Sadhu Sundar Singh – Hindu Mystic in Sheep’s Clothing

Sadhu Sundar Singh -

Sadhu Sundar Singh and His So Called Christian Exploits with Emanuel Swedenborg

I have come across quite a few ‘Christian’ websites who think that Sadhu Sundar Singh was truly a man of God.  I’ve spent hours and hours reading about his life and his beliefs and I will say this;  if someone knocks on your door dressed in a yellow robe preaching Jesus Christ, don’t open the door!!

On the surface it would appear that Sundar Singh was truly a man of God, he was ostracised by his family for ‘converting’ to Christianity after he had a vision of Jesus Christ in his bedroom, he was Baptised, he took on the life of a Sadhu, barefoot, roaming from village to village preaching and he spent many a month in prison or thrown into a well for preaching the Gospel, until one day he just vanished into thin air (not in a mystic kinda way…no he left for a trip to Tibet and was not seen again).

However, under the surface we find a man who could not let go of his Hindu background, incorporating Hindu mystic teaching and ideas with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I will now briefly analyse his life and his teachings:

“…he decided to become a sadhu, so that he could dedicate himself to the Lord Jesus. As a sadhu, he wore a yellow robe, lived on the charity of others, abandoned all possession and maintained celibacy. He was convinced that this was the best way to introduce the Gospel to his people since it was the only way which his people were accustomed to. In addition, he also wanted to be free to devote himself to the Lord.” [1]

A Sadhu is a Hindu who devotes his entire life to his religion and forsakes all the worldly pleasures.  When one becomes truly born again you will abandon ALL things that are not glorifying to God, you abandon the sin in your life.  The things you did before you were truly born again you repented of and you will not go back to them.  Sundar Singh didn’t do that, he kept the Hindu Holy Man name Sadhu and the Holy Man robes.  The only reason for this was because it was supposedly easier for him to approach people and spread the Gospel.

This does not make sense?  If he was truly Christian he would not have kept the Holy Man ‘Sadhu’ or continued to wear the robes.  This name and the robes represented the lifestyle of a Hindu Holy Man who followed after Hindu gods.  Why could he not dress like a normal Indian person.  You will see why, later…

I wrote this article on Sundar Singh because right now Todd Bentley from Freshfire Ministries, running the Lakeland Revival recently had a vision of Sundar Singh in Heaven telling him about meditation:  contemplative prayer and soaking, etc.

Todd Bentley never abandoned his worldly lifestyle either with all his metal style t-shirts, recent tattoos and piercings.  Dressing like the world to try attract the world is the excuse.

Sundar Singh’s vision of Christ:

“But with the death of his beloved mother when he was only fourteen years old, his life had changed dramatically. The young Sundar grew increasingly despairing and aggressive. Convinced that what Jesus had taught was completely wrong, he tore the Bible apart and burned it. He even threw stones at preachers and encouraged others to do likewise. His hatred of the local missionaries and Christians culminated in the public burning of a Bible which he tore apart page by page and threw into the flames.”

“Three days after he burned the Bible in front of his father, he woke up at three in the morning and went out into the moonlit courtyard for the ceremonial bath observed by devout Hindus and Sikhs before worship. He then returned to his room and knelt down, bowed his head to the ground and pleaded that God would reveal himself.  Yet nothing happened. He was thinking of throwing himself in front of the train that would pass at 5 a.m. every morning behind their house, in the hope that he would find peacefulness in his future reincarnation.”

“He repeated his prayer once again. He lifted his head and opened his eyes, and was rather surprised to see a faint cloud of light in the room…He then thought that it might be an answer to his prayer. While watching the light, he suddenly saw Jesus’ figure in the radiance. To his sheer amazement he saw not the face of any of his traditional gods, but of Jesus the Christ.”

“Jesus Christ was there in the room, shining, radiating an inexpressible joy and peace and love, looking at him with compassion and asking, “Why do you persecute me? I died for you …”[Acts 9:1-5] At that time, Sundar realised that Jesus was not dead but alive. Sundar fell on his knees before Him and experienced an astonishing peacefulness which he had never felt before. The vision disappeared, but peace and joy lingered within him.”

So what we have here is not Jesus Christ appearing to dear ol’ Sundar, but an ‘angel of light’ as an impostor of Jesus Christ.  This ‘angel of light’ said to Sundar ‘Why do you persecute me? I died for you …” and then ‘peace and joy’ lingered within him.  Sundar soon after that began a life of spreading the simple message of love and peace and rebirth through Jesus.   I still have yet to read anywhere where Sundar actually says he accepted Jesus Christ as his saviour by repentance of sin.  Why do I say that is was an ‘angel of light’ that appeared to Sundar and not Jesus Christ?  Because if it was Jesus Christ, Sundar would not have believed, preached or delved into the following:

  • He would frequently converse with the deceased for wisdom and guidance.
  • His communication with the ‘other side’ did not just stop at deceased ‘Christians’ but he conversed with dead unbelievers as well.
  • He believed that the dead could receive Christ after death:

“With regard to the doctrine of reincarnation and transmigration also, I have conversed with Swedenborg and some other Hindu saints who, after entering into the spiritual world, have accepted the Lord as the only true God and Saviour and also those who have not yet accepted Him. They all say that reincarnation is impossible . . .” [5]

  • Sundar seems to have ties with Swedenborgia – New Church (another Cult) in which Swedenborg (the visionary who established this diabolical church) also had visions very similar to Sundars.  Sorry, I should say that Sundar’s visions are very similar to Swedenborg’s. Whether Sundar had read Swedenborg’s books and then mimicked his visions we will never know.   Whatever it is, it’s fishy to say the least:

emanuel swedenborg - Sundar Singh

“. . .  I want to say that after my book on the “Visions of the Spiritual World” was published, some friend sent me a copy of “Heaven and Hell,” and I was glad to see that this wonderful man of God [Swedenborg] also had similar experiences. I should very much like to read about this seer and saint.” [6]

  • Sundar believed that all angles and demons were once men, yet contradicts himself elsewhere by making a distinction between angels and humans that they are not the same.
  • Sundar believed that those who have gone to heaven (the redeemed) can act as angels on earth.
  • Sundar conversed with Swedenborg in the spiritual realm:

“I saw him several times [in a spiritual realm] some years ago, but I did not know his earthly name. His name in the spiritual world is quite different just according to his high position or office and most beautiful character. He is exceedingly happy and always busy in helping others.”[7]

“Yes, I have talked with the venerable Swedenborg and some other saints and angels about the hells, although I am unable to explain adequately all that they told me . . .”[8]

  • Sundar went to Sweden and viewed Swedenborg’s tomb at a Cathedral:

Swedenborg Tomb / Sundar Singh -“Sundar Singh’s second tour to the West took place in 1922. During the month of April he visited Uppsala, Sweden, where he was the guest of Archbishop Nathan Soderblom (whose contacts with, and impression of, the Sadhu I have discussed at some length elsewhere.)[3] Among other things, Soderblom took him on a sightseeing tour, in the course of which he entered Uppsala Cathedral and saw the tomb of Swedenborg. Later Soderblom was to write that Sundar Singh had been impressed by three things in the Cathedral — the shrine of Sweden’s patron saint, St. Erik; a medieval cope bearing, an embroidered picture of the birth of Christ, and Swedenborg’s tomb, “For Swedenborg like him was a visionary.”[4]

Sundar Singh on Buddhism:

“Regarding the Buddha, he said that he respected him for the strength of his intellect and the purity of his life; but in the Sadhu’s opinion he was lacking in humility and for that reason did not attain knowledge of God. Had he truly longed for God, he would have gone to the Sannyasi whom he had first met. For it is only through humility that we can know God.” [1]

Really?  Is that so.  So he respects a demonic entity for its intellect and PURITY of life and then says because it lacked humility it would never attain knowledge of God.  Oh please…you gotta be a complete twit to fall for that one!

Sundar Singh on ‘How to enter Heaven’:

“Nobody will be allowed to enter into Heaven who has not a face like Jesus Christ. That is the only ticket, otherwise we shall find ourselves out of place there. Only those who follow Him will feel at home there.” [1]

No where is this in the bible.  Not a single scripture to back this up.

Sundar Singhs ‘Universalism’ Beliefs:

“However bad and evil-living a man may be, there is in man’s nature a divine spark … this spark of the divine is never extinguished … If this divine spark or element cannot be destroyed, then we can never be hopeless for any sinner… The Creator Himself will not destroy it (man’s soul)… even though many wander and go astray in the end, they will return to Him in Whose image they have been created; for this is their final destination.” [2]

But here’s the best quote of them all by Sundar Singh himself:

“In regard to Hinduism, Sadhu Sundar Singh, the mystic and Sikh follower of Christ in the early 1900s, had an interesting personal perspective. ‘Hinduism has been digging channels,’ he wrote. “Christ is the water to flow through these channels there are many beautiful things in Hinduism; but the fullest light is from Jesus Christ”


What Todd Bentley (Lakeland Revival) – Freshfire Ministries had to say:


todd bentley freshfire ministries - Sundar Singh“Is your life astonishing, filled with prophetic visions and encounters with the Lord? Are you a sign and a wonder? In a vision, Todd saw the Glory Cloud of Revelation–the cloud of Isaiah 11:1, 2 and Revelation 4:5 come upon the church body. Also in the same vision, the Lord showed him an old Punjabi saint by the name of Sundar Singh, who lived in India and evangelised throughout the world over a hundred years ago. The Holy Spirit spoke to Todd about a new release of prophetic revelation coming. In the first part of this prophetic teaching article, Todd teaches about the river of revelation available to every believer and the need for a life wholly dedicated, consecrated, and devoted to the Lord. Part 2 will examine the significance of Sundar Singh in Todd’s vision, as an example of the extraordinary relationship God wants us to have with Him, a life of devotion, humility, daily discipline, contemplative prayer, and daily soaking in, and seeking of God’s manifest presence. This style of Christian living will see us through the most violent shaking or trying times.”


“In this same vision, where I saw the Glory Cloud of Revelation cover believers, I also saw an old saint by the name of Sundar Singh who lived in the latter part of the 1800’s and early 1900’s in India. Then, the Holy Spirit spoke to me about this new release of prophetic revelation coming upon the church, similar to the anointing that was upon this man. It stirred my curiosity, and so I studied the life of Sundar Singh, and discovered that this early Punjabi evangelist experienced profound prophetic visions and encounters.

The Lord Himself regularly visited Sundar Singh. During these visitations, he would ask questions of the Lord and receive direct answers. At the Master’s Feet is a record of these question and answer times with the Lord. Sundar spoke to the Lord as Moses did face-to-face with God, as a friend speaks to a friend. In his writings, Singh describes his visions and experiences, but we also learn that he was humble, faithful, repentant, and spent much time in the presence of the Lord. This has come to be known as the Christian Contemplative Tradition.”


“Sundar Singh spent at least two hours daily in reading the Scriptures, meditation and prayer. He would arise at 5:00 am and finish by 7:00 or 8:00 depending on what his schedule was for the day. He often spent the whole day or night in prayer. His discipline was to read one chapter of the Bible, rapidly at first reading, then to return to reread passages or verses that were more suggestive to him. These he would linger with and meditate on for as long as it was fruitful for him to do so. Next, he would enter into a period of ‘recollection’ for twenty minutes or so. This was a time of silence, in which he would allow the Lord to speak to him in some way. With his own mind and heart quieted, he opened his mind and his heart to hear what the Lord would have to say to him or just simply enjoy companionship with his Lord. Often this period of silence would extend into a deeper state called ‘contemplation’ in which he enjoyed complete rest and refreshment in the love of God.

Often during times of contemplation, he entered into experiences of ecstasy. He regarded these experiences as the same as St. Paul’s entrance into the ‘third heaven’. During his latter years, they occurred frequently, as often as ten times a month. About these experiences he said, ‘I never try to go into ecstasy; nor do I advise others to try. It is a gift to be accepted, but it should not be sought; if given, it is a pearl of great price.

Anyone who contemplates the heavenly calling of the apostle Paul and his being caught up into the third heaven, and again into Paradise, will lift up his voice to God and say: Glory to God who surely gives great gifts to men!”  —

So Todd had a vision of Sundar Singh sent by God did he?  I think absolutely not and I rest my case!  But then this story is kinda old news considering that 8 months after writing this article, Todd Bentley had to slip out the back door because of a then pending separation from his wife.  Todd was having an affair with another woman during the Revival.  Todd is now divorced and seeing the new lady in his life.  Shocking!!!  And people will still try tell you after all this that ‘God was definitely at Lakeland healing everyone’.   OK, but which god?  The one that invented adultery?


[ 2] Meditations on Various Aspects of the Spiritual Life in the chapter “Finally All Men Will Return to God”
[3] Cf. Sharpe, “Nathan Soderblom, Sadhu Sundar Singh and Emanuel Swedenborg,” cited in note 1 above.
[4] Soderblom, Sundar Singh’s budskap urgivet och belyst (Stockholm 1923), p. 129.
[6] Reproduced in letter from J. Goddard to the Editor of The New-Church Messenger (February 29, 1928), p. 140.
[7] Reprinted in The Helper (January 2, 1929), p. 5.
[8] 1bid.
[5] 1bid., p. 217.
Elijah List: , June 21 2006
Elijah List:, June 22 2006
Freshfire:, June 21 2006
Freshfire:, June 20 2006
Links In A Golden Chain: © Copyright 1996, by Kathryn Lindskoog
At the Master’s Feet, Sundar Singh: , 4 June 2006
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Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

94 Responses

  1. Linda

    Shame, I really feel sorry for people like yourself who have never read the bible and probably wont because they would rather have other people “tell them whats in the bible instead”. As apposed to those who read their bibles and know God’s commandment and obey God’s commandments.

    One last “shame” to go out to you….

  2. Nathan says:

    To be fair unless you can site another instance where Sundar actually conjured the dead, I don’t believe you can technically use the above chapter from his book to argue that he practiced Necromancy. He states that “ONE day when I was praying alone, I suddenly found myself surrounded by a great concourse of spirit beings, or I might say that as soon as my spiritual eyes were opened I found myself bowed in the presence of a considerable company of saints and angels.” Certainly if he was purposely trying to conjure the dead, that would be one thing but this text does not indicate one way or the other that he was doing that. There are many instances in the Bible where while in prayer individuals have been taken in the spirit to the spirit realm. This occurs in the Old and New Testaments.

  3. Nathan wrote,

    To be fair unless you can site another instance where Sundar actually conjured the dead, I don’t believe you can technically use the above chapter from his book to argue that he practiced Necromancy. He states that “ONE day when I was praying alone, I suddenly found myself surrounded by a great concourse of spirit beings, or I might say that as soon as my spiritual eyes were opened I found myself bowed in the presence of a considerable company of saints and angels.” Certainly if he was purposely trying to conjure the dead, that would be one thing but this text does not indicate one way or the other that he was doing that. There are many instances in the Bible where while in prayer individuals have been taken in the spirit to the spirit realm. This occurs in the Old and New Testaments.

    There is no such thing that you are innocent when you do things, that are forbidden in the Bible, inadvertently, accidentally, involuntarily, unintentionally, mistakenly, or unconsciously etc. etc. etc. Sin is sin. Whoever appears before God one day won’t be able to say to Him, “As you may know, God, I wrote this book where I emphatically stated that I spoke to dead people. Now, I know you forbid this kind of thing in your Word but you cannot and may not judge me for it unless you can site another instance where I conjured the dead. I don’t believe you can technically use the chapter in my book to argue that I practiced Necromancy.”

    Nathan, do you really think God is a holy nitwit? NO, my friend, God IS HOLY, so holy that you and I cannot even comprehend His holiness. So please stop demeaning the holiness of God.

    Yes, there are instances in the Bible when people were taken in the spirit but they were never taken to speak to deceased people.

  4. Nathan, if I were to read a book you wrote in which you related how you became a Christian, do I really need to read another source to make sure you are a genuine Christian? Isn’t the ONE book you wrote enough to convince me that you are a Christian?

  5. Nathan says:

    Tom, I don’t really understand what you are getting at in your last post. Forgive me. However in the Book of Revelation, the Apostle John converses with one of the 24 Elders in Chapter 5.Would you consider him a dead person or an apparition or what? And no I do not think GOD is a Holy Nitwit. Certainly GOD knows the hearts and intentions of all men including you and I. The point in my original post was that while I agree with you that conjuring the dead is an abomination, it seems to me that a little bit more evidence should be given before you indict a man to everlasting damnation who is not here to defend himself. Simply taking a text and pretending to be the interpretive arbiter of that text without ever speaking with the author seems a little foolhardy. It is akin to the massive amount of heretical groups in our world that claim the ability to interpret the bible when all the while leading people astray. I just believe a little Grace should be given to a dead man who seemed to, based on his writings and the writings of others, furthered the Kingdom of GOD. If he was in delusion a led others into delusion GOD will certainly be Just as you desire. God Bless.

  6. Nathan says:

    Tom, I also wanted to point out that you claim that:

    “There is no such thing that you are innocent when you do things, that are forbidden in the Bible, inadvertently, accidentally, involuntarily, unintentionally, mistakenly, or unconsciously etc. etc. etc. Sin is sin.”

    The Bible , in the Old Testament, does give conditions for people who accidentally sin. Particularly in the Torah. While GOD still saw this as sin, He commanded Moses to deal with it differently specifically because it was not purposeful.

  7. Nathan,

    The fact that an offering – a blood sacrifice – was needed for accidental sins shows that it was just as wrong and dangerous as sins done knowingly by a person (Leviticus 4). There is no such thing that God ordered Moses to deal with it differently.

    Offerings for accidental sins
    1) A bull without blemish was slaughtered.
    2) The priest had to being it to the tent of meeting and slaughter it there.
    3) He had to put his hand on the bulls head and kill the bull in front of the Lord.
    4) He had to put his finger in the blood and sprinkle it seven times in front of the curtain of the Most Holy Place.
    5) He had to pour the rest of the blood at the base of the altar of burn offering.

    Look at all the other blood offerings and you will see that exactly the same procedure is followed than the one above. Does that make the accidental offering different? I don’t think so.

  8. Dear Nathan

    >> However in the Book of Revelation, the Apostle John converses with one of the 24 Elders in Chapter 5.Would you consider him a dead person or an apparition or what?

    Are you comparing the bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and the final authority on all things to a book written by Sundar Singh?

  9. Nathan,

    There is a vast difference between God having allowed John to converse with one of the 24 Elders and necromancy. God allowed John to do it because He had something to reveal to him that had not yet been revealed before. Now listen again to what Sadhu said,

    “As we conversed together I received from them answers to my questions relating to my difficulties about many problems that puzzled me. My first inquiry was about what happens at the time of dying and about the state of the soul after death. I said, “ We know what happens to us between childhood and old age, but we know nothing of what happens at the time of death or beyond the gates of death. Correct information about it can be known only by those on the other side of death, after they have entered the spiritual world. Can you ”, I asked, “ give us any information about this? ”

    Really? I have always thought the Bible is the only source able to give us an accurate account of heaven and hell and not the deceased saints. Where in the Bible does it say “Correct information about it (the hereafter) can be known only by those on the other side of death, after they have entered the spiritual world?” Do you really believe that? When the rich man pleaded with Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers about punishment in hell, he said to him,

    They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

    Well, you may not have called God a holy nitwit but you sure as hell suggested it when you said, “To be fair unless you can site another instance where Sadhu actually conjured the dead, I don’t believe you can technically use the above chapter from his book to argue that he practiced Necromancy.” So, God is not going to judge him on the one single time he wrote this nonsense in one of his books because God always needs more than one example to prove a person guilty?

    Islam believes that when your intentions are right you won’t be judged. In other words, you can do what you like just as long as your intentions are right. You must be joking. It’s like punching someone on the nose and saying “Sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Rubbish!

    Who indicted Sadhu to everlasting damnation? Did I? I merely pointed out your own inordinate argument that we need more evidence to prove that Sadhu practiced necromancy, whether he did it on purpose or not.

    Tell me, how do you give grace to a dead man who may have misled millions of people? You may be one of them despite the fact that you agree necromancy to be a sin.

  10. Nathan says:

    My point in the last post was that GOD does address unintentional sin and acknowledges it as unintentional. GOD does command Moses to deal with it differently in the sense that he addresses it separately from people who intentionally sin.The remedy (for lack of a better term) may be the same but he does not lump them all together in Leviticus. Further I never said that Sundar accidentally or unintentionally conjured the dead. You implied that I was saying that but I wasn’t. I simply said that the text that you used to indict him for conjuring the dead does not indicate that he did such a thing. You are equating his testimony where he claims that Angels and Saints approached him as him practicing Necromancy. I am not. I do not believe based on that one text that there is evidence to prove that he was conjuring the dead or trying to. What would you have had his response be in that situation? Assuming he wasn’t trying to conjure the dead, does the fact that he responded to and engaged in conversation with these “Angles & Saints” make him guilty of Necromancy. Secondly, what is your response to my post that refers you to the Apostle John speaking with one of the 24 Elders in Heaven in the Book of Revelation? I am interested to get your take on that.

  11. Nathan says:


    I will try to answer your last post clearly.

    1st)As far as “the Bible is the only source able to give us an accurate account of heaven and hell and not the deceased saints.” The Bible is not a Systematic Theology. While it does give us some information about heaven and hell, I’m sure whenever we get on the other side of eternity there will be things we see that were not told us in the Bible. With that said, those who have gone before do know more than we.

    2nd)As far as GOD judging Sundar Singh, that’s GOD’s business, not mine. When the day of judgment comes I will probably be too concerned for the Mercy of God for myself to even be worried about how GOD will judge others. Believe you me we should all have this mindset. Matthew 7:21-23

    3rd) As far as giving Grace to a dead man who may have misled millions of people, the keyword is MAY, if what he taught was wrong. But from what I have read about this Sundar Singh, it seems to me that he taught the Cross of Christ. Is it possible that not everything he taught was correct. Not only is it possible, its probable. But that is most likely also the case with you and I.

    Finally, not that it is that important, but I have spent a lot of time in India planting churches and preaching the Gospel. I have pleaded with Hindus & Buddhists alike to turn from their idols many times. It seems to me that loving people even after death is the WAY of our LORD. And while you may not believe in praying for the dead, I would hope that the HOLY SPIRIT in you would at least hope in the mercy of our GOD even for those heading for damnation.

    This has been an enlightening conversation and I pray that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ would Bless you and your Family. This is my final post. Godspeed!

  12. Nathan wrote,


    I will try to answer your last post clearly.

    1st)As far as “the Bible is the only source able to give us an accurate account of heaven and hell and not the deceased saints.” The Bible is not a Systematic Theology. While it does give us some information about heaven and hell, I’m sure whenever we get on the other side of eternity there will be things we see that were not told us in the Bible. With that said, those who have gone before do know more than we.

    That’s not the point. The point is, will God allow deceased saints to contact the living to tell them what’s on the other side? Do you believe He will allow it?

    You wrote,

    2nd)As far as GOD judging Sundar Singh, that’s GOD’s business, not mine. When the day of judgment comes I will probably be too concerned for the Mercy of God for myself to even be worried about how GOD will judge others. Believe you me we should all have this mindset. Matthew 7:21-23

    It is your duty, not to judge the person, but what he teaches or taught (1 John 4:1). YOu are NOT testing the spirits.

    Y0u wrote,

    3rd) As far as giving Grace to a dead man who may have misled millions of people, the keyword is MAY, if what he taught was wrong. But from what I have read about this Sundar Singh, it seems to me that he taught the Cross of Christ. Is it possible that not everything he taught was correct. Not only is it possible, its probable. But that is most likely also the case with you and I.

    So what! The Roman Catholics, the Mormons, the Calvinists, the Jehovah’s witnesses all teach the cross of Christ. Does that make them Christians? It is indeed possible for us to be in error and that is precisely why you and I must rely on what the Bible teaches and NOT men like Sadhu Singh. Don;t you realize that?

    Do you pray for the dead? Really???

  13. Nathan wrote,

    Further I never said that Sundar accidentally or unintentionally conjured the dead. You implied that I was saying that but I wasn’t.

    In one of your previous comments you said,

    Certainly if he was purposely trying to conjure the dead, that would be one thing but this text does not indicate one way or the other that he was doing that.

    You don’t seem to know what you are saying. The opposite of “purposely” is “accidentally.” Don’t you know that?

    Are you a Roman Catholic? If you are, I can understand why you believe in necromancy.

    I have already answered you on John and the 24 elders.

  14. Nathan

    >> My point in the last post was that GOD does address unintentional sin and acknowledges it as unintentional. GOD does command Moses to deal with it differently in the sense that he addresses it separately from people who intentionally sin.

    Do you follow the OT (old covenant) or the New Testament (New Covenant)? Do you sacrifice for your sins? Do you speak to Moses to deal with your sin? Or do you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sin and repent for sin ‘accidental’ or not? I don’t understand why you keep referring to the OT way of dealing with sin instead of focusing on the New Covenant you are ‘supposedly’ in.

    >> Assuming he wasn’t trying to conjure the dead, does the fact that he responded to and engaged in conversation with these “Angles & Saints” make him guilty of Necromancy.

    Yes, conversing with the dead is necromancy.

    Are you a Catholic who prays to dead Saints?

    >> You are equating his testimony where he claims that Angels and Saints approached him as him practicing Necromancy. I am not.

    “Angels of light” will not approach someone unless they have done something to invite them, or sinned thereby opening a door for Satan to entertain you with his presence.

  15. Michael says:

    You accuse Sundar Singh of necromancy, which is most unfair. In that case,you should also accuse our Lord Jesus, Peter, James, and John of necromancy, since they saw and spoke to Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration.

  16. yrreB says:

    Thank you for this article, there are indeed a lot of websites that only speak good about this man, I just started reading at the masters feet PDF version…

    A lot of things seems really good information, really, deep things to think about like for example:

    8. Just as the sponge lies in the water, and the water fills the sponge, but the water is not the sponge and the sponge is not the water, but they ever remain different things, so children abide in Me and I in them. This is not pantheism, but it is the kingdom of God, which is set up in the hearts of those who abide in this world; and just as the water in the sponge, I am in every place and in everything, but they are not I (Luke xvii.21).

    Wonderfull image of Christ and the Father, through the Holy Spirit will come and will make home with us (john 14:23).

    But on the other hand, there are really disturbing things this man proclaims indeed, even the fact that Christ speaks directly to him and sits with him is for me weird because I read in my Bible no such thing after Christ was taken up to heaven. Christ He ascended to send forth the Holy Spirit (John 7:39; 16:7; Acts 2:33). For the Holy Spirit to be poured out, Christ needed to ascended to the Father. So that makes me only think, of course some people have seen Christ, but such a deep conversation I only find weird and gives me confusion.

    Nonetheless it seems that this man, Sundar Singh has a lot of people that believed he indeed got the wisdom and this experience of Christ. I myself don’t know.

    So I have only one conclusion for myself and if anyone maybe is also a bit confused about it, let me read the Bible, for that is truly God’s word and light for my feet, by that, keeping his word the Son and the Father will live in us! So my prayer is let us dwell in His own words! And that my fellow brother and sisters is all what will makes us fruitfull: staying in Christ!

    John 14:
    23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

  17. yrreB says:

    by the way another quote from him:

    “Once I said, ‘So many people will be lost because they have not heard of Christ.’

    They (some angels Singh sees) said, ‘The contrary will be the case ; very few will be lost. ‘

    This is a kind of a heavenly joke, no, joke is not a good word for it.

    ‘Very few will be lost but many will be saved.
    It is so, but don’t tell,’ they said, as it were, in jest, ‘because it will make men careless, and we want them to enjoy the First Heaven that is the Heaven on earth as well.’ ”

    “If there were no hope for all the non-Christians in the world and all the Christians who die in sin, God would stop creating men.
    We must do our part here on earth to save sinners, but if they refuse we need not be
    without hope for them. ‘ ‘

    So he believes everybody will be saved after dead, so in other words, broad is the way that leads to heaven, small is the path that leads to destruction….
    Man what a loss, sure this isn’t information out of my Bible!

  18. Just Me says:

    Thomas Lessing (Watch and Pray / Waak en Bid) wrote:

    Hari Har
    His background, nationality, language, attire and culture aside. His universalism alone made him a heretic. Furthermore, necromancy (conversing with the dead like Swedenborg) is an abomination in the sight of God. Therefore it’s rather odd that you should focus on his culture and not on the things that made him a heretic.

    Didn’t Jesus converse with the Moses and Elijah. Pretty sure they were dead. Oh, didn’t Jesus appear to Paul as an angel of light and wasn’t Paul blinded?

  19. Just Me,

    I’m sure you will agree that Jesus is God and therefore quite capable of conversing with those who have already departed to be with the Lord in heaven. At any rate, when Jesus was transfigured in the presence of his three disciples, Peter James and John, He actually changed into another form. It was not just a transformation in outward appearance. What his disciples saw was what He will look like in his glorified body when He returns visibly in power and glory to establish his Kingdom on earth. The fact that Moses and Elijah spoke to Him in visible form, is proof that all the saints who had already died are going to return with Him in their glorified bodies like unto his own at his Second Advent to the earth (not the Pretribulation Rapture). To assume that, because He conversed with two dead people ONCE and never again in this most unique instance on the Mountain of Transfiguration, it gives anyone the right to also speak to the dead, is rather dangerous. You are actually saying that all saints are already in their glorified bodies and therefore capable of speaking to the already departed saints. The fact remains that we are forbidden to speak to the dead.

    There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer (one who seeks the guidance of the dead). For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. (Deu 18:10-12)

  20. Andrew Park says:

    Sundar Singh is my hero of faith. Be careful not to commit the sin of judging others without looking into the depth of their faith and lover for Jesus. He truly gave everything to Jesus for His mission. God’s blessings!

  21. That’s just where you miss the bus. You are not supposed to follow Sundar Singh. You are commanded to follow Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. Repent of your evil. How sure are you that the Jesus to whom he supposedly gave everything to Jesus, is truly the Jesus Christ of the Bible and not another Jesus?

  22. Christo Chiramukhathu says:

    You Western devil..! What was his mistake..? He was following a pure Hindu life style throughout his life.. Jesus was the spiritual model who followed a pure Hindu life style. Jesus spent His hours in prayer and meditation…That was actually done by Sunder Singh also. Not like Western so called ‘spiritual fellows’ who find joy in partaking in noisy beastly songs, dancing mingling with women who shows half-nudity, and eat tons of meat…! Sunder Singh was wearing Saffron robe, not western dirty suite and tie..! (I hate this dirty dress). For anyone to become Christian, he must adopt Hindu life style, because that’s the only spiritual life style in this world. Western life style is materialistic life style..! Indian is Spiritual. Jesus was teaching and showing Spirituality in His life. Sunder Singh was a great saint revealed it in his own real life.

  23. Christo Chiramukhathu

    The Hindu Scriptures claim that there are 33 Crore or 330 million (1 Crore = 10 million) gods and not a single one of them is called Jesus Christ. Yet you have the audacity to speak about Jesus and his alleged pure Hindu lifestyle? The Hindu Jesus you are talking about is another Jesus who espouses another gospel that cannot save. (2 Cor 11:4). The Jesus of the Bible did not come to spend his hours in prayer and meditation. He came to the earth to seek and to save the lost. (Luke 19:10). Indeed, He is trying to find you but you are refusing to be found of Him. I urge you to repent and to receive the real Jesus Christ as your Saviour.

    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (Joh 14:6)

    About 82% of the people in India are Hindus. Now read this for some real humdinger sexual misconducts.

  24. John says:

    I read all urs and comments too, I’m an Indian living in India, dress code- saffron robe does not have any relation to Hinduism where is the hindu scripture reference ?
    U can’t understand no matter how much u research bcz you are not from our land. Just like u, using head to understandverse can’t explain, its experience and relation with God.
    Hinduism is a religion which has absorbed lot of customs n tradition to have its ground.
    Why Emy Carmichael applied tea leaves stains to dark her and go in saree, she was the same in Chinese robe in China, Indian dress code is not same everywhere,
    Then sundar Singh was a Sikh not Hindu.

  25. John says:

    Tom (Discerning the World) wrote:

    Christo Chiramukhathu

    About 82% of the people in India are Hindus.

    Its not true, regarding %. Actual is around 50%. And I agree with christo on few things when he was speaking about materialism but it should not be Hindu dress code.

  26. Susan says:

    I would love to have the ability to drop all, live in a warm climate, sit under a tree and pray to the Lord all day long while people came to hear what I had to say and bring me food! Maybe once in a while start walking to see where my feet would lead, sleep by a tree, not worry about getting arrested, raped, murdered but just left alone because I want to grow in relationship with my Lord. Oh, to be a man, and to live in the days of old in India. Yep, I would have worn the traditional clothing as well.
    Hubert wrote:

    There is too much assumption in what you are saying about Sadhu Sundar Singh. Todd Bentley uses many other people besides sundar to justified waht he is doing. He definately had the wrong spirit. However Sadhu Sundar Singh did leave his old lifestyle behind. Just like any one of us, when we followed Christ , we leave our old lifestyle behind. The question here is do we penalize him because he wear an orange robe? Do we penalize the menonites becausde they wear a headdress? Do we penalize the chinese Christian  because during somepart of their wedding they had to wear traditioonal chinese costume and cheong sam? Sundar was a punjabi. He minsters in the Indian subcontinent, so that type of dressing is totally acceptable. Thats their simple costume, a robe. Jesus wears a robe too. Sadhu simply means holy man in their language, hindi. but in that culture it refers to him as a teacher. They call Jesus a rabbi too? Is Jesus a Pharasee? In Laos and thailand they call pastors ‘Ajahn’, but they also call monks ‘ajahn’ too. Are they the same? In China, taiwan, singapore and malaysia, they call some one who teaches the word ‘lao shi’ but they also call taoist who teachesrs taoism ‘ lao shi’. In muslim culture, they call God ‘Allah’. But in malay and indonesia, the christians also call God ‘Allah’.Is muslim and Christian the same? Todd Bentley(whom i also believe is demon possessed himself) says he saw Sundar. That is liken to Saul seeing Samuel which is demonic in nature. so What todd bentley claims to see is not sahdu and could be a familar spirit.

  27. Susan says:

    This is different than one who sees someone who has passed and they spoke to them. The scripture that you reference to is to seek the dead for advice. I must say that when I was only 8 years old, my grandmother passed away and I saw her in the clouds and she told me that she is okay and not to worry. No one knew that she was gone, I cried and had to sleep in my mothers room. The next morning we got a call that my grandmother had died that evening. I was a child, who went to catholic church. I loved Jesus and knew not much of anything else. I never saw her again, I never went out to find people to talk with her etc…So, I know that the Lord loves me and that I am his. Just because this happened, does not mean that we are in the wrong spirit. However, I agree that it is strange to have ongoing conversations with an angel or whatever it is. When I was 8 was not the only time that my eyes were opened to the spiritual world. When my ex-husbands (don’t judge, he left me, an unbeliever, who found someone else) brother passed away, I was throwing newspapers and driving over a bridge. I saw him walking and recognized him and asked myself, “What is Peter doing out here?” I almost turned around to see if he needed a ride, but I kept going because I was not sure. I was not aware that he had just passed away. I don’t know why these things happen. I sort of looked at it as a comfort, a good bye of sorts. I sure don’t look for it! anyways.

    Tom (Discerning the World) wrote:

    Just Me,

    I’m sure you will agree that Jesus is God and therefore quite capable of conversing with those who have already departed to be with the Lord in heaven. At any rate, when Jesus was transfigured in the presence of his three disciples, Peter James and John, He actually changed into another form. It was not just a transformation in outward appearance. What his disciples saw was what He will look like in his glorified body when He returns visibly in power and glory to establish his Kingdom on earth. The fact that Moses and Elijah spoke to Him in visible form, is proof that all the saints who had already died are going to return with Him in their glorified bodies like unto his own at his Second Advent to the earth (not the Pretribulation Rapture). To assume that, because He conversed with two dead people ONCE and never again in this most unique instance on the Mountain of Transfiguration, it gives anyone the right to also speak to the dead, is rather dangerous. You are actually saying that all saints are already in their glorified bodies and therefore capable of speaking to the already departed saints. The fact remains that we are forbidden to speak to the dead.

    There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer (one who seeks the guidance of the dead). For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. (Deu 18:10-12)

  28. Hi Susan, next time when an angel or a deceased family member appears to you, pray the following prayer, “Dear Lord Jesus, if this is of you, I say amen to it. However, if it is not of You, I rebuke you Satan, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Leave me in the Name of Jesus Christ”

  29. Are you still Catholic and clairvoyant?

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