New Calvinism – Catching a Gullible Generation

new calvinismA new term has been coined for the youth, it’s called New Calvinism or Neo-Reformed.  It’s actually Old Calvinism repackaged for a more vibrant gullible generation.

Why is Calvinism spreading like wild fire in the times we living in?  Because they preach what appears to be a truthful gospel!  People are sick and tired of having to listen to the Benny Hinn’s of the world, with all it’s false teachings and lavish excesses.  So up popped the Calvinist preachers to save the day.

But the preachers of New Calvinism fail to tell their followers the whole truth and nothing but the truth regarding T.U.L.I.P.  They don’t tell you that Total Depravity and Unconditional Election are actually Gnostic teachings and they don’t tell you that the Calvinistic version of Salvation is completely unbiblical because according to them Jesus died for the Chosen only and not the entire world as the Bible states in 1 John 2:2.   When you read anything written by a Calvinist, try read it from the Calvinist’s ‘Elect perspective’, only then will realise just how terrible their doctrine is.  Old Calvinism and New Calvinism are both vile doctrines.

According to Marc Driscoll, New Calvinism is the following:

  1. Old Calvinism was fundamental or liberal and separated from or syncretized with culture. New Calvinism is missional and seeks to create and redeem culture.
  2. Old Calvinism fled from the cities. New Calvinism is flooding into cities.
  3. Old Calvinism was cessationistic and fearful of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. New Calvinism is continuationist and joyful in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Old Calvinism was fearful and suspicious of other Christians and burned bridges. New Calvinism loves all Christians and builds bridges between them.

So what we have here is Emergent Calvinism – Calvinism going home to Rome.


Albert Mohler, John Piper, Mark Driscoll and Louie Giglio have been instrumental in helping to coin the term New Calvinist to reel in the youth.  Albert Mohler you say? Albert Mohler served as chairman for the Billy Graham Crusades.  Albert Mohler signed the ecumenical Manhattan Declaration. Albert Mohler holds leading positions in two UN, NGO’s.   Albert Mohler is invited to speak at John MacArthur’s Grace to You church once a year.


Please note the leaders of this, one of them being Al Mohler a leader in the Southern Baptist denomination, others are John Piper and Mark Driscoll. It is disturbing that there is an escalation in this heresy, but just another sign we are in the last days. New Calvinism?  What a joke!

Reformed Preachers Ponder the New Calvinism

Three Reformed preachers recently sat down together to talk about theNew Calvinism that has been sweeping the younger generation of Christians.

It’s a movement that has young believers going back to the roots namely, to Scripture and the sovereignty of God.

“You’ve got a generation of Christians who’ve grown up in an overwhelmingly secular culture and they’re not part of a churched culture,” said Dr. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, in an informal discussion hosted by The Gospel Coalition.

“They’re realizing that something has to explain how they came to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. They have an absolute determination, you might say, to make clear that their first principle is the sovereignty of God, not the sovereignty of the self.”

The Rev. Kevin DeYoung, senior pastor of University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Mich., believes part of the appeal of the New Calvinism is that it’s “got some muscle to it” and is “robust doctrinally.”

There’s a renewed sense that “God’s sovereignty is biblical and massively important, that God loves us before we loved Him, that He’s the one who does the deciding work in our salvation,” the young pastor said.

In recent years, pastors have pondered the upsurge of interest in Reformed theology – which includes holding to the authority of Scripture, the sovereignty of God, and the sovereignty of grace – with some proposing that it is coming out of a restlessness and dissatisfaction with contemporary evangelicalism.

“Weary of churches that seek to entertain rather than teach, longing after the true meat of the Word, these young people are pursuing doctrine and are fast becoming new Calvinists,” states a post on the popular Christian blog Internet Monk.

Mohler has been identified as one of the evangelical theologians contributing to the resurgence. Others include Baptist theologian John Piper, C.J. Mahaney of Sovereign Grace churches, and Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church.

“What’s new is you have new people in a new time who are rediscovering the same kind of theological instincts and impulses that led to the Reformation and finding them in the same sources – Scripture,” Mohler explained.

And the desire for meaty answers to such questions as “how has God’s grace come to me” emerges “from young people trying to swim against the tide of secularism,” said the well-known evangelical.

Reformed theologian Ligon Duncan explained the phenomenon this way: “I think as the older confessional traditions jettison their fidelity to some of the great truths that all Protestants have valued because we found them in the Scriptures and see them at the very core of what Christian life and ministry is about, you’ve got a new generation of folks who are rummaging through our trashcans and saying ‘this is great, why didn’t somebody ever tell me about this?'”

As young people rediscover biblical truths, DeYoung believes it could “really reinvigorate evangelicalism.”

Meanwhile, for Mohler, the label – whether it’s the New Calvinism – doesn’t matter.

It all comes down to the Scriptures and being “committed to the Gospel, wanting to see the nations rejoice in the name of Christ, and wanting to see Gospel-built and committed churches,” Mohler indicated.

“If you’re going to dive deeply into the Scriptures, if you’re going to have to explain why the Scriptures have this authority … [and] how this gets worked out in life, frankly, I don’t care what you label it, you’re going to end up in a good place.”

Overall, the three theologians are excited.

“I think it is a wonderful and undiluted good thing that this younger generation is deeply biblical, deeply passionate, deeply convictional, increasingly confessional and ready to do something great for the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,” Mohler said.

Audrey Barrick | Christian Post Reporter


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95 Responses

  1. Truthfirst says:

    What’s wrong with drinking wine? This should NOT be a principled issue issue for mature Christians. Only if a friend would be an (ex) alcoholic would one abstain in his/her absence as to not tempt him/her.And of course there is no justification for drunkenness!Neither should baptism be so divisive that it leads to condemnation. I fully support infant baptism on biblical grounds but this is not a deal (salvation) breaker. What IS though is ecumenism. Some of the above writers have been rather legalistic in their doctrine (wine, baptism)but seem to subsequently overlook the danger of and abhorrence God shows for being unevenly yoked,which is exactly what ecumenism, and worse: interfaith efforts (e.g. Chrislam) is/are. Let’s not get too worked up about Calvinism. The real danger these days for the Bride of Christ are those vociferously attacking conservative Christian doctrine, part of which overlaps with Calvinism. It’s the Rick Warren’s and Bill Hybels of this world and their Emerging Church we have to be aware of, and their potential to lead millions and millions astray!!!

  2. Truthfirst

    So you are a Calvinist against ecumenism (which is Roman Catholic) yet Calvinism is actually a branch of the RCC. Me thinks you need to take a long hard look at the doctrine you follow before you start pointing your grubby fingers at others. You are just as good as someone who follows Ecumenism. And infant Baptism is Roman Catholic and drinking Alcohol will lead to an addiction sooner rather than later (ESPECIALLY if you are not a genuine biblical Christian – and the Holy Spirit is not in your life guiding you and CHASTISING you and keeping you on the narrow path)

  3. Abe says:

    Calvinism is from Augustine, who was a catholic. That alone makes calvinism of all persuasions, false.

    Who told anyone to “reform” catholicism anyway? Catholicism is false on virtually all things it teaches. And calvinism is false and is only a few steps away from catholicism, and “new calvinism” is a step closer back to catholicism.

    The better answer is to get completely away from catholicism, and stick with the Bible only.

  4. Sharon says:

    This is pathetic at best. Satan has repackage old heresy in new wrappings.

    According to Time Magazine ‘New Calvinism’ is the third biggest idea that is changing the world right now. Here are some thoughts on new versus old Calvinism.

    Four Ways ‘New Calvinism’ is So Powerful:

    1. Old Calvinism was fundamental or liberal and separated from or syncretized with culture.

    New Calvinism is missional and seeks to create and redeem culture.

    My comments: When did Jesus tell us to go change/redeem culture? We are to be witnesses for Him. New Calvinism is “missional?” Since when has anything in Calvinism been concerned with missions? Why bother wasting your breath, resources and time on those who most likely are “non-elect?”

    2.Old Calvinism fled from the cities.

    New Calvinism is flooding into cities.

    My Comment: No it wasn’t “Old Calvinism” that fled from the cities. It was the non-Calvinists that had to flee from the cities or be burned and/or beheaded. New-Calvinism is flooding into the cities? Yes, the cities are more and more becoming the dwelling place of those who because of poverty cannot get out into the suburbs. The cities are infested with crime, drugs and filth. New Calvinism should fit right in as they meet up with folks that have been victimized by other people as well.

    3.Old Calvinism was cessationistic and fearful of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
    New Calvinism is continuationist and joyful in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

    My Comment: Old Calvinism was fearful, I agree with that. They were fearful of the Holy Spirit because He, the Holy Spirit could lead them into all truth. What would have become of John Calvin should he lose his power-base? It was a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living John Calvin. They were fearful of the very Holy Spirit that would live in them forever if they knew Jesus as Savior. New Calvinism is joyful? Is any form of Calvinism joyful? I think not.

    4. Old Calvinism was fearful and suspicious of other Christians and burned bridges.
    New Calvinism loves all Christians and builds bridges between them.

    My Comment: No it was not bridges that were burned. It was God fearing, blood bought, born again Anabaptist Christians that were burned. New Calvinism loves all Christians? Loving Christians is not the problem though Calvinism is not an example of Godly love. Jesus said we are to love our enemies. John Calvin burned his enemies. Even consented to a 14 year old girl being beheaded for hitting her parent. Now that is love… …right?

    New Calvinism will deceive and damn souls just like the Old Calvinism has done and continues to do. New Calvinism will sound awesome to a young generation because it will appeal to them as something new, refreshing and exciting. New, refreshing, exciting….that’s what the road to hell is paved with.

    I am fired up and fed up with Calvinism! Calvin and Augustine for too long have defamed our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. They have denied the God who loves and is love. They have blasphemed God by turning the glorious truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and relegated it to man made heresy. Augustine lived over 1,200 years before Calvin and Calvin has been in hell for over 500 years now and look at the destruction they are still causing. Filthy Catholicism. No wonder the Whore Belief System is the Woman that Rides the Beast in the Revelation.

    Even so…come Lord Jesus!

  5. Sharon says:

    “Infant Baptism” is not biblical. Open your Bible and find one scripture that says that we should have our babies baptized. There are none. Yes Baptist is a major issue because there are cults like the Great Whore, the Roman Catholic system that started this blasphemy. Then it got passed on to Lutheranism because Martin Luther “reformed” nothing within the catholic system. Here in America the “Church of Christ” (which they are not) believe that you MUST be baptized to be saved. That is a heresy from Rome as well. IF baptism could save us then Jesus Christ would not have had to go to the cross to atone for the sins of all mankind. Baptism has nothing to do with our Salvation. There is no water pure enough to “wash away our sins.” Baptism is the first act of obedience after we’re saved. What about the thief on the cross that got saved? Did he come down and be baptized? No, because it has nothing to do with salvation.

    As far as drinking alcohol. I personally do not drink any alcohol. Never have and not planning on starting. It is not the last drink someone just had that makes them an alcoholic, it was the very first drink they ever had.

    Peace, His peace to you. That peace is only
    found in Jesus Christ, not in baptism.

    Truthfirst wrote:

    What’s wrong with drinking wine? This should NOT be a principled issue issue for mature Christians. Only if a friend would be an (ex) alcoholic would one abstain in his/her absence as to not tempt him/her.And of course there is no justification for drunkenness!Neither should baptism be so divisive that it leads to condemnation. I fully support infant baptism on biblical grounds but this is not a deal (salvation) breaker. What IS though is ecumenism. Some of the above writers have been rather legalistic in their doctrine (wine, baptism)but seem to subsequently overlook the danger of and abhorrence God shows for being unevenly yoked,which is exactly what ecumenism, and worse: interfaith efforts (e.g. Chrislam) is/are. Let’s not get too worked up about Calvinism. The real danger these days for the Bride of Christ are those vociferously attacking conservative Christian doctrine, part of which overlaps with Calvinism. It’s the Rick Warren’s and Bill Hybels of this world and their Emerging Church we have to be aware of, and their potential to lead millions and millions astray!!!

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