down to one thing; marketing. They want to make their product look cool so people will buy it. Of course, when people buy their stuff, they make money, and money, according to scripture, is the root of all evil. Going by this logic, Monster is evil, as are all other companies that do any sort of marketing in an attempt to make more money. I’m not a fan of marketers or advertising, and I like to say that they are “evil” sometimes, though whether they are really evil or not, or what “evil” truly is, is debatable…

    Kind of funny when the church is one of the wealthiest institutions in the world. Oh, and then continue asking for “donations”.

  26. The Beast says:

    If your dogma has you paranoid about the artwork on an aluminum can and its contents literally guiding consumers to Hell, then I suggest you get a new dogma. Yours is about 2000 years out-dated.

  27. Sam,

    The Bible says there will be mockers in the last days. (Jude 1:18)

  28. Your name fits you like a glove “dumbass.”

  29. Kevin Estrada,

    Eternal life is even better. Do you have it?

  30. Billy Bongwater says:

    Preacher Paul wrote:

    Last year my son came home from public school & had a friend over & I heard him tell his friend that was “Beast”. I called him over & asked the meaning, because we 45 year olds are out of touch. It is the new “Cool”. He knows CHRISTianity already, but I’ve still missed some things. So this triggered me into having him read the book of Revelation over the next couple of weeks. However, I told him immediately he wasn’t to use this term in this fashion. Satan’s greatest lie has been to persuade the world that he doesn’t exist & then to get them to believe that God doesn’t exist, either. If you go around using “Beast” for “Cool”, then you will think that Satan is “Cool” when he finally comes out of his closet as the “Beast”. He seen my point. Especially when I pointed out the fact that if you use a swiss cheese chart & line up all the holes for “Monster” Energy drink, the Hebrew #6, Unleash the Beast, that there is no coincidence here. The demonic forces are preparing for a massive offensive & are using everything that they can bring to bear to persuade people or to desensitize people to the “Beast” coming on the scene. If you want me to use the movies: “Sea Turtles, Mate”. Keep getting yourselves acclimatized. Soon, you’ll be trapped & wrapped around Satan’s little finger like a fly in a spiderweb. You’ll get caught on the Road To Abilene. Just like the movie: The Children’s Hour with Audrey Hepburn & James Garner. A lie can go a long way & there is only 1 I know of that can get optimum mileage out of a lie & that’s Satan. Believe what you want, But As For Me & My Household, We Will Serve The Lord. If any others out there want to know how to be saved, you can look at Romans 10:9-13 – “9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
    12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Have a great day, & for God’s sake, quit supporting islam. That’s Satanic all in itself.

    Wow… Just wow.

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