Category: Mike Smuts

Mike Smuts

Afrikaner: Who-is-Behind-Mayhem-and-in-SA 9

Riekert Botha’s Gospel: Who is Responsible for The Violence and Mayhem in South Africa? (Part 8)

Does Riekert Botha Preach the Gospel? I have never heard Riekert Botha present the Gospel with biblical clarity. His use of the phrases, “on God’s side” and “bow the knee before or to God” to convey redemption and the gift...

Afrikaner: Who-is-Behind-Mayhem-and-in-SA 0

Old Prophets and Young Illegal Priests: Who is Behind the Violence and Mayhem in SA? (Part 6)

The Old Prophets of South Africa To impress upon the hearts of the Afrikaner how some of the older South African prophets mightily and radically changed the lives of many Afrikaners in the past, Riekert Botha endearingly mentions Reverend Mike...

Israel: violence and mayhem in South Africa 2

Israel: Who is Behind The Violence & Mayhem in SA? (Part 2)

Anti-Semitism maligns, disparages, and vilifies God’s character which is to be true to Himself in doing what He says He will do.

Israel: violence and mayhem in South Africa 3

Antisemitism: Who is Behind The Violence & Mayhem in SA? (Part 1)

Introduction on who is behind violence and mayhem in South Africa How do you prove that Israel is no longer or never has been God’s chosen people? The best way, according to Riekert Botha, is to compare the Afrikaner nation...