Graham Power meets Pope Francis

pope francis and graham powerGraham Power meets Pope Francis from the Roman Catholic Church

Just recently Graham power went to meet Pope Francis to discuss how Christians can take a stand against corruption.  After Graham Power met with Pope Francis he then traveled to the G20 summit in Australia to take part in a campaign that urges governments to take corruption and tax evasion seriously.
Pope Francis apparently is a strong advocate against corruption as it affects the poor in such a massive way.  Graham Power was overjoyed when he was asked to meet with the Pope, not because he was in any way going to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to him that the Pope may be saved out of the Roman Catholic pagan church.  No, Graham Power was excited because he views the Pope as a Christian that will bring unity to all Christians in the world.

“Graham Power is the founder and chairman of Unashamedly ethical (UE)”

Says Dion Forster who is the international Co-ordinatior of EXPOSED an international campaign against corruption.  Grahamexposed Power will be going to Australia to the G20 as an international Christian leader – there are 90 leaders from continents around the world who signed an open letter to the G20 expressing their desire to end corruption.  Graham Power also went as a representative of EXPOSED and Unashamedly Ethical.

The open letter was arranged by EXPOSED and supposedly represents one billion Christians across the world. That would be Roman Catholic and Pentecostal alike.  The letter will be presented to the G20.  The letter explains that corruption “robs US$850 billion each year from developing nations through illicit financial flows and an additional ‘$160bn a year is lost through tax evasion.”  EXPOSED says this is actually an underestimate and the results are that developing nations lose more money through tax evasion than what they received via aid.  EXPOSED wants the church to take a stand and this letter will be the first move in taking a stand against corruption.

Lord Paul Boateng, says “G20 leaders cannot afford to ignore what a community of one billion Christians round the world are telling them in EXPOSED’s open letter – that governments must take action on corruption, which traps millions in poverty in developing nations.”

Over the past 6 months the EXPOSED letter is being used by Christian leaders to give to their governments as a wake up call.  Leaders demand action on such issues as “land-grabbing, bribery and the disappearance of millions of dollars in tendering processes and contracts.”  In Brazil, 300 so called Christians signed the letter.

Senior African church leader and signee Rev Dr Suzanne Matale says: “We in the Church are angry about corruption in business because it’s stealing the livelihood of millions of people. It’s incumbent upon the G20 countries to take action against those companies and multinationals who are registered with them, to make sure they conform to the same high standards that they would expect in their own countries.”

Australia holds the presidents position at the G20 summit this year, the open letter from EXPOSED was presented in person to the Australian MPs and Treasury official on the 7 November 2014 . Philippine church leader and the letter’s author Bishop Efraim Tendero will hand the letter over. He says: “Corruption is a daily part of the news here in the Philippines. In the past year it has come to light that discretionary funds in the hands of politicians, totalling $2.2m, have been diverted through bogus non-government organisations.”

Rev Joel Edwards, who heads EXPOSED, says: “Good economic practices make sense for all nations and they help business to flourish if we all play by the same rules. If the G20 fails to act or only takes half-hearted action, then it’s the poor who will suffer most –  most definitely the poor in developing nations, but also the poor in Europe and Australia. Brisbane’s meeting is a crucial time to see resolute action.”

The letter states that people die when funds are taken from developing countries through corruption, the results are poor healthcare.  The lives of 230 children could possibly be saved every day if the issues of corruption were addressed.

“G20 nations G20 nations, which control 85% of the world’s economic activity have already begun to tackle corporate bribes, profit shifting and tax evasion.”  EXPOSED urges leaders to not act in their own interested but in the interest of poor communities by providing funding and information so that “developing nations can access and use data from multinationals and governments.”  Australian Treasurer Joe Hockery has gone public to say; “These commitments will be meaningless if they don’t translate into real outcomes.”


Graham Power is good buddies with Angus Buchan, Michael Cassidy and Dion Forster.

Lets look at each of these individuals one by one shall we:

Angus Buchan:

See all articles here on Angus Buchan.  Angus too believes the Roman Catholic church is Christian, he also believes you need to put you doctrinal differences aside for unity.

Graham Power:

“The person who caused the biggest stir on the prayer summit was Graham Power of Transformations Africa. His talk induced certain members of the audience to withdraw from the Movement and even to resign from churches which still support this action.

In his talk Graham again reviewed the vision that he had of transforming South Africa, Africa and eventually the whole world. He devoted much attention to an experience that he had in February 2002 when he attended a prayer breakfast for men in Stellenbosch. The speaker was a 28-year old Coloured man of Khoi descent. He was a former gangster whose whole body is tattooed. The topic that morning was “The Holy Spirit.” Afterwards, the speaker invited the men to come forward and receive the Holy Spirit.  One of them ran away but most remained behind to receive the “blessing” of being slain in the Spirit.

Graham said that when he was touched on his shoulder he fell down but rose again after a short while. He fell down two more times. The third time he lay on the ground for 1½ hours. He felt an electric-like current flowing through his body while having “an amazing experience.” He also heard a voice speaking to him, saying, “I am the spine,” (six times), “I am the head of the spine” (six times), “I am the king” (six times) and “I am the king of kings” (six times).

KundaliniChrist Graham Power & Angus Buchan The Transformation of Africa[DTW  note:  So now we know what happens to people who are slain in the spirit.  They receive a Kundalini experience which is explained as a Serpent that sits at the base of the spine that produces what is known as a Kundalini awakening:  electricity flowing through the body, shaking, hearing voices from Divine entities, ecstasy, convulsions, visions, lying paralysed on the floor, etc.  The head of the spine is where the serpent sits at the base of the Chakras or Kaballah Tree of Life.  When the Serpent is awakened the energy travels up the Chakras (god points) like a snake opening up the Third eye (6th Chakra) to the Crown Chakra at the top (God)]

Immediately afterwards, Graham had an experience outside his body. He saw himself lying on the floor on his back with his arms stretched out in the form of a cross. He then saw Africa forming around his body with his feet in Cape Town and his head in Egypt. His hands pointed toward East and West Africa. He felt a strange sensation of pain rising from his feet and legs through his spine to his shoulders and arms. He interpreted this as a revival and transformation movement that will spread from South Africa to central Africa, and eventually to the whole of Africa. He also saw his arms becoming longer and reaching around the globe. This indicated that the movement that has started in South Africa would ultimately encompass the whole world.

Graham acted in terms of these mystical revelations and drastically expanded the scope of the Global Day of Prayer. He says that in 2006, 199 nations participated in this prayer event on the Day of Pentecost, and he hopes that all 220 nations of the world will participate in 2007. He quoted Isaiah 66:18 where the Lord says, “It shall be that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come and see my glory.” Graham then added: “God’s plan will start in Africa and encompass the whole world.”

He also quoted extensively from Isaiah 52:6-12, which actually refers to Israel in the millennial kingdom of Christ. God says, “My people shall know my name… How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who say to Zion, Your King reigns! … The Lord has comforted his people, he has redeemed Jerusalem… And all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. Depart! Depart! Go out from there  [Graham added, ‘from the high places’] … for the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.”

Graham says that the true people of God should go to the high places, such as mountains, to pray that His kingdom will come. He then announced that he and a group of people will pray on top of Mount Kilimanjaro on Pentecost Day, the 27th of May 2007. From this highest point in Africa they will descend to be used by God as instruments of His kingdom blessings all over this continent. He asks that as many as possible people will join in the Global Day of Prayer, preferably on mountains and other high places, but also in churches.

A vision was shared with Graham Power by a certain person in South Africa, to the effect that he should make preparations for a big revival which will happen after two years. Graham accepts all visions that people have, and say that many of these have been communicated to him. They all allude to the expectations that revival lights will be lit across this dark continent to transform it into the glory of God’s kingdom on earth. From Africa, the revival will spread all over the world.

During his address Graham Power often talked about what God and the Holy Spirit are doing, but he never talked about Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29) and will rule the world in righteousness after His coming.

Comments: Graham Power is a committed leader and organiser of the Transformation Movement. It is clear that he truly believes in the extra-Biblical revelations that he received during his mystical experiences. He obviously does not realise that his Dominionist vision is at variance with the Bible as it clashes with principles and nature of the church dispensation as laid down in Scripture. The verses which he quoted from Isaiah 52 to substantiate his kingdom vision are applicable to Israel in a future dispensation. Profs. Walvoord & Zuck (The Bible Knowledge Commentary, p. 1106) say: “The joy Isaiah wrote about in Isaiah 52:7-8 will be when Israel’s Messiah returns to Zion to reign. His reign will be one of peace.”

Graham and his associates apply the conditions for Israel’s national repentance in 2 Chronicles 7:14 to other nations. The majority support which the kingdom of darkness enjoys until Christ will come to destroy the Antichrist and his following, and to bind the devil in a bottomless pit, renders a situation like this very unlikely in any country of the world. In this dispensation, God works with individuals rather than nations.

Although many Christians with noble intentions support the Transformation Movement because they are deeply concerned about the deteriorating situation in Africa and the rest of the world, they are nevertheless pursuing a man-made vision of establishing God’s kingdom.

They should investigate this movement to discover its serious fallacies and weaknesses. How can they associate with George Otis who does not explicitly base his plan for transformed lives upon the blood atonement of the Lamb of God? How can they expect the coming of God’s kingdom before the coming of the King? How can they ever imagine that a situation similar to heaven can prevail in a world where the vast majority of people are stubbornly treading the broad way?

Don’t they see the great falling away from biblical truth around us? (1 Tim. 4:1). These are surely end-time signs of a rebellious and spiritually hostile world that will be judged by God during the coming tribulation period when the Antichrist, as the man of sin, will rule the world. Lost souls should be plucked from the fire of the impending judgements to escape the coming wrath (1 Thess. 1:10). Those who say, “peace and safety” while dark clouds of divine wrath are gathering around the world, will experience sudden destruction in stead of the descending of God’s kingdom upon them (1 Thess. 5:3).

George Otis should rather extend his latest video of a troubled world and devise strategies for the saving of souls in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ who redeemed sinners on the cross, instead of vain expectations of God’s kingdom being revealed during this dispensation.

Graham Power’s idea that more power will be generated by prayers offered from the top of high mountains has been derived from the strategic spiritual warfare approach followed by George Otis, Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, Ted Haggard and others. This type of prayer is aimed at pulling down demonic strongholds in heavenly places, but has no biblical foundation. We must revert to the basics of the gospel message, in which the major perspective is the counselling of sinners, preferably as individuals or in small groups. The transformation of entire societies will only occur after Christ has come to reward His saints and judge His enemies.”

source: and

[UPDATED:  20/6/2015]  Letter to DTW from Graham Power – 18/6/2015

GRAHAM POWER responded with a letter to DTW explaining that he is not a Freemason.

See letter from Graham Power here:  Letter from Graham Power to DTW

Michael Cassidy: 

Read this article on Michael Cassidy:  What did YOU think Revival meant?

Dion Forster

“So there was this draft that came out called the National Initiative for the Reformation of South Africa hosted by Michael Cassidy at the head and Graham Power at the tail, or whatever.  Dion posted an article on it, praising it’s success.  In fact now that I think about it, this almost sounds like the Manhattan Declaration that was signed by an astronomical amount of  ‘Christians’ recently across the world just the other day.

So the thing is, I too posted an article on it and then waited for the final version of the declaration to come out. I then went and commented on Dion’s blog here:

Having returned there now, I see my comment is not there.

Anyhow,  here is my article which formed most of the comment I posted on your blog Dion:   National Initiative for the Reformation of South Africa – NIRSA .”

Who does Deon Forster worship?

But let’s get to your books you have written on this Christ you serve.

DeonForster An uncommon spiritual path Dion Forster and The Drive By Rebuking VideoAn uncommon spiritual path – the quest to find Jesus beyond conventional Christianity by Dion A Forster

Product Description:

“Are you tired of ‘consumer’ driven religion? Are you finding that the ‘popular’ steps to faith no longer satisfy your desire for true spiritual living? Then the novel and courageous approach of this book could be just what you have been longing for. The truth is that people cannot be whole unless they have an active and deep spiritual life. One of the great shortcomings of many contemporary western cultures is that they lull us into believing that we can find peace, joy, and fulfillment in what we own, or in what we do. Sadly, many people have come to discover that the pursuit of wealth, power, and recognition by ones peers, are shallow and meaningless against the backdrop of what it means to be truly alive. When one considers that a human person has physical, psychological, and spiritual needs, the pursuit of true and ultimate meaning becomes all the more important in a world that seems so increasingly devoid of depth. This book charts a different course to the norm. It examines a way of life that may seem quite austere and strange to most of us. However, it will be shown that it is not the spiritual methodology, or even the content of this particular spiritual path, that brings blessing and peace. Rather, it is passing beyond methods, ideas, and even doctrines, that brings us into the presence of the God who gives and sustains true life; the kind of life Jesus speaks of in John s Gospel (John 10:10) This book charts this uncommon spiritual path by examining the ‘non-dual’ spirituality of Henri le Saux (Swami Abhishiktananda – meaning ‘the bliss of Christ’), a French Benedictine monk in India. His approach is challenging, courageous, and even unsettling in some instances. However, his deep commitment to finding Christ is an inspiration”. [ Emphasis added]

DeonForster Christ at the centre Discovering the Cosmic Christ Dion Forster and The Drive By Rebuking VideoChrist at the centre – Discovering the Cosmic Christ in the spirituality of Bede Griffiths by Dion A Forster

Product Description:

“Are you searching for a fresh and creative approach to your spiritual life? Do you long to overcome the tension between spirituality and everyday life? Then this book is for you! Karl Rahner wrote that the “…Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all“. Increasing numbers of Christians, and Christian theologians, are starting to recognize how important a lived experience of the mystery of Jesus Christ is in finding true life, and in doing sound theology.Bede Griffiths, a Benedictine Monk who was educated at Oxford and spent most of his life adapting his Christian faith to the culture and philosophy of India, came to embody the depth and riches of mystical spirituality in his life and teaching. His integrated approach to spiritual living has helped many people to discover, and rediscover, the rich experience of being truly and fully alive in Christ. This book examines the elements that made Fr Bede’s spirituality so significant.It discusses his understanding of the Person, nature, and work of Christ from a mystical and spiritual perspective. Fr Bede’s Christology is informed by such varied sources as the Catholic Christian tradition, Indian philosophy, Hindu religion, quantum physics, transpersonal psychology, micro-biology, and the perennial philosophy. This book is a valuable resource for persons who seek to deepen their relationship with God and foster fresh and creative ways of expressing that spirituality in their everyday lives. It also has a great deal to offer the more serious theological mind through the discussions on experiential theological methodologies and the challenging new vocabulary and approach to Christology.” [ Emphasis added]

Dion Forster says this about his book:

This book aims to address some of the common problems that ‘modernism’ and Western materialism have wrongly thrust upon the Christian faith. These problems include such things as the assumption that true Christianity must be framed in a Western cultural guise, the false duality between spiritual living and social responsibility, enmity between faith and science, unnecessary conflict between Christianity and other living faiths, and the loss of the sacred as a result of the dominance of Western individualism and materialism. I attempt to address these problems by presenting a novel and creative spiritual path that has the potential to address these dualities and struggles. At it’s core this book is a discussion of Fr Bede Griffiths wonderfully rich Christology. Throughout the book the doctrine of Christ is framed within a mystical approach to the person and work of Jesus, offering new insights and a fresh theological vocabulary.  [ Emphasis added]  –
Who was Bede Griffiths?  This is an interesting little introduction from Wikipedia.  Raise your hand in the comments section if you too see the name C. S. Lewis mentioned below.  This is just too let me know that I am not seeing things either.

BedeGriffiths Dion Forster and The Drive By Rebuking VideoAlan Richard “Bede” Griffiths (17 December 1906 – 13 May 1993), also known as Swami Dayananda (Bliss of Compassion), was a British-born Benedictine monk and missionary who lived in ashrams in South India. He was born at Walton-on-Thames, England and studied literature at Magdalen College, Oxford under professor and Christian apologist C. S. Lewis, who became a lifelong friend. Griffiths recounts the story of his conversion in 1931 to Catholicism while a student at Oxford in his autobiography The Golden String. [ Emphasis added] —

“I know that Great Person of the brightness of the sun beyond the darkness.
Only by knowing him one goes beyond death.
There is no other way to go. 
– Svetasvatara Upanishad”

Some quotes by Bede Griffiths back in the day:

  • God had brought me to my knees and made me acknowledge my own nothingness, and out of that knowledge I had been reborn. I was no longer the centre of my life and therefore I could see God in everything.   – Bede Griffiths
  • I am rediscovering the whole sexual dimension of life at the age of 86, really. And that also means discovering the feminine. So the whole of this dimension, which I had been seeking for a very long time, is now sort of opening itself up to me.    -Bede Griffiths
  • I think the Mother is gradually revealing itself to me and taking over. But it is not the Mother alone. It is the Mother and the Father, the male and the female, sort of gradually having their marriage.  -Bede Griffiths
  • It is no longer a question of a Christian going about to convert others to the faith, but of each one being ready to listen to the other and so to grow together in mutual understanding.  -Bede Griffiths
  • To enter deeply into meditation is to enter into the mystery of suffering love. It is to encounter the woundedness of our human nature. We are all deeply wounded from our infancy and bear these wounds in the unconscious. The repetition of the mantra is a way of opening these depths of the unconsciousness and exposing them to light. It is first of all to accept our woundedness and thus to realize that this is part of the wound of humanity. All the weaknesses we find in ourselves and all the things that upset us, we tend to try to push aside and get rid of. But we cannot do this. We have to accept that “this is me” and allow grace to come and heal it all. That is the great secret of suffering, not to push it back but to open the depths of the unconscious and to realize that we are not isolated individuals when we meditate, but are entering into the whole inheritance of the human family.”  – The New Creation in Christ: Christian Meditation and Community (1994), pg.50
  • The resurrection does not consist merely of the appearances of Jesus to his disciples after his death. Many think that these appearances in Galilee and Jerusalem are the resurrection. But they are simply to confirm the faith of the disciples. The real resurrection is the passing beyond the world altogether. It is Jesus’ passage from this world to the Father. It was not an event in space and time, but the passage beyond space and time to the eternal, to reality. Jesus passed into reality. That is our starting point. It is into that world that we are invited to enter by meditation. We do not have to wait for physical death, but we can enter now into that eternal world. We have to go beyond the outer appearances of the senses and beyond the concepts of the mind, and open ourselves to the reality of Christ within, the Christ of the resurrection.”  – The New Creation in Christ: Christian Meditation and Community (1994),  pg. 77


Please share:

Deborah (Discerning the World)

Deborah Ellish is the author of the above article. Discerning the World is an internet Christian Ministry based in Johannesburg South Africa. Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. For more information see the About this Website page below the comments section.

8 Responses

  1. Gideon says:

    “a former gangster whose whole body is tattooed”

    Why would you rush out to go get a blessing form something or someone that has been dragged out of a gutter somewhere?

    “He also saw his arms becoming longer and reaching around the globe”

    He’s got the whole world in his arms. Now, where have I heard this before??? I wonder if these people use certain phrases to reach the sub conscious mind of the listener to give themselves more credibility?

  2. Gideon

    Satan is truly a master when it comes to deception.

  3. jacques says:

    I knew about the meeting between Graham and the Pope. My first thought: you dont met with a snake on his ground. Can you please help me to confirm your statement “Graham Power a Freemason”. If this is correct, how do I confirm this?

  4. Jacques

    >> you dont met with a snake on his ground

    I think the correct thought should be, ‘you don’t meet with a snake ever”. Unless you are also a snake. lol

    >> Can you please help me to confirm your statement “Graham Power a Freemason”. If this is correct, how do I confirm this?

    [Edited 20/6/2015 – Comment removed and photos removed from article above that stated Graham Power is a Freemason. See letter from Graham Power to DTW where he says he is nota Freemason and see DTW’s reply above to his letter.]

  5. Jacques,

    A true Christian will NEVER disown and betray Jesus Christ and work together in cahoots with the Whore of Babylon.

  6. jacques says:

    Deborah, thank you for your reply. I live in the same area as Graham Power but I never met him. I just thought you may have more proof of his freemasonary status. Freemasonary is a area that I studied a lot and I think that I do know more than the avarage person. The signal that he used I agree, yes it is a masonary sighn, but I do like to confirm a persons masonary status by membership if possible. I dont dought your statement (looking at who he like to drink tea with), but if you came along more proof I would like to know about it. If he is not a mason he should knew better who to visit. He is a high profile member of our society and people look up to him. I thought by myself that he shoud not visit the pope, but live are full of choices. Farther said in His Word, He put life and death before us, we must choose. Visiting the pope will not change him, they rather will change you. To all the bloggers on this blog, Have a great day, be filled with the Joy of Christ and may we met on the blow of the last trumphet.

  7. Jacques

    [Edited 20/6/2015 – Comment removed and photos removed from article above that stated Graham Power is a Freemason. See letter from Graham Power to DTW where he says he is not a Freemason and see DTW’s reply above to his letter.]

  8. Heather says:

    Graham Power was a member of YPO for years. Research it. Freemasons.

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